Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Efficacy of Pneumatic Lithoclast in the Management of Urolithiasis in Upper, Middle and Lower Ureter by Iftikhar Ijaz in BJSTR

Pneumatic #lithotripter breaks the calculi by oscillatory movement of a solid probe. It is very effective and least morbid approach for all kind of stones in middle and lower Ureter. Although devise is suitable for all parts of Ureter but in upper #ureteric calculi, though small, there is a risk of push back in kidneys.To determine the safety and efficacy of pneumatic lithoclast for calculi in different parts of the Ureter.This was a comparative #interventional longitudinal study conducted at depth of Urology K.E.M.U/Mayo hospital, Lahore over a period of 02 years from Jan 2015 till Jan 2017. Those 140 patients who met the inclusion criteria were enrolled for study. Diagnosis of ureteric calculi was confirmed by X- Ray KUB (kidney, Ureter, bladder) Ultrasound KUB and Intravenous #Urography. Patients were explained all objectives, merits and demerits of the study and written consent were taken. Based on the location of ureteric stones, patints were divided in 03 groups, which were Group A (upper ureteric stones), B (middle ureteric stones) and C (Lower ureteric stones).

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