Wednesday, November 14, 2018

#Novel Technique of Auto# Transplantation of #Ectopic #Canines in Growing Patients by Paweł Plakwicz in BJSTR

Ectopic teeth can be auto transplanted to normal position under certain conditions such as orthodontic and surgical indications and optimal healing of transplants’ tissues after surgery. The healing depends on of extent of #osteotomy and amount of trauma to the root and periodontal #ligament during the surgery. The aim of this paper is to introduce an innovative technique, which reduces trauma during auto #transplantation thus allowing uncomplicated healing. A mandibular #ectopic developing canine was diagnosed in 11-year-old girl. There were orthodontic contraindications for extraction of the affected tooth. Success of treatment would have been thus #dependant on the amount of trauma received during surgery and normal healing after transplantation to normal position. For that reason the novel technique for use of orthodontic bracket was applied to limit trauma to the root during removal of the tooth. The canine’s crown was exposed, orthodontic bracket was bonded to the enamel and wire was attached to the bracket. The pulling force were applied to the bracket and allowed controlled and gentle removal of canine from initial #intraosseous position without abrading its root against surrounding bone. The released canine was immediately transplanted to normal position. One year after surgery the canine erupted spontaneously and presented normal mobility and healthy soft and hard tissues. The use of orthodontic bracket may contribute to reduce trauma to periodontal tissues during removal of impacted teeth for auto transplantation thus promoting uncomplicated healing after surgery.

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