Thursday, December 13, 2018

Comparison of Three Different #Cardiac T2-Mapping Techniques at 1.5 Tesla by Juerg Schwitter in BJSTR


Background: T2-mapping techniques gain increasing acceptance to study #myocardialedema in inflammatory and #ischemicheartdiseases.
Study Aim: To compare the performance of a breath-hold and two free-breathing T2-mapping techniques in a prospective design in healthy subjects.
Methods: Three different sequences for T2-mapping were tested on a #clinicalCMRscanner (Aera, Siemens, Germany) at 1.5T: a) Breath-hold 2D-acquisition technique (2D-BH) b) Free-breathing 2D-technique applying a diaphragmatic navigator (2D-FBNav), and c) Free-breathing 3D-technique applying self-navigation for respiratory motion correction (3D-FBSN). T2-values were quantified in 6 segments per short-axis slice on 5 slices (2D-BH and 3D-FBSN) and 3 slices (2D-FBNav) covering the #leftventricle. #Analyses were also performed with larger segments (8- and 2-segment models). As a quality measure, the coefficient of variation (CV%=standard deviation of T2-value expressed as percentage of mean T2) was determined. Contours were drawn manually by 2 observers using commercial software (Gyrotools, Zurich, Switzerland). T2 differences between techniques, slices, and segments were evaluated by repeated-measures ANOVA and post-hoc Bonferroni-correction.

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