Thursday, January 3, 2019

Challenges to Optimal Care for #OrofacialCleft Patients in Sub-Saharan Africa - The Example of Two Nigerian Tertiary Hospital by Amirize Ezekwe Ekwueme in BJSTR


Background: Complete and comprehensive management of a #cleft patient goes beyond surgical repairs. However, certain challenges may limit total #rehabilitation. This study intends to highlight specific challenges to optimal care for #Orofacialcleft patients in the West African subregion and to suggest possible solution.
Methods: This is a cross sectional study carried out at two tertiary hospitals in Nigeria from January 2012 to December 2014. Cleft lip/palate patients were recruited from regular surgical outpatient clinics and during special surgical outreaches organized by the cleft teams of these hospitals. Consent was obtained from all participants (i.e. self or parental consent). In order to execute an inquiry into the challenges to effective care, a comprehensive preformed was drawn to elicit and record patients’ and parents’ bio-data, relevant history and clinical information as well as patients’ perceived #treatment needs and desired treatment outcomes. Separate inquiries were made to determine the professional group composition of the multidisciplinary cleft team in each hospital, available cleft care services in each hospital, and the treatment protocols observed by each cleft team. The data gathered were analyzed to determine the challenges to optimal care for the cleft patient.

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