Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Development of a New Innovative Teaching Method Using a #ComprehensiveApproach: A Survey of Students' Opinion by Bisrat Hailemeskel in BJSTR


Comprehensive teaching methods have been evaluated by many #health professional colleges and universities for a number of years [1-6]. These methods include the flipped classroom, discussion based learning, #web-basedlearning, case-based learning, interactive team-based learning, direct lecturing, student presentations, daily quizzes and multiple homework assignments [1-6]. The techniques stated above involve both instructor-centered learning and student centered learning. More higher learning institutions are moving towards student centered learning and away from traditional lecture-based learning to help students improve learner retention, promotes critical thinking #skills and encourages lifelong learning [7-15]. There is little information in literature that has assessed the combination of all the teaching methods that uses a comprehensive approach to teach drug information.

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