Friday, January 4, 2019

Evaluation of Gelatin-Hybridized Chelate-Setting Calcium Phosphate Cements in Alveolar Bone Defects of #CanineMandible by Goichi Matsumoto in BJSTR


Aim of this study was to show that modified #calciumphosphatecement (CPC) that includes gelatin particles effectively promotes bone regeneration in the canine mandible. The modified CPC is a mixture of hydroxyapatite (HAp) particles, whose surfaces have been modified with #inositol #hexaphosphate (IP6), and -tricalcium phosphate (-TCP) powder. Mixing powdered gelatin with the HAp surface-modified with IP6 / -TCP cement creates a composite that becomes porous after setting in vivo. For this experiment we produced four experimental mixtures, each with a different concentration of gelatin particles. We created bone defects in the #mandibles of beagle dogs, and we injected one of the four experiment materials in each defect. After 6 months, mandibles were removed for micro-CT and histological analyses. These analyses showed that at experimental sites at which the cement had a gelatin particle mixing ratio of 0 mass% and 5 mass%, new bone had formed only at contact boundaries of #unresorbedcement. In contrast, at each experimental site at which the gelatin particle mixing ratio of the cement was 10 mass% or 15 mass%, the cement specimen was almost completely resorbed and new bone had formed at the peripheral and internal areas of the original cement mass.

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