Sunday, January 6, 2019

Hyperthermic #IntraperitonealChemotherapy (HIPEC) on the Electrolytes Changes and Nefropaty by Aslan Bilge in BJSTR


a) Objective: #Hyperthermia intraperitoneal #chemoprophylaxis (HIPEC) is a treatment of #peritonealcarcinomatosis with potential iatrogenic [1-4]. This study was designed to define the effects of HIPEC on renal functions, electrolytes, nefropaty.
b) Methods:We retrospectively reviewed the #perioperativecare of 20 patients. After cytoreductive surgery (CS), residual tumors were not present in all cases, or were less than or equal to 3 mm (measured in size). Cisplatin 50mg/m2 plus doxorubicin 15mg/m2 was used [1-8]. This is a retrospective study evaluating patients receiving cisplatin with #doxorubicin during HIPEC [9,10]. #Comorbidities and effects of #nephrotoxicdrugs were found. Renal function parameters, including serum magnesium levels, were also collected on preoperative and postoperative creatinine levels and on days 1, 5 and 21 posts HIPEC. Perioperative urine output (UO) was also recorded.
d) Findings:20 patients were identified. Based on the RIFLE classification, patients (2.0%) developed acute renal damage (AKI) with HIPEC after #cisplatin. The other patient had renal damage. Comparable mean #creatinine levels were observed at baseline and on postoperative 21th day after HIPEC (p> 0.05). The incidence of #hypomagnesaemia increased to 10% (p = 0.02) on the 5th day and to 5% on the 21th day (p>0.05) after HIPEC.

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