Monday, January 7, 2019

An Assessment of Automated #Vitamin D Measurement Methods Including a Point-of-Care Testing Method, I-CHROMA™ Using the Randox International Quality Assurance Scheme (RIQAS) by John Bolodeoku in BJSTR


The objective of this review is to firstly assess the performance of commonly used automated #VitaminD measurement methods enrolled in the Randox International Quality Assessment Scheme (RIQAS) against the calculated All Laboratory Trimmed Mean(ALTM), and to secondly evaluate a new point-of-care assay, the #Boditechi-CHROMA™ Vitamin D method against the calculated ALTM. The mean estimates of the following vitamin D methods were lower than the ALTM: Abbott Architect, Roche Cobas vitamin D Total, Roche Elecys, Roche Cobas 4000/e411 and Roche Modular, while the mean estimates of the following methods were higher than the ALTM: Siemens Centaur XP/XPT/Classic, Ortho Vitros, and Beckman 600/800.The mean estimates of the following methods were comparable to the ALTM: Diasorin Liaison and IDS SYS. The ALTM of all the automated vitamin D methods in the RIQAS compared very well with all the following methods.

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