Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Threats to #GreenGum Arabic Production in Sudan by Abu Bakr El Siddig Ahmed Eltohami in BJSTR


The #ruralpopulation of Sudan, and much of its urban population, depends on rests. Trees are the main source of energy and provide #timber for roofing and building. The extensive benefits derived from forests include #grazing, #hunting, shade, forest foods in the form of tree leaves, wild fruits, nuts, tubers and herbs, tree bark for medicinal purposes, and non-wood products such as honey and gum Arabic. In addition, the commercial lumber industry is a small but growing source of employment. This paper aims at identifying the threats facing #sustainablegum Arabic production. Gum Arabic production and marketing in Sudan is witnessing many constraints which can be summarized as follow: expansion of mechanized rain-fed agricultural schemes on natural forests, commercial fuel wood and charcoal making activities (Figure 1), late tapping, infestation of pests such as desert locusts and #QueasierquealiaEthiopica birds, nomadic #pastoralists, Furthermore pricing policies of Gum Arabic Company and limited financial budgets allocated for buying the gum from the, the importers of gum.
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Threats to #GreenGum Arabic Production in Sudan by Abu Bakr El Siddig Ahmed Eltohami in BJSTR

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