Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Journals on Brain Science


Objective: Recently, the 2nd and 4th (2D:4D) digit ratio have been reported to be a non-invasive indicator of #intrauterineandrogen balance and androgen receptor sensitivity. The #maxillarysinus (MS) is the triangular pyramid shaped air filled space found inside the maxilla. Like other paranasal sinuses, MS plays a prominent role in the formation of #facialcontour. The possible relationship between the MS volume and the 2D:4D ratio in men has been investigated.
Materials and Method: 41 male patients aged between 21-39 years (mean 27±5.24), who had a #paranasalsinus (PNS) computer tomography (CT) scan. The MS volume was calculated from the PNS CT scans using the Syngo software. The 2D:4D ratios were calculated by measuring in mm the distance between the end point of the 2nd and 4th digits on the palmar side of the right hand and the lowermost crease (the #metacarpophalangeal crease) using a digital caliper. The relationship between these two numerical values was statistically analyzed.

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