Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Journals on Medical Informatics


In Nigeria, the level of bio safety awareness has not been established especially among workers in HealthCareEstablishments (HCEs), neither have pathogenic organisms in wastes from HCEs been identified. Studies were therefore carried out to highlight the level of bio safety awareness and the biomedical waste disposal practices in selected HCEs in Abuja and Lagos respectively as well as identify parasites from HCE wastes from Lagos prior to final disposal. A total of 200 questionnaires were administered to HCE workers in Abuja and Lagos respectively for information on their knowledge of bio safety and how their wastes are disposed of. Also, samples of urine (40) and stools (50) from 90 HCEs in Lagos were examined for presence of #parasites using standard #parasitologicalmethods comprising of direct wet mount and formol ether concentration techniques. Both urine and stool were examined with 5% lugol iodine and kinyoun carbol fuschin stain. Result shows that HCE workers had knowledge of the basics of bio safety but those in Lagos understood more than the ones in Abuja.

For more articles on BJSTR Journals please click here: https://biomedres.us/

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