Sunday, July 21, 2019

Journals on Biomedical Imaging - BJSTR Journal


The #diabetic patient is subjected to a series of #systemic complications and is more prone to develop other types of pathologies. This is equally applied to the oral cavity. This revision article aims to analyze some of the possible oral manifestations and complication derived from diabetes. Concomitantly it is also pretended to know why these complications and more related to these patients, as well as to observe the differences between the pathogenesis and severity of oral #pathologies among diabetics and non-diabetics. Diabetes is a systemic disease belonging to the group of metabolic diseases in which there are high blood glucose levels. There are several types of diabetes: type 1, type 2, gestational and other types of diabetes [1]. The type 1 or insulin-dependent diabetic patients most often reaches children or young people and may also appear in adults and even among the elderly. This type is one of the rarest. In Type 1 Diabetes, pancreas ft cells fail to produce insulin due to the massive destruction of insulin-producing cells. However, the causes of type 1 diabetes are not yet fully understood. These patients require lifelong #insulin therapy because their body (pancreas) no longer has the power to make it. The type 2 diabetic patient has an insulin deficit and resistance to insulin, which implies a greater amount of insulin for the same amount of glucose in the blood. For this reason, patients with higher insulin resistance may, at an early stage, present higher insulin values and normal glucose values. Unlike type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes is related to poor eating habits as well as genetic factors [2]. Gestational diabetes appears during pregnancy in a previously non-diabetic patient and disappears after the end of gestation. However, this type of diabetes should not be underestimated since almost half of pregnant women with diabetes will later become people with type 2 diabetes if preventive measures are not considered. This type of diabetes can lead to several complications in childbirth such as the need for a cesarean section, an overweight baby and even spontaneous abortions [1,2].

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