Monday, August 26, 2019

Journals on Cancer Medicine - BJSTR Journal


Background: The #AChE (acetylcholinesterase) is a #serine hydrolase responsible for terminating neurotransmission by hydrolyzing the acetylcholine released on synaptic cleft. Studies of AChE as a target of pesticide toxicity have yielded several practical outcomes and are the basis for constructing biosensors. These devices are primarily designed to determine and quantify the inhibition of AChE by toxic chemicals.
Objective: to construct a biosensor based on acetylcholinesterase from the brain of the Prochilodus brevis fish, and to use the same as #biomarker of agrochemicals that inhibit the enzyme.
Methods: Acetylcholinesterase was isolated from curimata fish brain (#prochilodus brevis) and partially purified using amonium sulfate precipitation followed by size-exclusion chromatography (ChE1). AChE from #curimata fish brain was directly immobilizes on the surface of glassy carbon electrode modified with multi-walled carbon nanotubes.

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