Monday, September 9, 2019

Journals on Biomedical Imaging - BJSTR Journal


Technology from the Greek term #technologies which derives from the words "techno" meaning "art" and "logos" meaning "oration, spiel" is nowadays defined as "the result of theoretical knowledge in order to create objects-machines that could affect the ability of a species to control its environment and adapt to it [1]. Imaging is defined as "the visual representation of an image which is perceived by human senses or of a form-figure which could not be understood due to its spatial position" [2]. Anatomy is defined as "the medical branch that deals with the study, recording, and description of the structure of living organisms and their individual systems" [3]. The term "history" derives from the Greek word historian (Greek: "lOTOpta"), meaning "inquiry, knowledge acquired by investigation"). History is usually defined as the study of past events, particularly in human affairs [4]. As technology succeeded to #manufacture machines able to visualize in depth depictions of the human body, in the narrow area where those for different entities are meet, medical imaging, history and anatomy are being connected through technology to create both clinical and learning curves in medicine (Figure 1). Worldwide, human gross anatomy courses form the basis for the medical curricula, aiming to introduce the very core of anatomical concepts within the clinical context both for future and specialized #physicians. A solid understanding of the human's body construction is essential for all medical specialties [5]. Although expert medical professionals consider #anatomy to be the most relevant basic discipline during their daily clinical activity, students usually perceive anatomy as the more challenging subject, resulting to anxiety and learning difficulties [6-7].

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