Sunday, September 8, 2019

Journals on Biopsychological Medicine - BJSTR Journal


Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic inflammatory disorder that can affect any organ tissue during disease process. SLE may influence the nervous system at multiple levels for which it is termed #neuropsychiatric systemic lupus #erythematosus (NPSLE). SLE associated myelitis is a sever but relative rare complication with a prevalence of around 1% among SLE population [1]. The neurological deficits of SLE associated myelitis comprise motor, sensory and autonomic dysfunctions. Motor symptoms include an acute or subacute #paraparesis that can involve the upper extremities, with initial flaccidity followed by #spasticity. Most patients have a sensory level. Typical sensory dysfunctions include pain, #dysesthesia, paresthesia or sensory loss. Autonomic symptoms comprise bladder and bowel incontinence, difficulty voiding, constipation or incomplete evacuation, and sexual dysfunction. The signs and symptoms depend on the level and the extent of spinal injury.

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