Friday, September 13, 2019

Journals on Biomedical Sciences - BJSTR Journal


#Momordica cochinchinensis is a #cucurbit that has long been neglected resulting in its widespread loss from wild habitats. Scientific research has highlighted its biomedical potential as a superior source of nutrition and medicine, with potent activity against various ailments including cancers. This mini review focuses on recent advances and showcases the bioactive compounds to scientifically validate its usefulness and inspire future applications. Momordica cochinchinensis (Lour.) Spreng is geographically restricted to tropical climates predominantly in Southeast Asia with wild populations both genetically and #morphologically diverse Wimalasiri et al. [1]. Vernacular names throughout Australasia to Europe suggest its historical significance and widespread occurrence Lim but its importance was often downgraded by the majority of the community as a common and inexpensive food crop. Scientific validation has highlighted and elevated the importance of the fruit and has rejuvenated the crop for future developments locally and internationally. The aril of #M. cocnincninensis contains the highest levels of nutritionally important carotenoids of all known fruits and vegetables, with more than 150 and 200 times the level of lycopene and p-carotene than that found in tomatoes and carrots, respectively Gul et al. [2]; Javanmardi & Kubota Vuong and King, Wimalasiri et al.

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