Monday, September 16, 2019

Journals on Medical Research - BJSTR Journal


Identification of superior parents has been always #pre-requisite in the #hybridization for the crop improvement. The present work was taken up to study the crossability behaviour of various accessions of pea on the basis of their pod set and the genetic diversity was studied using RAPD markers. There was non-significant correlation between pod set and viability of pollen. #Pollen germination and pollen tube growth increased from 8 hour to 24 hour and these were positively related with the pod set. A total of 45 RAPD primers were selected to assess genetic diversity of 40 accessions of pea. Scoring of 45 primers gave 345 bands out of which 306 bands were found to be polymorphic. The PIC value ranged from 0.73 to 0.99, with an average of 0.86 based upon four primers (OPC 11, GM 100, V 03 and N 20) which were found to be highly informative. Euclidean distance was used to construct #cluster dendrogram based on Ward's D method Ward [1]. #Dendrogram shows that Makochabi 1 and Debgiri were more distinct then Bankim and Pant-5. S-10 and imported varieties were found to be very less distinct from others. The knowledge of genetic diversity of pea accession is highly essential for pea breeders to produce new varieties or hybrids with higher yield and better quality.

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