Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Medical and Medicinal Journal - BJSTR Journal


#Artisanal gold mining activities has increased tremendously over the #Sudanese arid and semi-arid environment of the country and has resulted in significant environmental and socioeconomic impacts. This paper aims at identifying the impact of artisanal gold mining on the deserts environment of the Sudan and it is trying to draw a road map for attaining a smart traditional or artisanal gold mining. This paper is a review article and therefore it is dependent to a great extent on a critical review of the available and reliable literature, as well as, the personal experience of the author. These impacts can be summarized as follows: defacing of landscape and consequent change in the natural hydrology of the mining areas, pollution of desert's environment that occurs as result of gold extraction through using toxic and #hazardous substances such as mercury, #arsenic and #cyanide, acid drainage which threatens the neighbouring rivers and ground waters. Therefore, pollution of ground and surface waters in nearby water body e.g. River Nile during the rainy season where rainwater will wash these pollutants polluting the previously mentioned sources. Moreover, Artisanal gold mining has resulted in polluting the soils of the neighbouring agricultural lands and range lands as well.

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Smart Artisanal Gold Mining from a Sudanese Perspective by Abu Bakr El Siddig Ahmed El Tohami in BJSTR

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