Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Is BJSTR a peer reviewed journal?

 Is BJSTR a peer reviewed journal?


 Peer review is the essential part for maintaining substantial standard in publishing and brings out the best possible scientific novel information from the potential authors and researchers globally. Yes, BJSTR is a Peer reviewed journal and their policies are highly appreciated, accepted and adaptable to the criteria. It is necessary to publish your research work in a reputed peer reviewed journal like BJSTR. Traditional peer review is generally (1) anonymous, with either the reviewer unknown to the author (single-blind review) or both author and reviewer unknown to each other (double-blind review); (2) selective, with reviewers selected by editors; and (3) confidential, with neither the review process nor the reviews themselves made public. BJSTR follows double-blind review -&nbspThis website is for sale! -&nbspprocess Resources and Information. BJSTR’s Peer review process experts in particular fields review and critically analyze the research study and suggest necessary changes whenever required.The process is usually conducted before accepting the article for publication.The process takes 10-12 days or even more than 2 weeks to review the papers based on article. This suggests that besides the time reviewers take, efficient editorial processes also play an important role.Authors’ satisfaction is apparently influenced by their expectations regarding what is common in their field.Qualitative information provided by the authors indicates that editors can enhance author satisfaction by taking an independent position. Several suggestions have been done to make it more attractive for scientists to act as reviewers.Feedback about the outcome of the submission and quality of the review, appointment of reviewers to the journal’s editorial board and financial incentives have been done. There is little reason to expect authors from different fields to be fundamentally different in the way they experience the different aspects of the peer review process. However, there might be different expectations between fields about review duration and hence about what is considered a long process.Total review duration refers to the time a manuscript is under responsibility of the BJSTR journal.Total review duration does not include the time taken by authors to revise and resubmit their manuscript.Rejected manuscripts have on average less review rounds, we restrict this analysis to accepted papers.The total time a manuscript is with the journal is determined by the time a journal takes for a review round and by the number of review rounds.Interestingly,a shorter duration of the first review round, a lower number of review rounds, and acceptance of the paper, are associated with a significantly higher overall rating of the experience with BJSTR.

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