Sunday, November 24, 2019

Journals on Biomedical Engineering - BJSTR Journal


#Multiple sclerosis (MS) is one of the #complex diseases. Genetics, environmental and emotional factors have shown to play essential roles in evoking the disease pathology. More interestingly, epigenetic factors were established as major influencers of the disease severity [1] Of those epigenetic factors; the #microRNA (miRNA) plays a fundamental function in MS #pathogenicity. MiRNA are small noncoding RNA molecules with a size of approximately 22 nucleotides involved in post-transcriptional regulations of the genes [2-5]. In one of the first published papers on the relation between MS and miRNA, Otaegui and his group found differential miRNA profile between MS patient and healthy volunteers when analyzing 364 #peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) samples. More so, they found that even between MS patients, miRNA profile can differentiate between remissions and relapses stages [6]. One of the most attractive miRNA associated with MS was the miR-155. In 2009, Junker et al have for the first time identified miR-155 upregulation in active MS lesions [7]. Subsequently, many have established the role of this miRNA in relapsing stages of MS and experimental autoimmune #encephalomyelitis (EAE) [4,8-15]. MiR-155 was of interest due to its important roles in #immunesystem regulation. This miRNA has been proven to target the suppressor of cytokine signaling -1 (SOSC1); a negative regulator of cytokines signaling. It was also proven to induce T- cell differentiation along the T-helper 17 (Th17) and T-helper 1 (Th1) cells lines [16- 19].

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