Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Journals on Biomedical Intervention - BJSTR Journal


 In the research of medical science, there is an important field of #psychology which is adjacent to our daily life and long life in each person. Transactional analysis (TA) was initiated by Eric Berne as a personality theory [1,2]. It is simple and useful psychotherapy for evaluating preferable human communication and improving the personality trait and growth. It was called #egogram, which has three ego states including P (Parent), A (Adult), C (Child). This theory has been succeeded by John M. Dusey. He developed egogram for easy understanding and research, because it has proposed to have five egos, which are Critical Parent (CP), and #Nurturing Parent (NP), Adult (A), Free Child (FC) and Adapted Child (AC) [3,4]. It has been used widely for its simple and useful for clinical research and application.After that, University of Tokyo developed Tokyo University Egogram (TEG) by the #psychosomatic group. It has the characteristic aspects consistent with the personality trait in Japanese people [5.6] .

For more articles on BJSTR Journal please click on https://biomedres.us/

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