Sunday, December 8, 2019

Journals on Emergency Medicine - BJSTR Journal


There are various options to access the left atrium in surgical interventions performed on the mitral valve. #Transapical approach is used to implant transcatheter valves for mitral #bioprosthesis failure (valve in valve implantation) and implantation of artificial #neo-chordae to correct mitral regurgitation [1,2]. It is also subsequently accessed through a standard left atriotomy incision from both left and right side of the atrium, superior or dome approach, right atriotomy (trans septal, superior septal, inferior trans septal, and extended trans septal approaches), trans aortic approach, and finally through the left #ventriculotomy. Excellent visualization of the operative area is the key for a successful mitral valve surgery. Various clinical conditions and the body #habitus of the patient do affect good surgical exposure, and the surgeon should be aware of all these approaches so that he can choose the right approach to a given patient. In this study, we offered superior septal approach as a second option particularly in cases where adequate exposure in small left atrium was hard to achieve with conventional left #atriotomy. 20 patients underwent mitral valve replacement operation using cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) by a single surgeon between March 2017 - November 2017 at the Hisar Intercontinental Hospital. 

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