Sunday, December 29, 2019

Journals on Medical Microbiology - BJSTR Journal


Different technologies have been developed to manipulate DNA, but until recently they were costly, labor-intensive and #timeconsuming. Discovery of the #Clustered Regularly-Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR), the mechanism of the CRISPR- based prokaryotic adaptive immune system (CRISPR-associated system, Cas), and its transformation into a potent DNA editing tool has changed completely the field of gene manipulation. CRISPR/ Cas9 genome editing was derived from the naturally occurring defense mechanism used by bacteria to shield themselves from infection by #bacteriophages and mobile genetic elements. In nature, CRISPR functions as a bacterial adaptive immune system, releasing RNAs that are complementary to intruding DNA - marking them for destruction. After the initial intensive period of data accumulation, CRISPR was soon adapted for a vast range of applications-creating complex animal models of human-inherited diseases and cancers; performing #genome-wide screens in human cells to define the genes responsive for specific biological processes; regulating the expression of specific genes; used to genetically modifying plants.

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