Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Journals on Pharmaceutical Sciences - BJSTR Journal


Measles is one of the highly contagious, serious disease caused by #rubeola virus. Before the vaccine for measles it has caused almost 2.3 million deaths each year, mostly children under age of 5 years. Measles is a human disease and there is no evidence that it ever occurred in animals [1]. Measles virus is spread mostly by droplet route like coughing, #sneezing, close personal contact with the infected individual. Virus has the capability to remain active for at least 2 hours in the air or on infected surfaces. Infected individual can lead to some serious complications: #pneumonia, seizures, #laryngotracheobronchitis, otitis media [2]. It is essential that proper diagnosis and vaccination is important to prevent the onset of disease and to avoid any complications. Therefore, a live attenuated vaccine is available to prevent the onset of disease [3].#Measles is still serious health problem in developing countries, and an estimated death are 74% in 2000 to 2010. The WHO Global action plan for 2020 has a target to eliminate measles in at least five regions by 2020. Elimination is defined as "the absence of #endemic measles transmission in a defined geographical area" [4]. However, in the pre-vaccine era, the season for outbreak is usually late winter and early spring while in tropical climatic condition outbreaks occurred in the dry season [5].

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Measles by Muhammad S Khan in BJSTR
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