Thursday, January 16, 2020

Journals on Medical Informatics - BJSTR Journal


#Lignocellulosic waste streams from agriculture, paper and wood industry are renewable, plentiful and low-cost raw materials that can be used for large-scale production of liquid and gaseous biofuels. As opposed to prevailing multi-stage biotechnological processes developed for #bioconversion of cellulosic substrates to ethanol where high cost cellulase preparations are used, consolidated #Bioprocessing (CBP) offers to accomplish cellulose and xylan hydrolysis followed by fermentation of both C6 and C5 sugars to ethanol in a single-stage process. Syntrophic microbial consortium comprising of anaerobic, #thermophilic, cellulolytic, and saccharolytic bacteria in the genus Clostridia with improved ethanol productivity and high tolerance to fermentation end-products had been proposed for achieving CBP. 65 new strains of anaerobic #thermophilic cellulolytic and saccharolytic Clostridia were isolated from different wetlands and hot springs in Georgia.

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