Rapid Generalized Seizures, Acute Central Nervous System Depression, and Delayed Bradycardia Triggered by Synthetic Cannabinoid “Ganesha” and Methamphetamine
Objective: To report a case of immediate generalized seizure,
acute central nervous system (CNS) depression, and delayed bradycardia
following low-dose inhalations of synthetic cannabinoid (SCB), Ganesha, a
cannabinoid (CB) agonist.
Background: Despite the wide use and legalizing movements of SCB, its
health risks are under-reported. We report its severe toxic
manifestation including rapid-onset seizure, CNS depression, and
negative chronotropic effect on the heart triggered by low dose
Case Report: A fit 36 years old methamphetamine male user
presented with generalized tonic-clonic seizures within three minutes of
SCB inhalations. Seizures recurred three times; each episode lasted 3
to 4 minutes. This was followed by acute CNS depression within 30
minutes of SCB use, with fluctuating GCS between 3 and 9. Intubation was
performed for airway security. Initial vitals were: T, 37.2; BP, 91/49
mmHg; HR, 78 bpm; RR, 12/min on ventilator. Full blood counts, liver
functions and serum chemistry values were unremarkable. Imaging studies
including CXR and non-contrast CT of Brain/neck were normal. Bedside ECG
were initially normal. Urinary drug screen tested positive for
cannabinoid, amphetamine, and benzodiazepines. During ICU admission,
recurrent episodes of sinus bradycardia (39 bpm) were observed at
approximately 14 hours post-SCB inhalation. Boluses of atropine were
required for transient chronotropic support. Patient made unremarkable
recovery in the following day and self-discharged.
Discussion: SCB and CB agonist are easily accessible in many
parts of the world or via internet. Its neurotoxicity can be potentiated
by chronic methamphetamine use. Although some reports suggested CB
agonists have anti-epileptic benefits, we believe the risks and benefits
of SCB and CB agonists require more cautious evaluation.
Conclusion: Inhalation of SCB or CB agonist can cause rapid
generalized seizures and potential coma, especially with concurrent use
of methamphetamine. Clinician and general public should be made aware on
the severity of its health risks even with low-dose use.
Keywords: Synthetic Cannabinoids, Seizures, Bradycardia, Marijunanas, Methamphetamine
Abbreviations: SCB: Synthetic Cannabinoids;
GCS: Glasgow Coma Score; HR: Heart Rate; RASS: Richmond
Agitation-Sedation Scale; RR: Respiratory Rate; CT: Computed Tomography;
CXR: Chest X-ray; BP: Blood Pressure
“Ganesha,” a new form of synthetic cannabinoids (SCB), has becoming a
popular alternative to the cannabinoids (CB) [1]. CB-use has been
supported by recreational advocates for its potential on pain control,
anti-inflammatory, and anti-epileptic effects [2]. However, its adverse
effects are growing concerns [3,4]. SCBs act
as CB-agonists and should be used with caution. The death rates
associated with SCBs have been rising with their popularity [3]. Due to
inconsistent means of production and ingredient data, health risks of
SCBs are difficult to predict. To date, typical presentations of
CB-agonist toxicity ranges from nausea, vomiting, agitation,drowsiness,
and tachycardia in mild cases to psychosis, myoclonus,
seizures and coma in severe cases [4]. However, these responses
are not predictable, especially when mixing with drugs such as
methamphetamine, a popular sympathomimetic psychostimulant.
Although delayed-onset of seizures have been documented to
associate with SCBs [4], rapid onset has not been reported. We
report a case of low-dose Ganesha inhalation triggering immediate
seizures with acute mental deterioration followed by delayed
Case Report
A 36-years-old healthy male was brought in by ambulance for
generalized seizures following two inhalations of SCB, “Ganesha”.
Collateral history confirmed the following: 1. profuse vomiting
following two puffs of Ganesha; 2. generalized tonic-clonic seizures
developed within 3 minutes, with four-limbs thrashing, body
twitching, and eyes rolling back; 3. Fluctuating mental status with
agitations, Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) range between 3 and 9.
Each of the three lasted 3-4 minutes and was not accompanied by
postictal incontinence. Intravenous midazolam 2.5mg was given for
agitations during transfer, but with little effect. Within 30 minutes
of ED arrival, his GCS dropped to 6 (E1 V1 M4) without recovery. An
uncomplicated intubation was performed with 100mg Ketamine
and 100mg rocuronium. His initial vitals post-intubation were:
weight, 95 kg; height, 192 cm; temperature (T), 37.2 ˚C; blood
pressure (BP), 91/49 mmHg, heart rate (HR), 78 bpm, respiratory
rate (RR), 12/min. BP improved to 112/62 mmHg with 1.5 L of fluid
resuscitation. Sedation was maintained at Richmond Agitation-
Sedation Scale (RASS) -4 with propofol infusion at 200mg/hr for
agitation and airway security.
Full-body examinations were unremarkable. His has right
hemicolectomy for bowel cancer at the age of 29. He takes no regular
medications other than 2-year history of daily methamphetamineuse.
He has 20-pack-year smoking history. Initial ECG was normal,
(Figure 1). Chest X-ray (CXR) was clear. Non-contrast computed
tomography (CT) of the brain and neck was normal. Full blood
count, liver function, serum chemistry and serial arterial blood
gas were unremarkable. Urinary drug screens tested positive for
amphetamine, cannabinoid, and benzodiazepine, (Figure 2). He
developed sinus bradycardia with rates of 39 bpm at 14 hours
post-SCB inhalation. Boluses of atropine 600 mcg were required
in ICU. The patient made unremarkable recovery on ICU day 2 and
was successfully extubated. Unfortunately, he then self-discharged
against medical advices and continued to use recreational drugs.
Figure 1: (a) initial ECG during ED presentation. (1b) sinus bradycardia captured 14-hours post-SCB use. No intrinsic cardiac
conduction abnormality was detected.

Our case supports that SCB’s use can be dangerous. Rapid
life-threatening seizures followed by acute mental deterioration
can occur with low-dose Ganesha inhalations. Multi-substance
cocktail by avid users complicates treatments for toxicity due
to a combination of sympathetic and parasympathetic features.
Proactive measures for SCB toxicity are sometimes required. SCB
has been documented to cause convulsions; however, the onsets are
usually delayed and triggered by higher-dose of use [4]. Activation
of CB1 receptors by SCB or CB agonist has been postulated to control
epilepsy [2,5]; this is contrary to our observation. While the observed
seizure activities may be due to patient’s methamphetamine-use,
typical features of sympathomimetic toxicity including tachycardia,
hypertension, or cerebral ischemia were not observed [6]. On the
other hand, chronic methamphetamine-use likely contributed to
the low-seizure-threshold through dopamine-store depletion and
damages on serotonin and dopamine neuronal transmissions [7].
Conflicting reports on SCB triggering tachycardia or bradycardia
are noted [4,8]. We reported a suspected negative chronotropic
effect from the use of Ganesha. We acknowledge propofol may
suppress HR but only at much higher dose [9].
We demonstrated that Ganesha, a new form of SCB, have multiple
serious adverse effects when used with methamphetamine. These
risks include immediate seizures, CNS depression and potential
respiratory depression, and suspected bradycardia following lowdose
inhalation. It is therefore important for clinicians to prepare
for these medical emergencies when encountering a patient with
SCB toxicity.
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