Growth of Phytoplankton
Phytoplankton Dynamical System
In the paper of Bernard - Gouze [1] one analyse a model of phytoplankton growth based on the dynamical system

where x1 means the substrate, x2 is the phytoplankton biomass and x3 is the intracellular nutrient per biomass, with the physical domain
The previous dynΣamical system is non cooperative and has the equilibrium point
We introduce the phytoplankton vector field
of components
and the maximal field line x = x(t, x0), t ∈ I, which satisfies the initial condition x(t0, x0) = x0. In order to find bounds for substrate, biomass, and intracellular nutrient per biomass, we use the techniques of optimization developed in our papers [2-6].

Bounds for Phytoplankton Substrate
We use the following problem: ftnd max f (x1, x2, x3) = x1 with the restriction x=x(t,x0). We set the critical point condition
. In this case
It follows the relation
The convenient solution (critical point)
must be

The sufficient condition Hess
reduces to 

Since at the critical point we have
the condition goes to
and the convenient condition is
. Theorem 2.1. Suppose that on a evolution line (field line) it exists a point x¯ at which we have

Then the phytoplankton substrate has an upper bound at this point.
Bounds for Phytoplankton Biomass
Let us use the problem: ftnd max
subject to x=x(t,x0).

Growth of phytoplankton: The critical point condition is
it follows the relation
The convenient solution (critical point)
The sufficient condition Hess

Theorem: Suppose that on a evolution line (field line) it exists a point at which we have

then the x2(t) component of the corresponding field line has an upper bound at this point.
In the direct alternative, we build the composite function g(x(t, x0)). The condition

reduces to
the convenient solution is
The condition
we find x2 > 0, x1 − 2 < 0. The same result is obtained as in the previous method.

Bounds for Intracellular Nutrient Per Biomass
Now the helping problem is: compute max
with the restriction 

The critical point condition is
Since Δh = ∇h = (0,0,1), it follows the relation
The critical point
The sufficient condition Hess
reduces to 

Since at the critical point we have
the condition goes to

Theorem: Suppose that on a evolution line (field line) it exists a point x at which we have
Then the intracellular nutrient per biomass has an upper bound at this point.

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