Friday, December 8, 2023

Time to Exceed the Physical World to Reach the Quantum Dimension


Time to Exceed the Physical World to Reach the Quantum Dimension


Dark Space and Universe Energy

Dark dominates the universe. The source of light is also darkness. Accordingly, “dark light” is the central concept of the universe. Because of darkness, galaxies are held together, and that’s how gravity is provided. Darkness is found throughout the universe. There is also space in every dimension of the universe. This gap allows communication between objects. Thus, in the dark space, there’s an electrical current, which is a magnetic attraction area. This magnetic field moves mass. The magnetic field created by the dark space is the magnetic field in which the movement and flow of objects in the nucleus of the mass in the universe occurs. Thus, galaxies, planets, and objects in the universe don’t all rotate in the same direction. Some stars have very little or little light because of the magnetic field they have. But not all parts of the universe have the same levels of a magnetic field. The same is true for the human body. Just like the Earth, planets have the magnetic field of space. Where there is magnetic field, there is life. This is because the magnetic field, the planet, has an atmosphere in its own right and in accordance with its conditions. The magnetic field in space is not the same everywhere. Thus, the effect of this magnetic field is different. Scott Kelly was on the International Space Station for about a year. When he returned to Earth in 2016, he was noted to have grown five centimeters. Kelly says it’s easier to get used to living in space than to living in the world. Accordingly, human body cells can adjust to any environment.

The fact that even telomers have this feature demonstrates that all cells and organs in the human body have a quantum size. Thus, the human body is three-dimensional with all of its cells and organs. The formation of the universe and the human magnetic field takes place in the space environment. The magnetic field generates energy. The energy in the universe is fed by this dark space. Accordingly, this “Dark cosmic light” is the main energy that feeds the universe and humans. Every creature in the universe has another magnetic field, except for its own magnetic field, which is made by a dark space. Just as an atom has a magnetic field, the Earth and the galaxies have their own magnetic fields. A magnetic field is one of the forces that play a role in the transformation of energy in the universe from one form to another. Because everything in the universe has its own magnetic field, we perceive the universe as material and see it as the universe. We can only see part of the universe. We cannot see the rest of the universe. The reason for this is that the dark energy causes the universe to accelerate into expansion. The gravitational effect of dark energy drives this. It alienates objects and accelerates the expansion of the universe. Where a magnetic field is generated, there is magnetization. In the universe, energy is drawn into space. Thus, the energy is in the voids. The dark energy that occurs in space accelerates the expansion of the universe. Likewise, human gaps maintain energy and promote human development in the human body.

As a matter of fact, a fetus is in the abdomen of the womb and continues to grow and develop in the space. The organs in the human body have their own voids, which produce magnetic fields. The lobes in the brain, some organs of the human body such as the lungs, kidneys, eyes, and ears are dual to produce magnetic fields in the voids. In this case, these organs form magnetization because there are molecules in voids that collect light. These light-containing molecules change shape with light. Then they recharge in the dark. If we take the human eye out of the socket and replace it with a new artificial eye, the light coming into the eyelid will stimulate the cells inside, send a signal, and start to see again. On the other hand, if we cut the nerve away from the brain’s sensory field, the brain will continue to function. Neil Harbisson was naturally colorblind and could “hear” the colors with an aerial attached to his head. Likewise, people without both hemispheres gain the functions of the brain. Humans have specialized tissues where chemicals in the air (in space) that can interact with neurons. Neurons in the human body have multiple processes. For example, in parts of the brain (occipital) that are associated with vision, the lobe also carries hearing and touch information. Also, areas outside the visual cortex allow us to see some neurons. Therefore, if neurons in the brain enable vision, neurons in the heart and other organs perform the vision. The act of seeing is not just about the eye.

The human genome has genes that enable us to see. There are two types of vision genes. One is a gene that’s formed in cavities, and the other is a gene that’s specialized in the air to enable the chemical to interact with the neurons to see. The phenomenon of human vision occurs when light enters into an eye space rather than when it is transmitted through the eyes. Accordingly, the light, which is conscious through the development of magnetic field, undergoes energy transformation. When conscious light interacts with an intensive magnetic field, changes occur within nerves and spaces. Every neuron in the human brain has a different photon. Light is therefore conscious and has the same effect on physical, chemical objects and gases in the human body, but some chemicals and gases create intensive magnetic fields. Cells use the magnetic field that forms in space.

Dark Space and Time

Mobility occurring in the universe is related to the direction of movement of the objects. The quantum-sized notion of time creates time based on the magnetic environment. Thus, the time of planets is different. The quantum mechanism walks with time. But the quantum dimensional time is different from the time in the universe. Therefore, as the size of the universe jumps, time changes according to these dimensions. Time is associated with motion in the universe. There are proteins that are produced by movement in the human body. Like the universe, the human body has a space in which time passes backwards.

Dark Cosmic Light

It’s light or optical light that we see for things. But there are forms of light that are not visible around us like ultraviolet light. According to physicists, light is the name of a physical being. There are many light types such as etheric, infra, ultraviolet, electra, gamma, and nucleon lights. Light is mainly used for 12-20 unit TV series, but is also longer series such as black light. But even though it’s said that the eye can’t detect such light, the eye can actually detect them. It is just that the enzymes and proteins to ensure this perception do not become activated and the eye cannot perceive these lights because perceiving light is dimensional work. The array-length difference in the light also makes its energy different. If it weren’t for this range difference, the messages from the universe and other things would only tell you their fractals, but not their properties. Therefore, the messages the eye will send to living creatures should not be based on certain light waves, like an optic spectral analyser that sees the detection center, but on the energy difference. The transfer of consciousness starts in the space that forms the universe and in the Dark Cosmic Light Alemdar [1]. Dark cosmic light is linked to all dimensions in the universe. If man transfers energy from cosmic light in the universe, it raises its own consciousness.

Space connections in the human body are essential in order for the body to function properly due to their role in electrical connection. Anatomic gaps exist in the human body. Consciousness transfer is also performed during sleep by discovering body cavities. This space is where the main source of energy is generated that triggers everything in man and the universe, which is a great source of energy where everything moves. Thus, what we call the void, which exists in the universe and in man, is full of energy. There are transitions in the dark space. There are magnetic pathways that happen in those spaces in the universe and in humans. Consciousness arises in the cavities of the human body. Spaces in the human body are the most suitable places for observing dark energy. Both dark energy and physical matter are found in voids. Therefore, dark energy can be detected.


There are ninety-nine types of consciousness. Within these ninety-nine consciousness, there are special consciousness. There are 360 aspects of consciousness. One in every way helps with information from the magnetic fields that form in the human body, which is to say, the way the mind activates. That is, every person has a different level of consciousness. In this direction, every person has a frequency level. Although this level of awareness can be raised, not every person can attain the same level of awareness. Ninetynine conscious species have different frequencies. Humans are only aware of the consciousness of visible light. However, a human lives in different frequency sizes. With different frequencies, there are ninety-nine dimensions formed by ninety-nine consciousness in the universe. The cells in the human body also have a special consciousness. These cells have special time zones where the consciousness of these cells activate. Therefore, each nerve in the human body is sensitive to photons of different colors.

Sleep as a Type of Consciousness

Sleep is connected to universal energy. Therefore, consciousness transfer takes place during sleep. Awareness is raised in the body cavities, and then energy is transferred between the universe and this vacuum. Human memory is accumulated in body cavities. Different parts of the brain have different tasks. These zones are responsible for language, memory, consciousness and intelligence. Emotions such as memory, thinking and feeling are created in spaces Reddy, et al. [2]. While the responsibility for these tasks initially burden the brain, in fact all organs of the body assume these functions. The major consideration here is that brain organs tend to think, act, and receive signals, which are actually developed in gaps in the human body. As such, what do these parts of the brain actually do when you consider people without brains or other living things? In fact, the entire body is in motion and all body cells are constantly renewed, developed, and divided. Neurons do not only belong to the brain, but also exist in other organs of the body such as the heart. All parts of the brain are like a distribution site. Since everything happens in space, these parts of the brain are dissipating energy. There are pathways in the space and light is emitted from these pathways to the whole body in different ways Alemdar [1]. Accordingly, emotion, thought, and automatic movements of people are caused by the spread of consciousness that is formed in different sizes than the pathways of the human body.

The magnetic field in the brain transforms light into a form other than the initial form Kletetschka [3]. The sensing and talking points in the brain are distribution centers. There are proteins inside the brain that produce magnetic waves. The effect of the magnetic field allows the neurons to produce signals. During the fourth week of fetal formation, the fastest developing cells are the nerve cells, the neurons. This is the longest-lasting group of cells. These cells survive without rejuvenation. At the end of the fourth week, neurons leave the spine. Neurons know what to do and where to go on this journey and they never miss the way. How do neurons find their direction without any mistakes? The answer is cells that have a magnetic field in the human body and the magnetism that occurs in that area. This creates a special consciousness in cells. A certain amount of sleep is necessary to maintain consciousness. In fact, humans move to the consciousness phase when they sleep and become open to the magnetic fields of the universe. Thus, a quantum-sized human can initiate the transfer of consciousness during sleep. The person is dismissed from the outside world while asleep. When asleep, neurons gradually calm down. Electrical wave activity begins with the magnetic field in space and light consciousness occurs within the human body. When a person has little sleep, an insufficient amount of magnetic fields and energy is created in the brain or body cavity during energy transfer.

In this case, the human body begins to produce slow waves. This can affect human consciousness and, linked to memory, causes the development of harmful proteins. Sleep must be at night. Because at night, the pressure in the brain goes down. The human being is linked to another dimension in the REM stage RuĂ©-Queralt, et al. [4]. In the moment of sleep, awareness is transferred through the tunnel connections I call “human wormholes,” which transfer consciousness outside of time and space. According to this, a dream is not a realm of fantasy. Man is connected to two lives and has a two-way body. These are the state of sleep with alertness. One feature of paradoxical sleep, called REM, are the signals that are propagated by the brain during this sleep phase. Consciousness transfer is shaped by the individual’s level of consciousness. When consciousness transfer begins during REM sleep, the brain’s emotional and memory aspects are activated first Rasch [5]. This is related to the transfer of consciousness into the brain cavity in REM sleep, and the arrival of inspiration that has led to many inventions during that time Hobson, et al. [6]. Paul McCartney, the Beatles’ star in the world’s most famous band, acquired some of his songs during this phase. Dmitri Mendeleyev, the inventor of the periodic table, also dreamed about it. Examples of this are numerous.

People who sleep less are more likely to develop sleep disorders such as sleep apnea, elevated blood pressure, heart attack or stroke. Non-sleeping people have a toxic sticky protein called beta-amyloid in their brains. Insomnia causes more beta-amyloid accumulation in the brain. There are a number of systems still unexplored in the human brain. These systems serve as energy distribution centers in the brain. Beta-amyloid is not only present in the brain, but also in other organs of the body. For example, beta-amyloid is located around liver and biliary ducts Babu [7]. Adequate sleep helps remove all the dangerous toxins accumulated in the brain, including betaamyloid. However, REM also appears to increase blood circulation and beta amyloid accumulation in the brain fluid. It turns out that this particular protein, when it accumulates in the brain regions, attacks and damages these areas. Lack of REM sleep reduces the capacity to clean out beta-amyloid. The information obtained by the brain is linked to each other during the transfer of consciousness through sleep to the brain cavity. People who do not sleep or do not draw enough energy during transfer from dark light at night damage their body organs and start to produce harmful proteins. At night, consciousness transfer occurs. DNA repair occurs overnight as well Zada, et al. [8]. Many things are being rebuilt during the night. We use another energy at night, and another energy during the day.

The universe, too, is fed by darkness. During the conscious transfer in the visible and invisible spectrum, there is a cycle of alertness and sleepiness. Magnetic bacteria, which may be the main source of magnetic sensors in humans, are synthesized in the intestine and concentrated in certain parts of the brain. Accordingly, the bacteria that produces magnetite in the human body allows the creation of dreams in the brain. Toxic gases also produce negative magnetic fields. Magnetic fields come into contact with each other through sleep-vigilance and interaction made as a result of day and night. During the transfer of dark energy from space at night, during REM sleep, acetylcholine and similar molecules are doubled, creating new bonds between it and the neurons. The magnetic fields that occur during REM, i.e., transfer of consciousness, are communicated with the neurons Pace-Schott [9]. This magnetic field in space, and the neurons, just like a magnet, pull one another. Since the transfer of consciousness takes place at night, this situation necessitates sleep. A heavenly body that rises to the earth from the dark at night has light and energy, and the process of transferring the body from the celestial body to the human being begins with the light/energy that comes at night. Humans are part of the energy that occurs within the dark space. The whole body nervous system consists of neuron cells, which carry electric and chemical impellers.

If you want to measure impellers of the nervous system, some are going at 200 miles an hour, some are going at 2 miles an hour. How is it that the brain and other parts of the body can coordinate the nervous system and our sensitive movements when these impellers travel at different speeds as predicted? Now this is a problem that needs to be solved. Here, this system needs a gap that explains how to coordinate. A review of nervous system activity reveals that it starts to fire simultaneous vibrations and pulses across different parts of the brain. When consciousness functions, these pulses start firing mainly coherently. Scientists, too, look at how all different parts of the brain in the same focus can quickly co-ordinate, and that compliance in firing is faster than the physical capabilities of cells communicating from one area to another. Therefore, essentially, these results clearly show that the brain communicates at a higher level than the physical transmission of nerves. And because you’re tuned to the energy in this body cavity, you’re constantly in contact with this information band. And the memory that is communicating in this information band is in the body cavities, including the brain. Because every cell has its own memory. Memory does not just belong to the brain. Subatomic particles extract energy in voids. The energy between the subatomic particles is formed in space. There is a large amount of energy in this gap. The energy in this space continues the invisible energy around us. This vacuum contains energy, or “consciousness information.”

This consciousness in the gap is always accessible, which allows a person to constantly draw information. Backster’s research on the subject is striking Backster [10]. He took DNA samples from subjects, put them in an isolated lab about 300 kilometers away, and urged them to change the minds of the subjects they belong to, and to think of bad events, to fear. The DNA in the lab completely changed and affected the subject’s DNA, 300 kilometers away. In my opinion, the occurrence of this effect is due to the aforementioned gap. There is no loss of information and time in the space where information is transferred. The brain makes up approximately two percent of the total body weight. A considerable amount of energy is used to support brain activity. Today’s research attempts to combine the human brain with artificial intelligence. Their work combines artificial intelligence and the human brain, and works on implant devices that connect a computer directly to the brain. These chips/implants should be placed in the cavities inside the human brain. This is the only way to succeed.

Synapses are the areas in the space where neurons transmit neurons to each other. Cells are often separated in an incredibly subtle space called the synaptic space. The brain communicates with its surroundings through sensory organs that react to various stimuli such as light, sound waves and pressure. Sleep-wake cycles are controlled by neuro transmitters that act on different areas of the brain to initiate and wake sleep. If a person does not get enough sleep, the ability to think and remember clearly and rapidly decreases.

The person’s frequency is high during sleep Whitmore [11]. This is because the consciousness during sleep is in communication with the universal consciousness. It thus dominates the nervous system and, through it, the organism. People are usually on the move during the day. At night, the opposite is partially inactive. Centers that appear inactive and passive to the environment during sleep achieve important tasks inside. The effects to the brain increase the movement of the molecules that make up the centers of the brain. The human body is made up of enzymes and cells that work day workday and night in a day and night cycle. Some cells work in the dark: some need to work during the day. That’s why one sleeps and is awake. Sleep is a state of awareness. Studies on sleep deficiency have shown that people who regularly get little sleep have less concentration and make more mistakes. Weakening of the immune system, changing hormone levels, obesity, depression, anxiety, diabetes and heart disease are the main causes of low sleep. If you do not comply with your needs and draw energy from others, your body may experience inconsistent behavior. This causes some organs to become destabilizing in various cases and may result in harmful proteins. This leads to a number of diseases and toxic gases. Gases are also affected by magnetic fields. When vibration deteriorates in the human body’s organs, it begins to break down and scatter, which means that the consciousness that dominates these cells has lost interest in the body.

Dark Matter

It’s not dark matter that’s effective in the universe, but dark energy. There are various forms of light coming around us from the dark space, such as rays of photons. Humans, too, have special proteins and cells specialized in detecting this light. The energy or photon transferred in space communicates with the photoreceptors as a result of the magnetic field. It’s recognizing the signals that the photoreceptors send into the spaces as human images. Each of these receptors is set to different types of consciousness, light. Some of these cells work during the day, and some work during the night. The cells, which work during the day and night, are sensitive to different sizes and types of light. For this reason, the night, rather than the day, shifts to quantum size with human organs and cells. The eyelids and eyelids are arranged according to night and day. The orbicularis oculi muscle in the human eye, like the eyelids and Saturn rings, defines the direction of the magnetic stripes in the eye. The visible light breaks the photon through the rings around this muscle and adjusts the intensity of the photons reaching the eyes by protecting it. This muscle is for the blink of an eye. What is seen during the day, and what happens in the night is different. Indeed, one of the nerves in the eye is optical vision. The other one is for quantum vision. Even when the eye muscle is closed, it produces an incredible magnetic force.

A person has two distinct dimensions of two human status. The physical human condition is more about day. The second dimension of the human being is about night. The physical size of the human being slows down with sleep at night, decreasing the material side and strengthening the quantum dimension. The size, which must be fed by dark energy, is fully active during the night. All the cells of a person work at full capacity during the day. At night, the material size of human metabolism and many of its physical activities are suppressed. According to this, the energy between day and night is different. Energy flows into the human body at night, and during the day it is adjusted by the auxiliary organs and muscles. The survival of consciousness in man requires movement, change and revelation. That’s why so far the puzzle of matter and consciousness has not been solved. So, the stuff that’s called matter is created by the motion and the magnetic fields in the universe. Global consciousness cooperates with dark energy. Universal consciousness reaches the human body through wormholes in humans. This state of consciousness in people manifests as vibration and energy. That is, human consciousness depends on the action of consciousness because of the energy that it gets from magnetic fields. So everything seems to be a vibrating matter to man.

The body is made up of cells. Each cell has its own unique frequency Jafari [12]. The higher the frequency of a cell, the greater the ability to use that cell at a quantum size. The cells with the highest frequencies in the human body are brain cells. The parts of the brain that have the highest molecular frequency are magnetic fields. The increasing frequency here increases the activity in the human brain and other organs. The expansion of consciousness depends on frequency increase. The increase in frequency depends on the energy from dark energy. The brain has about 90 to 100 centers. Energy is stored in the brain and other gaps. The physical and spiritual development of man means that cells are constantly in motion and evolve. The energy from dark space is stored in body cavities, where the magnetic field evolves into an electrical signal, and a chemical signal. There are magnetic fields in the universe, solar system and planets. There are magnetic fields in the human body. The universal consciousness that dominates the entire universe arises in these magnetic fields of the human body. Unconsciousness on these magnetic fields, which originate in voids, continues to exist. The consciousness undergoes various changes as dark energy is linked to consciousness and a magnetic field is developed. A magnetic field is not energy. The magnetic fields of light, which we call consciousness, are transformed in the brain and body cavities.

If an intensive magnetic field is formed in the body, the conscious light is changed. Gases, chemicals and certain nutrients have a magnetic function in our bodies. Some chemicals are capable of creating an intense magnetic field. The reason why humans cannot perceive this magnetism is that the anti-oxidant oxidant molecules and the enzymes neutralized by the body due to the toxic gases in our bodies are activated, and the excessive antioxidant activities prevent reactions that create the perception of magnetism in our bodies. That’s why we can’t detect magnetism. Quantum processes occur primarily in the body cavities and then in all body organs. The energy that happens in voids is just how much cells interact with electric and magnetic fields. The light coming into the void causes the electron spin to be entangled, and because this entanglement is sensitive to the magnetic field of the world, it affects a human, and very strong mass gravitational waves are emitted in the voids. Gravity affects the human body and causes the fluids formed due to the magnetic field to increase by pulling them towards the cells. The magnetic field also adjusts the circadian rhythm of the person. People accumulate energy until death to adapt to the next life dimension. Sleep is the energy collection area. Therefore, the holy texts say, “sleep is the brother of death,”, because death is, it is a creation, a formation, a new life dimension, and it’s the beginning of a new formation, not an absence.

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