Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Effect of Red #Raisins (Vitis Vinifera L.) Intake on the Level of Some #Hematological Tests in a Group of #Female Volunteers by Nora M. Al-aboud in BJSTR

Raisins’ natural resistance to spoilage and ease of storage and transport only serve to strengthen their appeal and #widespread consumption. This study discussed the effect of taking 8gm of Raisins (Vitis vinifera L.) for 20 days on the blood samples off male volunteers where we recorded the #haemoglobin levels before and after the study. The results showed up mild increment in haemoglobin readings, decrease in TIBC, increase in ferritin and decrease in #transferrin. Also, there was mild increment in serum iron levels after taking Raisins. Regarding #MCV, It showed up mild increament in five volunteers only. On these bases several findings support the suitability of Raisins as a source of healthy compounds for human diet, but limits in the data published till now clearly support the need of new specifically designed trials. 

Effect of Red #Raisins (Vitis Vinifera L.) Intake on the Level of Some #Hematological Tests in a Group of #Female Volunteers by Nora M. Al-aboud in BJSTR

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