Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Journal on Medical Genetics - BJSTR Journal


Introduction: #Fructose is formed in the seminal vesicle under the action of testosterone and is secreted along with the vas deferens during each ejaculation, so fructose is considered a #biochemistry that faithfully reflects the function of these components. Fructose concentrations in normal semen confirm the role of testosterone and the function of normal seminal vesicles, without the phenomenon of obstruction.
Materials and Methods: The semen samples were obtained from 300 male partners of infertile couples who attended the Department Biomedical and Genetics of the Hanoi medical university and the semen samples were analyzed for the routine seminal parameters. Fructose concentration was assessed using #spectrophotometry (improved ROE method).
Results: Optimal solution concentration of TCA is 10%. Composite color composition include 2,5 ml of HCL 30% and 0,25 ml of #resorcinol 0,1%; Repeatability: CV% = 1, 407 % <5%; Intermediate precision: CV% = 2.032 % < 5%; Trueness: tex= 0,906 <tt = 2.262. Specificity was 98,9 % and 99,52 % sensitivity. Significant correlation between the two methods with r=0,990, p<0,001; average difference between the two methods is 0,0116 with equivalent is 2,078 % (p=0,035< 0,05).
Conclusion: Complete the manufacturing procedure of kit for determination of fructose concentration in seminal fluid.

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Journals on Cancer Medicine - BJSTR Journal


Iron is an essential element, which is abundant in the red blood cells and plays a key role during oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondria of all cells. The excess of iron has been indicated in several diseases as it induces oxidative stress. The present study was undertaken to understand the modulation of iron induce oxidative stress in mice by hesperidin. The mice were administered with 250 mg/kg body weight of hesperidin for five days before feeding with 5000, 10,000 and 20000 ppm FeCl3 for 30 days. The #glutathione, glutathione-s-transferase, catalase, superoxide dismutase, lipid peroxidation, lactate dehydrogenase, aspartic acid transaminase, and alanine aminotransaminase levels were estimated in the liver of iron treated mice after 30 days post-iron treatment. The feeding of different concentrations of iron for 30 days led to an increase in the oxidative stress as indicated by a decline in the #glutathione concentration, and glutathione-s-transferase, catalase, and superoxide dismutase activities accompanied by the rise in the lactate dehydrogenase, aspartic acid transaminase, and alanine aminotransaminase levels. Treatment of hesperidin for 5 days before iron overload elevated the activities of glutathione-s-transferase, catalase, and #superoxide dismutase and glutathione concentration, whereas the activities of lactate dehydrogenase, aspartic acid transaminase, and alanine aminotransaminase and lipid peroxidation declined significantly. Our study demonstrates that pre-treatment of hesperidin for five days reduced the iron induced oxidative stress indicated by the reduction in lipid peroxidation, #lactate dehydrogenase, aspartic acid transaminase, and alanine #aminotransaminase activities and a rise in the glutathione-s-transferase, catalase, and superoxide dismutase and glutathione contents in the mice liver.

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Journals on Biomedical Engineering - BJSTR Journal


Among #Phyllanthus orbicularis K phytocompounds, 2,4-di-terbutilfenol o el 2,6-di-secbutilfenol are proposed as potent mutagenicity inhibitors produced by hydrogen peroxide, in #S. tiphimurium. This DNA protected capacity, against oxidative damage can be explained, theoretically, by several ways. To date, has not been reported neither molecular mechanics as support to the antimutagenic activity of this compounds. In the present work in silico modelation was performed in order to propose a chemistry explanation of the scavenging mechanism versus hydroxyls radicals mediated by these #phenols. To carried out the model, a quantum mechanics methodology was employed with: i) DFT calculations, employing B3LYP/6-31G** functional, to the structures of the 2,4-di-terbutilfenol o el 2,6-di-secbutilfenol, and the open shell uB3LYP/6-31G** functional to all proposed radicals, ii) Semi empiric calculations to model the final products obtained in the last stage of free radical reaction. The modelled mechanism proposed a hydrogen abstraction from the #hydroxyl group mediated by the radical OH- generating #phenoxyl free radicals in the propagation stage. These are eliminated in the termination stage by annihilation with other radicals or self-annihilation, generating both monomeric and dimeric of quinonic and phenolic-derived compounds, as final products in the proposed mechanism.

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Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Journals on Medical Microbiology - BJSTR Journal


Objectives: The aim of the paper is to give a new explanation of motion of human head-neck structure modelled as a nonlinear two-degree-of- freedom system. The influence of the excitation parameter on steady state motions (periodic and chaotic) is analyzed. A method for chaos control is discussed.
Methods: Mathematical model, given with two #nonhomogenous and nonlinear coupled second order differential equations, is analyzed. The nonlinearity is assumed to be of any order given with a real number (integer or noninteger). For qualitative analysis of the motion the numerical simulation is applied. For determination of chaos the method based on the sign of Lyapunov's exponents and bifurcation diagram is used. Method of chaos suppression is incorporated into the investigation.
Result: Due to nonlinearity steady state periodic and chaotic motion may appear. The type of motion depends on the parameter of excitation which acts apart from the apparent mass modeling the human head. Chaos suppression is achieved with a control function added to the system.
Conclusion: Knowing the limits of excitation and biomechanical parameters, it is possible to obtain the type of the steady-state motion of the head as appointed mass. We think that the transition between steady-state motions is useful in explanation of the injury of head-neck system. It is believed that in the human body a control mechanism must exist which transforms the chaotic motion to a simple periodical steady state one.

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Journals on Medical Imaging - BJSTR Journal


#Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are now the commonest group of #infectious diseases in most countries, particularly in the 15-50 age group. The worldwide incidence of major bacterial and viral STDs is estimated at over 125 million cases each year. STDs not only have a negative impact on health, especially reproductive health but also seriously affect #socio-economic. Nowadays, exponential development of science and technology generates many modern methods for quick and accurate diagnosis STDs. This study was conducted by a cross-sectional descriptive method, on 300 men who were suspected of having urogenital tract infections. The samples were tested by realtime PCR for identifying 11 microorganisms. The result was that the rate of patients diagnosed with microorganisms was 72.9%. #Gardnerella vaginalis was the most common pathogenic bacteria (45.7%). The rates of mono-infection and multi-infection were similar, at 49% and 51%, respectively. G. vaginalis was the most common cause of mono-infection and multi-infection. Patients in sexually active age (from 20 to 29 years old) accounted for the largest percentage of men suspected of having STDs (42.7%) as well as men who had urogenital tract infections (43.9%). Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are a group of infectious diseases that have a negative influence on human health, especially reproductive health [1]. Despite the crucial progress in terms of diagnosis, treatment and prevention (e.g. vaccination), they remain the most widespread and hazardous infectious diseases [2]. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about one million STDs are acquired every day worldwide. In developing countries in Africa and Asia, STDs are one of the five most common #diseases [3].

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Journals on Medical Casereports - BJSTR Journal


Background: This is a review from 2 studies that determine the concentration of #seminal fructose and show the correlations between seminal fructose concentration with sperm concentration, vitality and motility (progressive). Besides, these studies also show the reason of man #infertility cases which #azoospermia and no seminal fructose. Materials and methods: Include random 60 normozoospermia, 60 oligozoospermia semen. Determine fructose concentration by ROE method. 25 azoospermia cases with no fructose had been examined and proceed #percutaneous epididymis sperm aspiration (PESA) to find the infertility reason.
Results: #Fructose concentration of normozoospermia: 1,601 ± 0,604 (g/l) significant lower than oligozoospermia: 1,881 ± 0,640 (g/l). Fructose seminal concentration has negative correlations with sperm concentration (R = -0.156; p > 0.05); sperm vitality (R = -0.065; p > 0.05); sperm progressive motility (R = -0.186; p < 0.05). Examine and process percutaneous epididymis sperm aspiration (PESA), 25 azoospermia with no fructose cases have diagnosed congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens (CBAVD).
Conclusions: Seminal fructose concentration of normozoospermia group is significant lower than oligozoospermia group. Fructose seminal concentration has negative correlations with sperm concentration, concentration and #motility. 100% azoospermia cases with no seminal fructose have diagnosed CBAVD.

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Monday, July 29, 2019

Journals on Medical Microbiology- BJSTR Journal


Background: Stimulus evoked electromyography (EMG) is commonly used to identify clinically relevant misplaced pedicle screws in the lumbosacral spine. This monitoring modality is more meaningful in minimally invasive surgery. In minimally invasive surgery, the pedicle screws are usually not tested, only the pedicle access needle and the tapscrew are tested by using the same stimulation threshold. No studies have compared the electrical resistance of cannulated pedicle screws and tapscrews. This study is designed to measure and to compare the resistance of cannulated tapscrews and noncoated pedicle screws of similar electroconductive characteristics and of different diameters to determine whether the same stimulation threshold can be applied for tapscrews and pedicles screws in minimally invasive lumbosacral fixation.
Materials and Methods: Resistance measurements were obtained three times across the shank from a random sampling of nine commonly used cannulated titanium noncoated pedicle screws and nine cannulated tapscrews (three composed of titanium and six of stainless steel), one of each diameter.
Results: Resistance of all tested pedicle screws ranged from 0.1ohms to 0.3ohms and tapscrews ranged from 0.1ohms to 0.3ohms. No significant differences in resistance values were observed between the cannulated noncoated titanium pedicle screws and, titanium and stainless steel tapscrews of different diameters (P > 0.05).
Conclusion: Using non-metallic dilators, the authors propose the same stimulation threshold can be used for the testing of the cannulated tapscrew and noncoated pedicle screw of similar electroconductive characteristics to optimize the accuracy of the stimulus-evoked EMG.

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Journals on Medical Research- BJSTR Journal


This were reflected in the accumulation and scattering of solid wastes which ultimately led to non-smartness of management of such wastes. The following recommendations can be drawn: Rehabilitation of large irrigated schemes in Sudan such as Gezira and Rahad schemes which will improve the balance of payment, ensuring food security and living conditions in rural areas, To treat the actual or root causes of rapid expansion in Khartoum State by strengthening essential infrastructure in rural areas as education and health services, Construction of high buildings rather than flat will reduce the travelling distances and running costs of vehicles working in collection, Attraction of the private sector to invest in recycling and reuse the wastes, Raising the environmental awareness through media and educational institutes.

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Threats to Smart Solid waste Management in Sudan by Abu Bakr El Siddig Ahmed El Tohami* in  BJSTR

Biomedical Research Articles- BJSTR Journal


Methods: Objective - This study evaluates the impact of music therapy in anxiety expression in adult patients who were hospitalized to go under allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT).
Design: This study is categorized as a Randomized Controlled Trial. Participants: adult Patients (n=100); groups: Experimental Music therapy Group (EMG) adult patients n=50 Control Group (CG) patients n=50.
Intervention: emotional disorders, altered cognition, leading the patient to a depression. In this context, music therapy was applied as a therapeutic resource that contributes with the patient's interaction. After, each music therapy session a Visual Analog Scale (VAS) was applied.
Main Outcome Measure: Student tests for independent variables and Mann-Whitney for non-parametrical variable. The level of statistical significance adopted in all the scales was p<0,05.
Results: The variable anxiety were, analyzed considering three studies: first session, last session and average session of music therapy sessions. (p=<0,001) in the comparison of the two groups was considered statistically significant.
Conclusion: In this study the music therapy proved to be a strong ally in the treatment of patients undergoing allogeneic hematopoietic stem cells transplantation, decreases anxiety, providing bio-psychosocial welfare.

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Sunday, July 28, 2019

Journals on Psychology - BJSTR Journal

Background: #Hematopoietic Stem Cells Transplantation (HSCT) is a treatment realized to combat several neoplastic hematological diseases. This proceeding combines chemotherapy doses, radiotherapy and has a high level of toxicity which causes physical and #physiological morbidities and psychological suffering to the patient.
Methods: Objective - This study evaluates the impact of music therapy in anxiety expression in adult patients who were hospitalized to go under allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT).
Design: This study is categorized as a Randomized Controlled Trial. Participants: adult Patients (n=100); groups: #Experimental Music therapy Group (EMG) adult patients n=50 Control Group (CG) patients n=50.
Intervention: emotional disorders, altered cognition, leading the patient to a depression. In this context, music therapy was applied as a therapeutic resource that contributes with the patient's interaction. After, each music therapy session a #Visual Analog Scale (VAS) was applied.
Main Outcome Measure: Student tests for independent variables and Mann-Whitney for non-parametrical variable. The level of statistical significance adopted in all the scales was p<0,05.
Results: The variable anxiety were, analyzed considering three studies: first session, last session and average session of music therapy sessions. (p=<0,001) in the comparison of the two groups was considered statistically significant.
Conclusion: In this study the music therapy proved to be a strong ally in the treatment of patients undergoing #allogeneic hematopoietic stem cells transplantation, decreases anxiety, providing #bio-psychosocial welfare.

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Biomedical Science Articles - BJSTR Journal


The study was intended to examine #Perceived Barriers to evidence based nursing. The study was conducted in Khyber teaching hospital and Rehman medical institute Peshawar By using Rao-soft sample size calculator the size of sample was 94 from total 285 population. A #selfadministered questionnaire with 24 items was applied on nurses in the stated hospitals. The identified barriers to evidence based nursing practice were insufficient time, no access to research materials, and no authority to change patient care, inadequate facilities and unavailability of equipment. Awareness to the importance of evidence based nursing practice is the need of the day, the Government and health authorities shall do all the possible action for the availability of necessary equipment and policies for the #implementation of EBP. Due to increased expectations of high quality nursing care in society, it is no longer acceptable for nurses to deliver nursing care based only on experience and textbook knowledge; but, to provide quality nursing care based on research findings. But still a gap exist between the knowledge of evidence based practice and its implementation. Evidence based practice was known as "evidence based medicines" in 1980s; later on, the word changed to "evidence based practice." The purpose was to identify the importance of scientific evidences in #clinical areas Melnyk. Professional nurses of the 21st century is facing many challenges within the dynamic state of health care setting. Some of these challenges are lack of resources, lack of conducive teaching environment, the attitude toward research, lack of knowledge of research and specifically low level of knowledge and compliance to "evidence-based #nursing practice." Nurses in the developing world even do not know evidence based practice. An investigation carried out by the National Board of #Health and Welfare in Sweden revealed that 8.6% of patients were injured during hospital care. These injuries were judged to have been avoidable if actual knowledge had been applied.

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Friday, July 26, 2019

Bio-psychological Medicine - BJSTR Journal


The #linear combination f12 = 2 f(O) - f(H) of elemental balances: f1 = f(H) for H and f2 = f(O) for O is the keystone in formulation of #Generalized Electron Balance (GEB), which completes the set of equations necessary for resolution of an electrolytic redox system according to Approach II to GEB in aqueous media. The f does not involve the numbers of free and hydrating water molecules. The linear dependency or independency of f12 from charge balance (f0 = ChB) and other elemental/core balances fk = f(Yk) (k=3...,K) for elements/cores Yk of the system is the general criterion distinguishing between non-redox and redox systems. This criterion is provided by linear combination where K* (≤K) is the number of electron-non-active elements (fans) of the system, and dk are the multipliers related to oxidation numbers (ONs) of the elements involved in Yk. For non-redox systems, LC is transformed into identity, 0 = 0, whereas for #redox systems, the LC and each linear combination are different from identity. The ONs, reductant, oxidant are derivative concepts in this formulation. All these interesting regularities are illustrated by #simulated titration in a #symproportionating redox system, resolved according to Generalized Approach to Electrolytic Systems (GATES) principles.

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Medical Humanities - BJSTR Journal


An adult female (30 years old) came to our clinic with a chief complaint about not able to chew food well and bilateral posterior crossbite. Clinical examination revealed skeletal Class III malocclusion with #posterior crossbite and poor arch coordination. Due to her refusal to receive #orthognathic surgery, non-surgical treatment was adopted. With successful width decrease of lower arch by two 1st molars extraction; then mesial drive of two 2nd and 3rd molars with closed coil spring, Class III malocclusion was corrected by ISW technique combined with Class III elastics. Treatment was completed in about 18 months and a desirable occlusion after the active treatment was achieved. Coordination between the upper and lower arches is one of the most important aspects of achieving stable functional and esthetic results during #orthodontic treatment. Because a transverse discrepancy could induce an adverse periodontal response, unstable dental camouflage, and functional and esthetic problems, maintenance of an adequate overjet during treatment should be essential [1-6]. ISW (improved super-elastic Ti-Ni alloy wire, developed by Tokyo Medical and Dental University) for non- surgical treatment of adult skeletal Class III malocclusion with poor arch coordination will be discussed. An adult female (26 years old) came to our clinic with a chief complaint of not able to chew food well and bilateral posterior crossbite. Her lateral profile was concave, and the frontal view showed slightly #facial asymmetry phenomenon (Figure 1). Clinical examination revealed bilateral Class III molar relationship, right canine class III tendency with left canine class I relationship, bilateral posterior crossbite, and mild crowding over lower anterior teeth with mandibular shift to right side resulting in facial asymmetry (Figure 2). Panoramic film showed #28, #38, #48 existence (Figure 3).

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Journals on Biomedical Intervention - BJSTR Journal


Early adverse childhood events lead formation to maladaptive schema and schema modes. #Maladaptive schema modes are triggered by life events in adult life causing intense unpleasant emotions. Schema therapy provides an experiential approach to understanding and changing schema and modes. Schema refers to emotion, perception, meaning and actions given to an experience, often a significant childhood experience [1].#Schema is formed in an individual and is influenced by interactions with others, culture and upbringing. Schema is present in everyone with or without psychological disorders. Early maladaptive schema was proposed by Jeffrey Young as a pervasive dysfunctional pattern of emotions, thought and sensations associated with one's relationship with others, developed as a result of early aversive childhood events [1]. These significant unpleasant early experience leads to formation of maladaptive schemas that is linked to maladaptive schema modes. Schema mode refers to transient emotional and behavioral response to a live event [2]. Schema mode often triggers strong #unpleasant emotions. The types of schema and schema mode are listed in Table 1 [3]. Schema therapy is one of the proposed solutions to deal with early maladaptive schema [4,5]. Schema therapy focused on dealing with maladaptive modes through cognitive and experiential techniques [4]. Schema therapy uses #imagery rescripting to allow patient to re-experienced early traumatic event in a controlled manner whereby needs are met without being overwhelmed by negative emotions related to the event. Imagery rescripting is a visualization process used to change meaning and emotions related to a past traumatic event. [6,7] The process allowed #emotions to be processes while providing unmet needs, care and support experientially. In addition, imagery rescripting assist patient in building healthy adult mode via modeling provided by the therapist.

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Thursday, July 25, 2019

Neurological Disorders - BJSTR Journal


In this paper the author describes the morphological and #immunohistochemical features of the most common benign epithelial lesions of the endometrium, which can be mistaken for neoplastic malignancies (#pseudoneoplastic lesions). In addition, here it was demonstrated that both morphologic clinical data and immunohistochemical features are useful for an accurate differential pathological diagnosis from non-neoplastic lesions and epithelial malignancies. In this paper the author describes the morphological and immunohistochemical features of the most common benign epithelial lesions of the endometrium, which can be mistaken for epithelial malignancies (pseudo-neoplastic lesions). The material used for this study was obtained from the archive of the Department of Medicine and Surgery, Pathology Unit, Parma University (Italy) and from a review of the literature. Relevant articles were obtained by searching the PubMed and MEDLINE databases. These databases were searched using the following key words: '#Pseudoneoplastic lesions of endometrium' and 'Mimics of malignancies of endometrium". Articles were considered if the studies included #clinico-pathological and immunohistochemical features of the lesions. Papers, which were not written in English, were excluded. On microscopic examination, many benign alterations of the endometrium can mimic malignant epithelial lesions. Also, clinically these lesions could suggest a diagnosis of malignancy since they are characterized by abnormal uterine bleeding and can be found in an endometrial biopsy. To make a correct diagnosis, in evaluating an endometrial biopsy specimen, adequate clinical data are important, such as the age of the patient, the reason for the biopsy, the menopausal status, the use of exogenous hormones, and a history of previous pregnancy or abortion. Placental site nodules [1-3] and endometrial epithelial metaplasia [4-6] represent the most common lesions that can be misdiagnosed as malignant epithelial lesions in an endometrial biopsy. A Placental Site Nodule (PSN) is a remnant of intermediate trophoblast (#extravillous trophoblast, EVT) from a previous pregnancy. Thus, it may be considered retained placental tissue in utero which does not undergo involution after pregnancy and may be detected many months or even several years after a previous pregnancy [1-3,7].

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Nano Medicine - BJSTR Journal


China is an agricultural country; over 300 millions farmers are connected with agriculture. China is ranked 1st in the world agriculture farm outputs. China is famous in producing different crops like rice, wheat, potatoes, tomato, sorghum, peanuts, tea, millet, #barley, cotton, oilseed and #soybeans. Changchun is the capital of Jilin province located in the center of Songliao Plains is an agriculture and animal base commodity but due to increasing populations in China agriculture sector is in danger, so China agricultural researchers are working to promote agriculture in different part of the country. To see the improvement and new agricultural farming system in the rural area of the country, a one-day study tour was arranged by Chinese Government Scholarship Council (CSC) for international students study in Changchun universities on 3rd July 2018 to Chenjiandian village, Hainan and #Gramineous Wisdom Farm. Students were very excited when visited these farms and greenhouse. The agricultural system was amazingly arranged, we meet different farmers and gain there agricultural experience as we are the students the farmers knows better than students. From this tour it was concluded that China is focusing in increasing #agricultural commodity and new farming techniques to fulfill people foods demands. Further study trips will be highly appraised. This trip was hosted by Chinese Government Scholarship Council (CSC) for three different universities of Changchun, Jilin Agricultural University (JLAU), Changchun University of Science and Technology (CUST) and Changchun College of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The main purpose of the trip was to visit the rural area of Changchun to see the agricultural promotions, farming system, farming techniques, to educate the students about the rural life of China, to upgrade the soul by breathing in fresh air, to enjoy the natural beauty and many more.

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Medical Humanities - BJSTR Journal


This article examines the current state of soil and #water resources, farmland Azerbaijan Republic, the problem of progressive water and wind soil degradation , the need for the organization of agriculture , taking into account the introduction of automated control systems for irrigation using water saving technology and hardware equipment in it, the study of the characteristics and analysis of experience implementing measures to stabilize ecological and drainage system of agriculture in conditions of insufficient moisture areas in the country , as well as basic aspects of development of #environmental reclamation approach balanced, rational use of a particular system of #crop rotation and crop taking into account the requirements of economic development and environmental management. Figure 1 The main directions of the economic and social development of the republic are the intensification of agricultural production. Irrigation is a powerful means of intensifying agricultural production in the conditions of its specialization. In areas of insufficient moisture (especially characteristic of mountainous areas), irrigation is one of the decisive factors in the cultivation of high and stable #crop yields. Purpose of the research: To this end, it is necessary to develop new technical solutions and introduce automated low-intensity irrigation systems for agricultural crops that meet the requirements of the environment and protect their habitat, which allows improving the ecological status of #irrigated land, reducing water consumption per unit and increasing yields crops on the irrigated field.

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Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Journals on Medical Microbiology - BJSTR Journal


The territory of Azerbaijan is under #environmental impacts the catchment of the Valley of the Caspian Sea. Here, environmental problems, which are the regional and depend on relations between States and for this reason, day after day they become strained. I must say that the soil exposed to erosion, forest plantations, mountain Grove, water sources, etc. natural education fail. In the geological and geographic region of the study has a rather complex structure, where the high mountains and steep slopes alternate Foothill areas and Plains, which in turn contributes to the development of a fairly Motley climate the diversity of vegetation. The complexity of the #geomorphological structure, the presence of steep slopes, as well as #anthropogenic forcing has a significant value of intensity of runoff, which in turn reinforces the development of #erosive processes, resulting in created wide ravines, which are presented in the final stage beams, changing appearance of geomorphological region in General. 
In the whole of Shirvan zone EM Shikhlinski [1] distinguishes 3 types of climate:
a) Warm-temperate characteristic of lowland regions in area with relatively mild winters;
b) Moderately warm moist type with a uniform distribution of rainfall throughout the year, covers part of the foothill zone and
c) Cold climate with wet winters, characteristic of the foothills and mountain areas.

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Open Access Journals on Surgery - BJSTR Journal


#Spinal cord injury without #radiographic abnormality is a rare and difficult #diagnosis. It is a diagnosis of exclusion, without proven effective treatment, with an evolution often unfavorable. We reviewed the literature to learn more about the diagnostic tools and treatment options available. In this study, we report our experience on 3 cases of Spinal cord injury without radiographic abnormality in children aged 1 to 3 years, in the case of road traffic accidents. Today 2 subjects are paraplegic, 1 tetraplegic, all 3 present urinary disorders. We found no diagnostic tool available and feasible in the acute phase of trauma. MRI can be a good way, but it is often unavailable. Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a rare occurrence in children. The injury level varies according to age, cervical injury is more common in younger children. These injuries are different from adult SCI in light of anatomical and #biomechanical differences between the spinal cord of children and adults: volume and relative weight of the head, ligamentous laxity and immature cervical muscles. This ligamentous laxity explains the #poor radiological semiology found in pediatric SCI. Thus, severe neurological disorders, in the absence of abnormality on standard radiographic imaging, were previously described under the "SCIWORA" syndrome, standing for "Spinal Cord Injury Without Radiographic Abnormality". These traumas in hyperextension, #hyperflexion or axis traction lead to transient displacement of the vertebra that gets back into place without bone lesions, while the spinal cord stretched. we report in this article our experience about 3 cases seen in our department between 2001 and 2014.

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Journals on Medical Research - BJSTR Journal


Soccer is an intermittent sport in which actions performed at high speeds [1,2] take place with other efforts that demand high- intensity accelerations and #decelerations [3,4], interspersed with low-intensity activities [5] or variable recovery pauses [6]. One concern in the field of training is determining whether the demands of the competition are replicated during training #drills. At present, soccer coaches often use in their training programs drills such as small-sided games (SSG) to reproduce the physical, technical and tactical requirements of the competition [7]. These drills should be designed to expose the player to the intensity and load values reached during matches, since performance could be further improved when the training stimuli simulate the #physiological demands and movement patterns of competitive matches [8]. Previous investigations have analysed the differences between the physical demands of competitive matches and different SSG proposals [9,10]. The results of these studies concluded that although the SSGs have the potential to expose players to an average intensity similar to that of the competition (relative distance, meters per minute), the high-speed demands reached during matches are usually greater than in SSGs [9]. However, it seems that the #accelerative demands could be higher during the SSG [10]. One criticism that can be made of this type of analysis is that we are comparing the average values of drills, usually lasting between two and ten minutes, with the average values reached by players in 90 minutes of competition. This comparison seems questionable, especially when, on numerous occasions, these drills are designed with the aim of exposing players to a training stimulus of intensity similar to the most demanding conditional exertion phases of the competition.On the other hand, it is important to define which signals or intensity signals should be used to adequately identify the #intermittency of the activity carried out, determined by the alternation of actions and pauses and their main characteristics of intensity, duration and type of activity [11].

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Centrifugal Pneumatic-Sieve Fractionation of Barley and Wheat Flour for Maximum Recovery of Protein and Carbohydrate Fractions

  Centrifugal Pneumatic-Sieve Fractionation of Barley and Wheat Flour for Maximum Recovery of Protein and Carbohydrate Fractions Introductio...