Sunday, July 7, 2019

Journals on Medical Casereports - BJSTR Journal

Introduction of #MR-compatible incubators (INC) has #revolutionized imaging preterm neonates and this fact has not been noted strongly enough in the medical literature so far. Built of non-magnetic materials, INC is equipped with gas cylinders, respirator, and #pulse oximeter as well as head and body coils for imaging. Before era of INC premature newborns were deprived of possibility of MRI because they could not have been transported early in their lives to the MRI units and could not have been scanned in the unfriendly environment without the required temperature and humidity. INC has changed this situation and made MRI available to the youngest and sickest babies. In most cases it is brain that requires early assessment in preterm new borns, but body imaging is more and more demanded in INC in premature infants as well. The coils from INC can also be used to study minor body parts in older children providing better signal-to-noise ratio than in “adult” coils. INC contributed significantly to scientific research on the development of prematurely born children and on the impact of the negative factors of #prematurity on this development. The scant literature devoted to this subject increases thanks to these investigations.

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