Monday, July 8, 2019

Open Access Clinical and Medical Journal - BJSTR Journal

The better understanding of selecting an effective and efficient #mutagen may provide better chances to induce high frequency of desirable mutations in any crop breeding program. Present study was carried out with the eggplant (#Solanum melongena) variety Pusa Uttam to test the mutagenic effectiveness and efficiency of gamma ray, #methyl methane sulphonate (MMS), #dimethylsulphate (DMS) and diethyl sulphate (DES) to induce maximum macro-mutations which could eventually be exploited in future as viable and economically important traits. Mutagenic effectiveness and efficiency were calculated as per the standard formulae. In general, the results indicated that mutagenic effectiveness and efficiency decreased with increase in mutagenic treatments. Moreover, the lower or intermediate treatments of gamma rays as well as the #alkylating agents were found more effective and efficient in creating maximum mutations with less biological damage. The order of mutagenic effectiveness was MMS>DMS>DES>gamma ray. The order of mutagenic efficiency with regard to inhibition in germination (Mp/I) was same as the effectiveness, while, the orders of efficiency with regard to pollen sterility (Mp/S) was DMS>DES>MMS>gamma ray. The alkylating agents were found to be more potent than gamma rays in effectively and efficiently widening the genetic base of variability in eggplant and provided greater chances for selecting different desirable characters in future breeding program.

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