Thursday, October 31, 2019

Journals on Biomedical Engineering - BJSTR Journal


#Melanoma skin cancer has been one of the quickest uprisings of totally #cancers, which has a high hazard of prevalence. This deadliest form of melanoma must be detected premature for effective handling. In this work, a technique was used to aid the premature detection of skin cancer lesions. For the segmentation to be considered correct using the Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) method, the result obtained was compared with the segmentation of the #dermatologist. This method is applied on #dermoscopy images were obtained of the PH2 database. The algorithm is one of the foremost widespread techniques to obtain infinite chances to solve the ABC rule that provides accurate results in the quickest possible time. The artificial bee colony algorithm recognizes whether moles are melanoma or not and at any stage of danger also the results are compared with the results from the existing algorithm of melanoma detection; it achieved good results in the conditions of high specificity, accuracy and sensitivity (92.50,97.20,93.02) %. The ABC #algorithmic is effective and improves early detection with high accuracy for skin lesions leads to decrease in death rates.

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Journals on Biopsychological Medicine - BJSTR Journal


Although #melatonin has been shown to be involved in the aging process and as a therapeutic target during normal aging, it is yet to be widely accepted as a #therapeutic target for age related vulnerabilities. With more evidences being unraveled from different studies, important lifestyle changes that will optimize its normal synthesis could be beneficial for the human population. Aaron Lerner and colleagues discovered melatonin in 1958 and the chemical structure was described in 1959 as N-acetyl- 5-methoxytryptamine [1]. #Melatonin is endogenously produced majorly in the #pineal gland especially at night. Melatonin is one of the strongest antioxidants known; it scavenges hydroxyl and peroxyl radicals [2,3]. Melatonin has a strong relationship with aging, the loss of melatonin in old age may contribute to the severity and incidence of #neurodegenerative diseases such as #Alzheimer's disease [4]. Armstrong and Redman in 1991 suggested that melatonin might have beneficial effects in aging because of its association with the circadian timing system [5].

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Journals on Preventive Medicine - BJSTR Journal


The Molecules in #Medical Sciences is a course that is offered, to the first year Medical Students at the Department of Biochemistry, Cambridge University, UK, which focuses on #diseases, which will be familiar by name and of high relevance, -like diabetes and cancer. Harvard Medical School on the other hand, says,” preparation of medical school in the 21st century, should reflect contemporary developments in medical knowledge, the pace of discovery, and the permeation of biochemistry, cell biology, and genetics into most areas of #medicine”. Oxford Royale Academy looks at #biomedicine the following way, "Biochemistry, as the name suggests, is where Biology meets Chemistry: it is the study of the living things, at a molecular level- or, to put it another way, the study of the very foundations of life. At the Stanford University, the department of Biochemistry, founded by Arthur Kornberg, the Nobel Laureate, who received this award for his work on, "the mechanisms in the biological synthesis of #deoxyribonucleic acid”, focused for several decades, on DNA and RNA biochemistry.

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Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Journals on Emergency Medicine - BJSTR Journal


#Tricyclic carbazole nucleus is an integral part of naturally occurring alkaloids and synthetic derivatives, possessing various potential biological activities such as anticancer, antimicrobial and antiviral. Binding mechanism of #carbazole with target receptor as molecule or fused molecule exhibit potential lethal effect. In the present work, development of microwave assisted organic synthesis (MAOS) methods for synthesis of a novel series of N-Mannich bases of carbazole annulled with substituted benzothiazole-2-amine with carbazole (secondary aromatic amine) and #aldehyde derivatives has been presented. All the synthesized compounds were characterized by #physicochemical and spectral methods viz. ultra-violet, FT-IR, 1H-NMR, Mass and elemental analysis. The newly developed MAOS method evident the improvement in percentage yield (% yield) and reaction time compared to conventional method. The synthesized compounds were screened for antibacterial (#B. subtilis, S. aureus, E. coli and #P. aeruginosa) and antifungal activities (#A. niger and #C. albicans) using impregnated paper-disc diffusion method. 

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Journals on Cancer Medicine - BJSTR Journal


Sternal dehiscence that may occur after an open heart surgery is a serious complication that may result in morbidity and mortality from pain in sternum and separation of wound lips to #pulmonary dysfunction, superficial and deep #mediastinal infection [1-4]. Sternal movement and instability may occur on the first day or weeks later after the surgery depending on the risk factors of the patient, sternal closure material or surgical technique. #Sternal closure materials are being used more frequently and increase the costs [5]. We are presenting a study where we closed the sternum of 20 patients in our clinic with a novel technique using a standard steel wire.Median #sternotomy is the most common incision for cardiac surgery. It provides safety and easy exposure for surgeon. Following the cardiac surgery by median sternotomy, sternum is closed by surgical steel wires. However post-operative mechanical sternal #dehiscence of sternum is still a frightening and devastating complication for both patients and surgeons. This may result ranging from increased postoperative pain to sternal wound infection and mediastinitis and readmissions in post-operative period.

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Journals on Biomedical Engineering - BJSTR Journal


This paper presents a modified #chi-square approximation to the distribution of test statistics arising from multivariate ranked data. The modification arises from an improvement to the estimated variance matrix of the responses and from corrections for continuity and skewness and kurtosis of the rank sum statistics.#Kawaguchi et al. consider tests of equality of means for multivariate responses, in the presence of covariates, stratification, and tied and missing data. They propose inference based on approximating the joint distribution of #Wilcoxon rank sum statistics as multivariate normal, with an estimated covariance matrix. They present a test statistic that may be expressed as a quadratic form of Wilcoxon rank sum statistics, with the variance-covariance matrix estimated using methods derived by Davis and #Quade; they also apply this multivariate normal approximation to derive univariate confidence intervals. In this paper, we examine the effect of some alternative variance matrix estimates and also investigate the usefulness of the approximation of #Yarnold, correcting for discreteness, skewness and #kurtosis [1-3].

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Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Journals on Biomedical Intervention - BJSTR Journal


A rare case of a cerebral abscess due to S. #Apiospermum in fifty-seven-year-old immunosuppressed female. The brain magnetic resonance imaging revealed a right frontal ill-defined #heterogenous lesion with surrounding multiple discrete low-signal foci lesions both on T1WI and on T2-WI with prominent susceptibility artifacts. We think that the foci represent the grains of the fungi itself, causing marked susceptibility artifacts, similar to previous reports in the literature of this specific infection, especially as has been demonstrated in #Madura foot cases. Fungal abscess in the right frontal lobe of a 57-year-old female with SLE who was #immunocompromised due to treatment with #Cyclosporine. Axial T2-weighted image (A) shows a well-defined heterogeneous lesion in the right frontal lobe with an irregular hypointense wall and intermediate intensity in the center of the lesion. The margins of the fungal wall are crenated. Axial T1-weighted image (B) shows a hypointense core with isointense intracavitary projections. #Postcontrast axial T1-weighted image (C) shows peripheral enhancement of the wall with no enhancement of intracavitary projections. Diffusion-weighted image (D) shows #hyperintensity in the projections with concomitant low ADC values (E).

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Journals on Medical Genetics - BJSTR Journal


Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common malignant tumors. There are many risk factors involved in CRC. According to recent findings,#Fusobacterium nucleatum (F. nucleaum) are closely related to the progression of CRC. Studies have found that F. nucleaum may contribute to the development and #prognosis of inflammation and CRC. The factors of the #pathogenicity of F #nucleaum include its adhesion, its metabolite butyric acid, the cell factor of the host, and so on. Underlying mechanisms of F. nucleatum in CRC remain to be established.#Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common malignant tumors [1]. Intestinal microorganisms can affect the development of intestinal tumors by regulating the proliferation and differentiation of intestinal epithelial cells, providing nutrition, participating in #angiogenesis and apoptosis [2-6]. In recent years, more and more evidences have shown that some #Fusobacterium, especially Fusobacterium nucleatum (F. nucleaum), are closely related to the progression of CRC. F. nucleaum, gram-negative obligate anaerobe, periodontal pathogenic bacteria, widely exists in the dental plaque #biofilm, which plays an important role in the formation, metabolism and succession of biofilm. F. nucleaum is invasive, adhesive and #proinflammatory, and has a high detection rate in oral and systemic infectious diseases [7].

Journals on Biomedical Science - BJSTR Journal


In this mini-review herd immunity is discussed by reviewing some recent vaccination campaigns for HPV, MEN-C, MEN-W and #Ebola. It is concluded that vaccination coverage is rapidly declining due to societal factors, financial and logistical hurdles. Herd immunity depends now on unpredictable herd effects, Secondary declining transmission dynamics and carriage figures favour strong herd effects. Different target populations in the MEN-W vaccination programs of the UK and the Netherlands don't improve public confidence in an #anti-vaxxers climate. Herd immunity is not a realistic target anymore and is dependent on herd effects varying with vaccination coverage percentages and this should be explained to the public in a clear way. The term "#herd immunity" was introduced a century ago and used widely after increasing use of vaccines and vaccination protocols in the process of eradication of #diseases [1]. The definition of herd immunity varies by several authors. Some use it to describe the proportion immune among individuals in a population, others use it with reference to a particular threshold proportion of immune individuals that should lead to a decline in incidence of #infection and still others use it to refer to a pattern of immunity that should protect a population from an invasion of a new infection [2].

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Monday, October 28, 2019

Journals on Biotechnology - BJSTR Journal


#Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common malignancy worldwide, with an estimated one million new cases and a half million deaths each year. Screening for CRC allows early stage diagnosis of the #malignancy and potentially reduces disease mortality. The convenient and inexpensive #fecal occult blood test (FOBT) screening test has low sensitivity and requires dietary restriction, which impedes compliance and use. Although #colonoscopy. Considered as the golden standard for the screening for this cancer, the invasive nature, abdominal pain and high cost have hampered worldwide application of this procedure. A noninvasive sensitive screen for colon cancer (CC) requiring no dietary restriction is a more convenient test. CC is more abundant in the USA than rectal cancer (RC). The discovery of small noncoding protein sequences, 17-27 #nucleotides long RNAs (such as microRNAs), has opened new opportunities for a non-invasive test for early diagnosis of many cancers.#MiRNA functions seem to regulate development and apoptosis, and specific miRNAs are critical in #oncogenesis, effective in classifying solid and liquid tumors, and serve as oncogenes or suppressor genes. MiRNA genes are frequently located at #fragile sites, as well as minimal regions of loss of #heterozygosity, or amplification of common break-point regions, suggesting their involvement in carcinogenesis.

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Journals on Medical Informatics -BJSTR Journal


Patients undergoing #oral and maxillofacial surgery require recovery from #dysfunction related to occlusion, eating/swallowing, speech etc. It is also essential to restore from esthetic disorders by the surgery and esthetics must not be impaired as possible even after surgery. The oral and maxillofacial surgery procedure must consider both aspects of functionality and #esthetics, and the surgery must be performed with high precision. Therefore, the trend of using medical imaging technology, which has remarkably progressed in oral and #maxillofacial surgery, has accelerated in recent years. Medical imaging technology enables to accurately memorize, measure, and visualize the necessary information for the operator and is indispensable for planning a #surgery\, assisting surgical techniques, and evaluating after surgery. This study reviews medical imaging technologies that are popular in clinical use for each major surgery in oral and maxillofacial surgery.Surgeries such as Le Fort I maxillary osteotomy, #sagittal split #ramus osteotomy, and intraoral vertical ramus osteotomy are performed to correct jaw deformities. Occlusal position is a criterion that determines the movement extent of the jaw. Therefore, a CAD/ CAM surgical splint is prepared in advance by surgical simulation using computed tomography (CT) [1].

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Journals on Psychology - BJSTR Journal


Mental health providers are likely to develop negative emotions towards patients with mental #diseases. The objectives of this study were to explore the bothering levels of mental patients, and what emotion feelings that were developed by American and Arabian mental health providers towards the patients they are treating. To achieve these objectives, a questionnaire was developed that consisted of demographic part, scoring of bothering levels, emotional feelings, and mechanisms of interactions with patients in case of the existence of such #emotions. The questionnaire was uploaded to Survey Monkey for data collection. The data was presented as frequencies and percentages. Study findings showed the existence of bothering levels according to #mental diseases. In the majority of cases, both Americans and Arabians exhibited empathy towards patients with mental diseases. In case of having such an emotional feeling that may interfere with treatment plans, various mechanisms were involved such as reviewing literature or consulting other colleagues. Taken together, both Americans and Arabians developed bothering levels of actions of mental #patients and exhibited different levels of empathy towards those patients.

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Multiple Sites Fat Removal Leads to Mild Lipid Metabolism Disorders and Insulin Resistance in C57BL/6J Mice

  Multiple Sites Fat Removal Leads to Mild Lipid Metabolism Disorders and Insulin Resistance in C57BL/6J Mice Introduction Obesity has been ...