#Clinicallaboratories should produce the required data and
analytical results in order to achieve the true interpretation and
use of the results. The objective of a measurement is to detect an
estimate for the true value of #analyticalresults. The measurement
uncertainty (MU) is a #parameter, associated with the result of a
measurement that characterizes the distribution of the values that
could reasonably be attributed to the measure and [1]. Clinicians
might interpret better at clinical decision levels knowing the MU of
a test. The interpretation of values which are close to cut-off levels
may change, when they evaluated with MU. Therefore, reporting
clinical laboratories results with estimation of MU is significant
to show #measurements that contained within the true limits and
the level of confidence.
The Use of Measurement Uncertainty on #ClinicalLaboratories Results by Kübranur Ünal in BJSTR