Saturday, September 29, 2018

The Use of Measurement Uncertainty on #ClinicalLaboratories Results by Kübranur Ünal in BJSTR


#Clinicallaboratories should produce the required data and analytical results in order to achieve the true interpretation and use of the results. The objective of a measurement is to detect an estimate for the true value of #analyticalresults. The measurement uncertainty (MU) is a #parameter, associated with the result of a measurement that characterizes the distribution of the values that could reasonably be attributed to the measure and [1]. Clinicians might interpret better at clinical decision levels knowing the MU of a test. The interpretation of values which are close to cut-off levels may change, when they evaluated with MU. Therefore, reporting clinical laboratories results with estimation of MU is significant to show #measurements that contained within the true limits and the level of confidence.

Institutional Review Board Roles and Functions to Conduct #ClinicalTrials at a Medium-Sized Regional Hospital, Japan by Atsushi Imai in BJSTR


#Clinicaltrials are a key resource for the discovery of new #diagnostic, treatment and #prevention methods for disease. Many of today’s most introduced prevention and treatment modalities are based on previous clinical trial results. Clinical trials are an important part of improving quality of health care [1]. Facilitators of participation in clinical trials have been linked to recommendations by reliable health care providers, a supportive family, satisfactory doctor-patient relationship that depends on culture, financial incentives, anticipation of a personal benefit to participants, convenience to #participants and culturally appropriate advertisements [2]. To address such facilitators and barriers of clinical trial participation in communities, we report our institutional review board (IRB) of Matsunami General Hospital [3]. A typical central medical institution anchor of the region, Japan.

Spinal Dermal Sinus and Sacral #EndothelialCyst with Recurrent Bacterial #Meningitis: A Case Report and Systematic Review of the Literature by Liang Huang in BJSTR


Congenital dermal sinus is dermoid and #epithelialcyst from skin tissue or epithelial tissue residue in the cranial cavity or #intraspinalcanal during #embryonicdevelopment. The entry of sinus is usually located in the occipital, back, waist midline skin, with hair hyperplasia, and sinus connect skin with nerve tissue which constitute the anatomical basis of infection of the nervous system. We report 1 case of recurrent bacterial meningitis caused by #sacralsinus and sacral canal endothelial cysts. Meanwhile, the related literatures are systematically searched and reviewed, which provide experience for the diagnosis and treatment of #bacterialmeningitis caused by congenital sinus.

Role of #Matrixmetalloproteinases in #Periodontal Disease - A Review by Nisha KJ in BJSTR


#Matrixmetalloproteinases (MMPs) belong to family of #proteolyticenzymes that cause degradation of extracellular matrix macromolecules, including interstitial and basement membrane collagens, #fibronectin, laminin and #proteoglycan core protein by secreting enzymes in latent form; which later gets activated in the pericellular environment by disruption of a Zn++ cysteine bond. There is much evidence for the role of matrix #metalloproteinases in the destructive processes of #periodontaldisease distinguishing them as a viable target for a chemotherapeutic approach. The use of a host modulatory agent such as a matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor can assist with conventional treatment for #periodontitis and, when used adjunctively, can enhance and make clinical therapeutic responses more predictable in the more susceptible patient.

Risk Factors for #Neonates with #Hyperbilirubinemia by J Hepsi Bai in BJSTR


#Neonatal jaundice is a common condition that pediatricians encounter in their practice. A descriptive study was conducted to assess the risk factors for neonates with #hyperbilirubinemia at Sree Gokulam Medical College Hospital, Trivandrum. Using consecutive sampling technique quantitative data was collected from 110 neonates diagnosed with hyperbilirubinemia and undergone phototherapy in Neonatal units and OBG wards. Pretested and validated questionnaire was used to collect the data. The results showed that both neonatal (ABO incompatibility, Rh incompatibility, cord #bilirubin level, hypoglycemia, #caputsuccedenum) and maternal clinical variables (previous child with history of hyperbiliruibinemia, gestational #diabetesmellitus, oxytocin use) had acted as risk factors for neonates with hyperbilirubinemia.

Risk Factors for #Neonates with #Hyperbilirubinemia by J Hepsi Bai in BJSTR

Friday, September 28, 2018

Opportunities for the #Bioeconomy of #Olive Oil Byproducts by J Berbel in BJSTR


Olive oil byproducts are a low cost source for improving fatty by reducing the content of medium chain saturated fatty acids (FA), which have a hypercholesterolemia effect, and increase the fatty acids considered beneficial, such as polyunsaturated FA. This can be done simultaneously reducing the cost of animal feed. This strategy will additionally increase the value of olive oil byproducts that are currently either an environmental problem, or have a low value use (energy or fertilizer). Additionally, research should be done in the analysis of dairy processed products (cheese, yogurts, etc.) in order to test the quality not only from the cardiovascular point of view but also from flavor and other market qualities.

#Oral Submucous Fibrosis: the #Soft Tissue Marble of Asia by Karthik D Yadav in BJSTR


Oral squamous cell carcinoma is the sixth most common malignant neoplasm worldwide. Each year it accounts for more than 300,000 cases worldwide. The 5-year survival rate for OSCC has remained at approximately 50% for the past several decades [1]. The impact of oral cancer is such that the disease and its treatment bring a heavy financial burden to both the social resources and the patient’s family with psychological stress affecting the quality of life [2]. It develops through a multistep process of genetic, epigenetic and metabolic changes resulting from exposure to carcinogens, with initially the presence of a precursor/pre-cancer such as oralleukoplakia, oral erythroplakia oral submucous fibrosis. The most frequently reported etiological agents being tobacco, alcohol, chewing of betel quid containing areca nut [3]. The global incidence of oral submucous fibrosis is estimated at 2.5 million individuals.

#Tibia Malunion with #Angular Deformity: Corrective #Osteotomy and Intramedullary Fixation with the Chipping Technique by Nazri Mohd Yusof in BJSTR


There are few options for correcting severe malunion of tibial shaft. Acute correction by close wedge osteotomy followed by fixation with plate is a standard treatment for this but associated with shortening and non-union. Gradual correction with circular external fixation is able to correct the deformity without producing shortening. However it is uncomfortable and require tedious nursing and rehabilitative care. Chipping the non-union site was associated with a favorable outcome for femur fracture because it biologically enhances fracture healing. However, there is no report on chipping osteotomy for tibia mal-union. We consider chipping osteotomy as a treatment option for this patient who refuses to have external fixation for his treatment. Patient achieved corrected alignment of tibia and fracture union in 5 months. However he develops problem with wound healing of the wound.

Analysis of #PHILOS Plating for Displaced #Proximal Humeral Fractures by Pandurangaiah Srinivas in BJSTR


Fractures of proximal humerus are still unsolved fractures. Fixation techniques are plenty and none is ideal for all cases [1]. These fractures can be displaced, unstable and may have disruption of the blood supply. The treatment of these fractures is therefore a therapeutic challenge [2]. The majority of patients with this fracture are elderly, hence osteoporotic or brittle. Treatment options include transosseous suture fixation, tension band wiring, percutaneous wire, screw fixation, standard plate, precontoured locking plate, PHILOS plate and hemireplacementarthroplasty. The Proximal humeral internal locking system (PHILOS) plate fixation provides greater angular stability than do conventional implants. It works as a locked internal fixator and provides better anchorage of screws in osteoporotic bone [3,4] with good functional outcomes [5,6]. In proximal humerus fractures, PHILOS plate offers a good functional outcome in context to the early joint mobilisation and rigid fixation of the fracture [7]. Considering these advantages and the scarcity of data on the efficacy and the functional outcome following PHILOS plate for displaced proximal humerus fractures, the present study was planned.

Expression of #Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-C in #Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma: An #Immunohistochemical Study by Rakia Sahaf in BJSTR


Background: Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is globally one of the most frequently reported malignancies characterized by local invasion and distant metastasis. Lymphangiogenesis facilitates invasion and nodal metastasis, and vascular endothelial growth factor C (VEGF-C) has been implicated as a key mediator of this process. The current study aimed at determining VEGF-C expression in OSCC and its association with Clinicopathological parameters and lymph node metastasis in our population.
Methods: Biopsies from 110 OSCC patients, with detailed documentation of their clinical data were included. After histological examination, cases were evaluated by immunohistochemistry for VEGF-C expression. Reactions were quantified and relation with Clinicopathological parameters explored. The data was analysed using SPSS 21.0.
Results: Mean age of the patients was 59.91 ± 1.36 years with the male to female ratio being 1.2:1. OSCC was commonly associated with smoking (30.9%). Immunohistochemical staining of the histological tissue sections of all cases of well (n= 42), moderate (n = 38) and poorly differentiated OSCC (n = 30) revealed extensive VEGF-C immunopositivity compared to normal Keratinocytes. VEGF-C expression was associated significantly with clinical variables (P < 0.05), lymph node metastasis (P <0.004) and the degree of differentiation of the tumour(P<0.001).
Conclusion: The findings of the current study underscore the significance of VEGF-C expression in relation to oral carcinogenesis and lymph node metastasis, thereby highlighting its potential for being a promising target for antibody-based therapeutic strategies in Pakistan

Effects of the Aqueous Extract of #Cnestis Ferruginea on the Histological Structure of #Female Rat Ovary and Uterine Horns by Zougrou N’guessan Ernest in BJSTR


Cnestis Ferruginea (Connaraceae) is a plant used in the treatment of several affections including “sterility” and increased fertility. This work aims to show the pharmacological effects of the aqueous extract of Cnestis Ferruginea on the ovary and uterine horn of adult female rats. Thirty six adult female rats were randomized into 2 sets of 18 each and treated for 15 (set I) and 30 days (set II). Each set was then divided equally into three groups. Group 1 (control) was orally administered with distilled water once a day. Group 2 and group 3 were respectively treated with 50 (AECF50) and 100 mg/kg (AECF100) body weight of aqueous extract of C. ferruginea orally once a day. 24 hours after the last doses, the rats of each group are sacrificed. The ovary and uterus of each rat are removed and immediately fixed in 10% formalin for histological study. Cnestis ferruginea induced a significant (p <0.05) increase in the number of corpus luteum after 15 days of treatment with AECF100. After 30 days of treatment, the number of corpus luteum increased significantly (p <0.05) with both doses administered. Both doses also induced significant increases (p <0.05) with the two treatment durations, the number of De Graaf follicles. The number of tertiary follicles increased significantly (p <0.05) with AECF100 after 15 days of treatment. The duration of 30 days allowed recording a significant increase in the number of tertiary follicles with the two doses administered. The other follicles experienced significant increases with AECF100 after 30 days of treatment. For uterine horns, lumen diameters of uterine horns and uterine glands increased significantly (p <0.05) with both doses administered and both durations of treatment. The thickness of the endometrial and the size of the epithelial cells increased significantly (p <0.05) with AECF100 after 15 days of treatment. These latter parameters experienced significant increases with both doses administered at the end of 30 days of treatment. In conclusion, C. ferruginea stimulates folliculogenesis and induces ovulation in the ovary. On the uterine horn, this plant has estrogenic properties.

Density of #Chikungunya Vectors and #Platynectes beetles in the #Rubber Plantations by Sheikh Afaq Gowhar in BJSTR


Introduction: Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is transmitted to humans through Stegomyia mosquitoes. Kerala was the worst affected State in India in 2007 with a total of 55.8% of the reported Chikungunya fever cases in the country from the State (NVBDCP, India). Almost all the districts of Kerala were affected with the infection during 2006-2007.
Methodology: Population density of beetles in the latex collection containers was evaluated once in fortnightly in all the three study areas, Aimcompu, Chethackal and Pampady. Fixed latex collection containers and discarded latex collection containers in rubber plantations were surveyed to find out the beetle density.
Results: The seasonal density of Platynectes beetles in the rubber plantations was studied in all the three areas. Platynectes beetles were found in the latex collection containers in the rubber plantations and the population density of the beetles per latex collection container was found to be maximum during the south-west monsoon season which contributes 50% rainfall annually rubber plantations of Kerala.
Conclusion: Temperature increased, the occurrence of Platynectes beetle reduced in the LCC which increased the density of juveniles of St. Albopicta in latex collection containers results the improved adult density of St. albopicta in the rubber plantation sectors of Kerala. The minimum temperature and maximum rain recorded in the study areas during southwest monsoon, which contributes almost 50% rainfall yearly.

#Regional Groundwater Hardness and Silicon, #Cropland Fertility and CHD in Finland by Timo Töysä in BJSTR


Abstract: The status of silicon (Si) in agriculture, veterinary and human medicine is not clear. This survey is based on old data, but groundwater(from springs and dugwells) data have been newly classified by 21 Rural Centers (RC). RC CHD has been estimated by provincial data. The aim of this paper is to clarify associations between CHD mortality, groundwater (GW) hardness (Ca+Mg),, cropland (soil) (Ca+Mg) - a measure of soil fertility - and, pH and temperature (Temp) with regional parameters [latitude (Lat), longitude (Long)]. Regressions are given separately for the whole Finland (“21.RC”) and continental Finland (“20.RC”), i.e. without Åland - the only RC with pH.soil > 6.2. Directions of trend lines of variables have been approximated.
Results: CHD regressions by, by (Ca+Mg).gw and by (combined) [Lat; Long], (Ca+Mg).gw regressions by (Ca+Mg).soil and by [Lat; Long] and, regressions by (Ca+Mg).gw, by [Lat; Long], by [Temp;(Ca+Mg).soil] and by [Temp;pH.soil] have been computed. In RC.20 all associations were significant (p < 0.018). In RC.21 all regressions without were stronger than in RC.20, but by including associations were weaker with one exception: [Temp; pH.soil] explained stronger than in RC.20 (by 68 %). The approximated CHD trend line angle was smaller than the respective angles of and (Ca+Mg).
Conclusion: In RC.20, where soil pH was below 6.2, and (Ca+Mg).gw were highly positively inter-correlated and soil fertility could be predicted by regional In RC.20 regression by explained better CHD than by (Ca+Mg).gw. Supposedly the health effects of Si could be mediated directly through (soluble) Si in soil and via factors associated with (Ca+Mg). In regional gw analyses the effect of (mother earth) pH needs attention.

A Review: #Asperger Syndrome by Purohit Saraswati in BJSTR


Asperger syndrome is an autism spectrum disorder, Autism is a spectrum condition. People with Asperger syndrome face difficulties in communication, social interaction and in making relations, being autistic will affect the people in personal and social life. People with Asperger syndrome also have difficulties in mental health issues or other conditions. This type of people have intelligent Quotient of below or average level as they are facing difficulties in social and developmental skills. They do not usually have the learning disabilities, but they may have specific learning difficulties. They have fewer problems with speech but may still have difficulties with understanding and processing language. People with this condition may be socially awkward and have an all-absorbing interest in specific topics. Communication training and behavioural therapy can help people with the syndrome learn to socialise more successfully. A diagnosis is the formal identification of the condition, usually by a multi-disciplinary diagnostic team

A Review: #Asperger Syndrome by Purohit Saraswati in BJSTR

#Antimicrobial Peptides: A Wide Range of Novel Compounds and Their Role as Plant Defense #Peptides by Mansi Srivastava in BJSTR


Plant antimicrobial peptides have been identified and isolated from a wide variety of species. These are defensins, lipid transfer proteins, havein and knottin like peptides and cyclotides. They consist of various protein groups with different features like overall charge of the molecules, the amount of disulphide bonds and the structural stability under environmental stress. The three-dimensional structures of several classes of plant antimicrobial peptides have been well studied but the mechanism of action of some of these compounds is still not well understood. This mini review focuses on the features and properties of the antimicrobial peptides in plants.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Using the Secondary Pathway of #Hemostasis in #Endodontics for Fully #Bone Healing: Report of Two Clinical Cases by Gustavo Alberto Obando-Pereda in BJSTR


Chronic periapical lesion produce bone defect around apical zone of the accomplish teeth. The standard therapy follow an osteotomy, apical removing and profuse curettage to aim the remove infected tissue and granulomatous tissue. However, this procedure let carry, in many time, that the bone defect do not present any filler to rapid bone healing. Platelet rich in fibrin perform a rapid bone healing when is used to fill bone defects.

Assessment of Magnitude and Associated Factors of #Adverse Birth Outcomes among #Deliveries at Suhul Hospital Shire, Tigray, Ethiopia From September, 2015 to February, 2016 by Abera Haftu in BJSTR


Introduction: Adverse birth outcomes such as prematurity, low birth weight and still birth represent significant problems in both developing and developed countries. Each year, about 15 million babies in the world, more than one in 10 births, are born too prematurely. More than one million of those babies die shortly after birth; countless others suffer from lifelong physical, neurological, or educational disabilities, often at great cost to families and societies.
Objectives: Assessment of magnitude and associated factors of neonatal adverse birth out comes among deliveries at Suhul Hospital, Shire, Tigray, Ethiopia from September, 2015 to February, 2016
Methodology: An institution based cross sectional study with retrieving of information from cards retrospectively was conducted at maternity ward of Suhul hospital from September, 2015 to February, 2016. Simple random sampling method was used. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 20. Logistic regression analyses were used to identify significant predictors of adverse birth outcomes. P-value ≤0.05 was considered as statistically significant. Odds ratio was also used to determine the strength of association between independent variables and the birth outcomes.
Results: The magnitude of adverse birth outcome among the study participants were 96(22.6%). Out of 425 births 37(8.7%) were preterm birth, 49(11.5) were low birth weight and 41(9.6%) were still birth. Induced onset of labor (AOR=3.09, (95%) CI: 1.501-6.346), hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (AOR=6.368, (95%) CI: 2.880-14.080), ante partum hemorrhage (AOR=3.087, (95%) CI: 1.172-8.132), previous bad obstetric history (AOR=2.290, (95%) CI 1.165-4.503) and multiple pregnancies (AOR=7.230, CI: 2.973-17.580) were significantly associated with adverse birth outcomes.
Conclusion: the magnitude of adverse birth outcome among the study participants was higher than the WHO estimation. Induced onset of labor, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, ante partum hemorrhage, previous bad obstetric history and multiple pregnancies were the major predictors of adverse birth outcomes and improving of maternal health care service requires strict attention.

#Psychosocial Stressors among #Suicide Attempters Attending JIPMER Hospital Puducherry by Kavitha RR in BJSTR


Introduction: Suicide attempts are also viewed as unsuccessful lethal action and a possibility factor for future completed suicide. Psychosocial stressors in broader terms include interpersonal, social, familial, societal, psychological factors that can be the cause or consequences of stress. This study is aimed at identifying the psychosocial stressors of suicide attempters attending JIPMER hospital Puducherry.
Methods: A descriptive cross sectional survey was conducted at JIPMER hospital, Puducherry among 50 suicide attempters selected through convenience sampling. Semi structured questionnaire used for the study included demographic data sheet, Presumptive Stressful Life Event scale, Daily Hassles Scale-R, Beck’s suicide intent scale. Data were analyzed using SPSS 20. Independent sample t-test, ANOVA and Pearson correlation were used as different statistical methods. AP value less than 05 was considered as statistically significant
Results: Family conflicts and financial problems were the stressful life events among the participants while alcohol use by self or family was the major daily hassle. Majority 26 (53%) of the participants had moderate suicide intent. There was a significant association of psychosocial stressors with employment status with p=0.030. Medical illness had relationship with daily hassles and suicide intent with p=.05.
Acknowledgement: The most troubling psychosocial stressors were family based. This suggest family based intervention, focused on social intervention and tackling substance abuse in the family and teaching therapeutic interpersonal behaviors to reduce family conflicts may reduce the risk of future suicide attempts.

Child Abuse and Dental Practice: Finding the Nexus by Induwara Gooneratne in BJSTR


Many reports indicate that children are abused everyday worldwide. They are abused in many different ways [1]. Literature suggests that the numbers of reported abuses against children are a mere tip of an iceberg accordingly, there are many unreported cases – some are hidden or covered. Thus, child abuse becomes a social problem. Many seem to ignore child abuses, others of course will justify. Admittedly there are a few who will hide such abuses under a carpet or give a blind eye. In some societies child abuse has become a part of an accepted cultural practice- for example corporal punishments or female genital mutilations. Fortunately, there are some of us in the society who will voice against abuse of children. The social responses to child abuse are reflected in clinical sets up in similar ways. This means that some clinicians will ignore abuses while others may not care. The problem becomes aggravated in clinical scenarios especially when the clinician is not trained in identifying an imminent child abuse. In this context, this paper seeks to find a connection between clinical dental practice and child abuse. In short, I will argue and demonstrate in this paper that the presentations of cases of child abuse are not uncommon to the dental clinician, but that they are often times presented with alternate histories so that they can be easily missed by the clinician, if not looked through forensic lenses.

#Pregnancy with #Myelomeningocele Foetus: A Case Study by Kharde SN in BJSTR


Foetus with Neural tube defect especially meningomyelocele is a rare condition. We report a case of twenty weeks Pregnancy with meningomyelocele admitted to labour room for termination. The diagnosis was confirmed with ultrasonography. History suggested that patient had previous abortion for anencephaly foetus, noncompliance to folic acid supplements and irregular follow-up. It is concluded that prenatal counselling, adherence to folic acid supplement and regular follow-up can prevent the further complication

Comparison of various #Cementless femoral Stems in Total #Hip Arthroplasty by Nithin Sunku in BJSTR


Total hip Arthroplasty is becoming routine procedure for various hip diseases, such as osteonecrosis of the femoral head, development dysplasia hip, and hip arthritis [1]. The evolution of various femoral stem design, fixation methods, size, and bearing surface of implants for total hip replacement have led to considerable improvement and survival in the implant life in turn leading to a great change in the quality of life of patient. The need to determine the most optimal combinations of Total hip Arthroplasty implant is based on various factors like age, bone quality and even financial constraints. In primary Total hip Arthroplasty, basically the Cementless stems comes in 2 types of prostheses, which are available as: conventional stems are a standard length of ~150 mm, compared with Short Stems, which are <120 mm in length [2].

Bioactive Factors in #Breast Milk: The Impact on #Nutritional Programming of #Childhood Obesity by Meng Mao in BJSTR


The concept of “nutritional programming” has led us to realize that early nutrition and metabolism have a very important impact on long-term health. There is a certain correlation between the growth of fetal and childhood and the occurrence of metabolic diseases in adults, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease. Obesity is the most common metabolic disease whose prevalence is increasing worldwide. Nutrition in early stages of growth may be essential in the development of obesity in adulthood. Human milk is the most natural and ideal food for the baby. Moreover, breast-feeding appears to be associated with a lower risk of obesity than formula feeding. Human milk contains bioactive components, such as leptin, adiponectin, ghrelin, which are involved in food intake regulation and energy balance. These bioactive factors may contribute to childhood growth. In this review, we discuss bioactive factors contained in human milk and their potential protective effect on subsequent obesity.

Factors Associated with #Low Back Pain Among Nurses in #Critical Care Units, Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia by Chan Siok Gim in BJSTR


Nursing is a high risk group profession with prevalence of low back pain LBP. Nursing literature shows that efforts have been done to try and reduce the problem of work-related low back pain while moving and handling, by training and the provision of handling aids. This study aims to determine work-related low back pain among nurses in critical care units and factors influencing low back pain. A quantitative, crosssectional and survey design was used to conduct the study in critical care units in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia. A total of 110 (81.5%) nurses participated in the study. Data was collected using self-administered questionnaires. Data was analysed using the SPSS version 18.0. Descriptive statistics were employed to summarize the demographic data of the study sample while non-parametric tests were used to analyze the nursing profile and factors associated with LBP. Findings of this study broadly confirm high levels of LBP among nurses with 16.4% pre nursing LBP and 68.2% since nursing LBP. Working experience in current ward, nursing experience, age and frequent standing are positively associated with LBP. The main route to prevention of LBP among nurses is improved manual handling technique while transferring patient in the wards.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

The #Late Mangos: Is There Any Doubt #Humans Are Inducing #Climate Change? by Fernando Goulart in BJSTR


We are in the city of Belo Horizonte, Southeastern Brazil, and it is December, but unexpectedly, mango fruits (Mangifera indica) have not yet ripened. As far as we are concerned, we have never experienced a year in which November and December came along without mango fruits ripening in this region. Although native to the Philippines and India, mangos today are a staple and important cultural element in the entire tropical region. Most humans, as well as other animals, above all birds, such as parrots, macaws, and parakeets, appreciate this juicy and fleshy fruit [1]. Mango production depends on climatic stability, and extreme temperatures (above 36°C or below 10°C) can delay fruit development Centro de Producoes Tecnicas [2] (accessed December 3, 2017). Mango trees, which are adapted to warm and rainy weather, also need a marked dry season to reach their optimum production, and therefore, in very rainy regions, fruit development is delayed. The weather in Belo Horizonte during the year of 2017 was rather unusual, not to say very strange. It was the coldest winter in the city since 1975 (Instituto de Metereologia), and there was also some rainfall in this period, which is highly uncommon. This could have been the reason behind the mangos taking so long to ripen, since all of these climatic aspects reduce and slow down fruit ripening and production.

#Bioremediation by Essam Hussein Abdel-Shakour in BJSTR


Pollutants degradation can be achieved through many physical, chemical, and biological methods. Using biological agents especially microorganisms to achieve this is called bioremediation. So, there are a process catalyzed by a living organism, especially microorganism, (biodegradation) and a specific technology to exploit this process in application (biotechnology). Basics of microbial degradation provide us examples and advances which need well planning strategies to translate the knowledge into acceptable levels of application in different fields related to pollutants degradation and elimination to keep safe environment.

#Bioremediation by Essam Hussein Abdel-Shakour in BJSTR

#Estimating and Quantifying the Production Outcomes and Lifestyle Changes for Small-to Medium Sized #Dairy Farms When Transitioning From Conventional to Automatic Milking Systems in the Northeast Region: A Case Study Report by Kasey M Moyes in BJSTR


Primary reasons for lack of expansion of small to medium sized dairies in the Mid-Atlantic region are the high cost of land, low profits, and labor availability. As herd size continues to increase globally, new technology allowing farmers to remain sustainable is greatly desired. Automatic milking systems (AMS) represent the most recent technology available by offering improved management and production efficiency, quality of life and attractiveness to successors. However, the financial investment is substantial. Although there is growing data on production impacts for European farmers, this technology is fairly new to the U.S. In turn, U.S. farmers lack information from independent sources regarding return on production performance and animal health associated with the transition from conventional to AMS for U.S. dairy operations. Results from a survey to dairy farmers in the Mid-Atlantic region of the U.S. reported that improving herd management and personal flexibility were some of the most important factors regarding their interest in AMS Moyes et al. [1]. Only 18.0% of farmers said they have access to information regarding changes in animal health and personal flexibility. Producers stated that more information on animal health and personal flexibility would be helpful when considering a transition to AMS. The objective of this study was to estimate and quantify the animal health, productivity and lifestyle changes for small-to medium sized dairy farms regarding the transition from conventional to AMS in the Mid-Atlantic region. Economic impact (including cash flow and labor) is not reported here.

#Esophagitis Dessicans Superficialis - #Impressive Endoscopic Appearance of a Benign Condition by Syed Adnan Mohiuddin in BJSTR


Esophagitis Dessicans Superficialis (EDS) refers to a rare and unique lesion of the esophagus characterized by sloughing of esophagealmucosa. A benign condition, it is thought to be a mucosal reaction to various types of insults or a mucosal allergic response. Various clinical presentations, endoscopic appearances and associations with systemic diseases have been described in literature. We report 4 consecutive cases of this rare condition in our endoscopy practice with varying endoscopic characteristics and present a literature review of EDS.

WT1 and Leukemia

  WT1 and Leukemia WT1 and Physiological Function The Wilms’ tumor1 (WT1) gene is located on human chromosome 11p13 and is about 50 kb in le...