Monday, December 30, 2019

Journals on Medical Casereports - BJSTR Journal


We have developed a #continuous-wave (CW) terahertz (THz) radiation source that is excited using a #laser diode (LD). With this source, the radiation is generated via difference frequency generation (DFG) under non-collinear phase matching in #gallium phosphide (GaP). A distributed feedback (DFB) LD and an external cavity laser diode (ECLD) were used as the excitation light sources, and these, together with a polarization maintaining (PM) #ytterbium-doped fiber amplifier, had linewidths of less than 4 MHz. The narrow linewidth means that the THz radiation can be used for high resolution spectroscopy. As an example of this, the spectrum for a mixture of saturated water vapor and ethanol at room temperature was obtained, where the spectral absorption lines for water and ethanol at around 2.46 THz could be distinguished. Furthermore, the THz spectra of water vapor at different humidity levels were measured under normal atmospheric conditions. From these we obtained the dependences on humidity of the position of the absorption peak, its FWHM and the intensity of the #water vapor absorption band due to the rotational transition of 432 ←423.

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Journals on Neuro Imaging - BJSTR Journal


#Seizures are the most common pediatrics #neurologic disorder in children who are suffering at least one seizure in the first 16 years of life. Anyone at any age can have a seizure in certain circumstances, such as in #meningitis, alcohol withdrawal, and other acute situations that anyone can experience. Survival analysis typically focuses on time to event data and recurrent events is a multivariate survival analysis in which event occurs more than once per subject over follow-up time. The study of recurrent events data is of particular importance in medical statistics. The most crucial issue in recurrent data is a correlation between relapses of each subject. This study aimed to identify some risks factors of the recurrent times of childhood seizures by fitting #copula models using a #Bayesian approach. In a retrospective study, Data of 300 seizure children who had at least one relapse within the study period has been analyzed. In this study, we modelled the joint distribution of recurrent events using #parametric copulas within a Bayesian framework. Results indicated a positive correlation between successive gap-times.

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Journals on Cancer Medicine - BJSTR Journal


Prominent ears are common abnormalities that can have negative effects on the psychological development of pediatric patients. An #otoplasty is a frequently performed cosmetic surgery used to correct prominent ears. Although there are many otoplastic methods, all of them have some associated risks and/or complications. Here we discussed an unusual complication of otoplasty, frontal cicatricial alopecia, also called scarring #alopecia, which refers to a group of rare disorders that destroy hair follicles. The follicles are then replaced with scar tissue, causing permanent hair loss. This complication was caused by a postoperative over-stretched ear bandage and has not yet been defined in the PubMed literature. #Surgeons should be aware of the amount of pressure created by a bandage, as well as any possible tissue reactions from the otoplastic materials, including the bandage, Beta fix, gauze and sutures, to avoid this complication.Prominent ears are the most common congenital #deformities of the external ear, affecting 5% of the population.

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Sunday, December 29, 2019

Journals on Psychology - BJSTR Journal


Objective: The objective of this paper is to present issues resulting from the theory of economics and management #psychology, including their implications for company management practice and for their impact on workers' well-being and values. Research in psychology of management demonstrated that effective employee management requires, first of all, personal, social skills and values on the part of the manager.
Method: In order to verify the questions and hypotheses proposed, a well-known research tool has been applied the #Rokeach's Value Survey and Study of Values by Allport, Vernon, Lindsey. A version of Rokeach's RVS was applied to measure the hierarchy of values among managers in a medium-sized automotive company which is planning reorganization.
Results: The results obtained in this study significantly differentiated the women and men with respect to their ultimate values. The following values appeared to be the most statistically differentiating: "outstanding successes” (0.001), "#social recognition”, "enjoyment of life” (0.001) and "comfortable life” (0.05). Within the selected lifestyle, the participants ranked values in the following order: economic, social, political, #aesthetic, religious, and theoretical.

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Journals on Biomedical Imaging - BJSTR Journal


#Mushrooms are an excellent food option for diets, since they are nourishing and not fattening, mainly due to their #nutritional characteristics. They have a high protein content, low lipid values, besides the presence of vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin), minerals (calcium, iron, phosphorus), beta-glucans and antioxidant compounds. Several people are using it in Brazil as a blood glucose level controller and Anvisa released the Agaricus blazei as a #nutraceutical product. In the present project the objective was to evaluate the healing of open cutaneous wounds in rats treated with topical use of #Agaricus sylvaticus extract 10% in gel by macroscopic analysis of the cicatricial process. For skin healing of wound in rats, a total of 15 adults male Wistar rats (UNINOVE Vivarium) were used, divided in three groups. Animals in group 1 were treated with 1mL of gel at 10% #Agaricus; group 2 with 1mL of distilled aqueous gel and group 3 with fibrinase. Daily applications were performed over the wound of total 4cm2 area in dorsal region of each animal. The wound evaluation was made macroscopically in the time stamps of 0, 7, and 14 days, and the wound evolution, and skin healing retraction measures evaluated by digital planimetry.

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Journals on Medical Microbiology - BJSTR Journal


Different technologies have been developed to manipulate DNA, but until recently they were costly, labor-intensive and #timeconsuming. Discovery of the #Clustered Regularly-Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats (CRISPR), the mechanism of the CRISPR- based prokaryotic adaptive immune system (CRISPR-associated system, Cas), and its transformation into a potent DNA editing tool has changed completely the field of gene manipulation. CRISPR/ Cas9 genome editing was derived from the naturally occurring defense mechanism used by bacteria to shield themselves from infection by #bacteriophages and mobile genetic elements. In nature, CRISPR functions as a bacterial adaptive immune system, releasing RNAs that are complementary to intruding DNA - marking them for destruction. After the initial intensive period of data accumulation, CRISPR was soon adapted for a vast range of applications-creating complex animal models of human-inherited diseases and cancers; performing #genome-wide screens in human cells to define the genes responsive for specific biological processes; regulating the expression of specific genes; used to genetically modifying plants.

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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Journals on Biomedical Science - BJSTR Journal


#Past injuries and repetitive activities lead to accumulated muscle tension and strain, forcing us to create compensations to avoid pain. Static muscles are responsible to keep these compensations, and as a result, they stiffen up, get shortened, and become defectively recruited by poor coordination. If their proper function and flexibility are not restored, they progress to further muscular tension, causing aches, joint compression and misalignment, soft tissue stiffness, nerve entrapment, and altered posture awareness. Global Postural Re-Education (GPR) is a therapeutic method - which is exclusively manual for the correction and treatment of #pathologies in the #musculoskeletal system. GPR was created in 1980 by the French physiotherapist Philippe Emmanuel Souchard. RPG is a treatment approach that aims to evaluate and manually treat the human body as a whole. The goal is to track back from the symptoms to the cause by following the muscular chains, and correcting it little by little. Each time and individual tried to decrease the curvature of a spinal segment, the curve moved to another segment. Thus, it was necessary to consider the body as a whole and approach it as such. In this theory, all #deformations are caused by a shortening of the posterior muscles as an inevitable consequence of daily movements.

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Journals on Scientific and Technical Research - BJSTR Journal


Objective: To test the use of the MT surgical #articulator manufactured by Bio art, a company located in Sao Carlos, SP, Brazil, as an efficient and reliable method for model surgery and to compare the values obtained to those obtained with the #Erickson platform.
Material and Methods: Model surgeries were performed using the Erickson platform and the MT surgical articulator and #surgical guides were obtained with the following types of jaw movement: advancement of 5.0 mm, posterior intrusion of 5.0 mm, total intrusion of 5.0 mm, left unilateral intrusion of 5.0 mm, left laterality of 5.0 mm, and left rotation of 5.0 mm. The guides were measured using two Erickson platforms, one of them modified with the adaptation of a tip to the caliper. Lin's coefficient was used to #determine the degree of concordance between the two pairs of measurements.
Results: The Lin coefficient obtained in the comparison of the measurements of the guides constructed on the Erickson platform to those obtained with the MT surgical articulator was 0.99721, with the maximum degree of concordance being 1.

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Journals on Biomedical Engineering - BJSTR Journal


A 30-year-old woman four years ago underwent left mastectomy due to stage I invasive breast carcinoma with 8mm sized invasive mass, histologic grade 2/3, nuclear grade 2/3 and #lymphovascular invasion. She had radiation therapy only without any #chemotherapy or hormone therapy. F-18 FDG PET/CT scan underwent for evaluation of recurrent lesion. PET/CT showed multiple peritoneal #carcinomatoses in the right / lateral abdomen/right pelvic cavity and in the perihepatic space, large hepatic metastasis in the right lobe of the liver, osteolytic bone metastasis in the right iliac bone, multiple node metastases in the left #paraaortic node, left common iliac node and both internal iliac nodes. Large amount of ascites is noted in pelvis and lower abdominal cavity on the abdominal -pelvic CT. Ascite cytology was performed to rule out another malignant lesion due to unusual metastatic findings. Cytology showed positive for malignant cells consistent with metastatic carcinoma from previous breast carcinoma. #Immunohistochemical staings with breast cancer and ascites were entirely equivalent.

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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Journals on Biomedical Science - BJSTR Journal


Although half of #annual mortality and almost half of the burden of disease in Bangladesh are for NCDs, less evidence are available to identify the variables responsible for NCDs. The aim of the present work is to identify the factors associated with NCDs in a representative sample of families of students of American International University - Bangladesh (AIUB). The most important variables responsible for the presence of non-communicable diseases among the Bangladeshi adults were age followed by marital status, body weight, level of education and other variables. These variables were identified by discriminant analysis. The study was based on 785 adult respondents from families of 2% randomly selected students. The students themselves collected the information through a pre-designed and #pre-tested questionnaires. The collected information were residence, sex, age, height, weight, education, occupation, marital status, physical work, monthly income, family size, smoking habit and food habit along with suffering of any non-communicable disease and its treatment. Body Mass Index (BMI) was calculated from the collected data. The association of NCDs with social factors and BMI were observed using #Chi-square test and hence identified the associated factors with NCDs.

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The Use of Calcium Dobesilate in the Treatment of the Early Stage of Non-Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy

  The Use of Calcium Dobesilate in the Treatment of the Early Stage of Non-Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy Introduction Etiological Contr...