Thursday, February 28, 2019

Biomedical Research Articles


The purpose of this paper is to examine adolescent depression detection from a #clinical database of 63 #adolescents (29 depressed and 34 non-depressed) interacting with a parent. A range of spectral roll-off parameters was investigated to observe an association of the #frequencyenergy relationship in relation to #depression. The spectral roll-off range improved depression classification rates compared to the best individual roll-off parameter. Further improvement was accomplished using a 2-stage mRMR/SVM feature selection approach to optimize a roll-off #parameters subset. The proposed optimized feature set reached an average depression detection accuracy of 82.2% for males and 70.5% for females. More acoustic spectral features were investigated including flux, centroid, entropy, formants and power spectral density to classify depression.

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Physical Medicine and Rehabilation


#Morphology of #filamentousfungi in submerged #fermentation has a huge impact on product yield. In order to discover the genes related with pellets formation, the method of insertion mutation by T-DNA was employed to construct the #mutagenesis library of marine #Aspergillusniger. In this study, 125 positive transformants were identified by detecting the expression of enhanced green fluorescence and one mutant easier to pelletize was selected by flask-shaking test. The insertion site of T-DNA, determined by hiTAIL-PCR, was located in the promoter of plasma membrane ATPase gene. The mutant exhibited decreased production of spores, weaker salt- and acid-tolerance and a broader range of optimal growth temperature

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Journals on Medical Informatics


#Counter-intuititvely, it is #socio-historical, #geographictraits, and natural conditions which led to marijuana’s #stigmization as drug. Besides, its stigmization in U.S. is rather related with racialorign of its introduction; it was first brought by black slaves and Mexican refugees fleeing from Mexico Revolution in 1910. Despite previous prevalence of its consumption over tobacco, since 1920s the white’s racist fear and ant sentiments led to its prohibition. However, since late-2000s scientists began revealing that marijuana’s defects had been hitherto exaggerated and that its harm is even less than that of alcohol-drink. Besides, the racist origin of marijuana prohibition lately came into light, suppressing any #antimarijuana stance as a strong ideological tool. As a result, by 2016 more than a half of Americans consume or have consumed marijuana.

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Journals on Cancer Medicine


The importance of intermittent delta activity and periodic patterns in the electroencephalogram has intrigued #neurophysiologists for decades. The clinical interpretations varied from nonspecific to suggested structural metabolic behavior, infectious and even #epilepsy [1]. The most frequent #clinical features were determined by #clinicalhistory of children with intermittent rhythmic delta activity and periodic patterns (January 2013-June 2017). Total 16 patients, Female 9 (56%). Periodic patterns: 25% (n = 4) PLEDs, 13% (n = 2) BiPLEDs and 6% (n = 1) GPEDs. Intermittent rhythmic delta activity: 50% (n = 8) FIRDAs and 6% (n = 1) OIRDAs. The most frequent causes of PLEDs were infectious and #tumoral in 12.5% (n = 2) respectively. Tumor causes were the most frequent cause of FIRDAs 31% (n = 5), then neuroinfection12.5% (n = 2) and vascular 6% (n = 1).

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Medical and Medicinal Journal


Background and Objectives: To determine the prevalence of and risk factors for cardiovascular abnormalities of #asymptomaticnewonset left bundle branch block (LBBB) in elective #noncardiacsurgery.
Methods: This study was a retrospective chart review about the #preanestheticevaluation center at a medical center in southern Taiwan. The charts of 87,185 patients who underwent elective noncardiac surgery in were reviewed. Patients who showed LBBB in the preanesthetic electrocardiogram were enrolled and analyzed. Patients with positive findings in the preanesthetic cardiovascular examination were categorized into the positive group, while the others were placed in the negative group. Prevalence of asymptomatic new-onset LBBB, risk factors for positive findings, and adverse #postoperative outcomes.

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Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Biomedical Science Articles


#Pyogenicgranuloma is thought to be an extreme tissue response to trauma or local irritation. Hormonal changes also trigger the formation of the lesion. Clinically, this lesion is usually found as single nodules or vesicular papules with smooth or #lobular surfaces. They can be seen from a few #millimeters to a few centimeters at any size. It is known that pyogenic granuloma occurs more frequently in the teeth (75% of all cases). In this article, we presented a laser-assisted #surgicaltreatment of a #gingival pyogenic granuloma consisting of the right molar region of the mandible in a 22-year-old pregnant woman.

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Journal of Biomedical Research and Reviews


The #global threat posed by antibiotic resistance is well recognized, but despite, guidelines, antibiotics continue to be over-prescribed and frequently misused. One area where antibiotics may be used with considerable less frequency is in the management of infected wounds, particularly where the infection is localized and not systemic. This paper presents the case for considering the use of octenidine-based antiseptics for both wound care and whole-body decontamination, in order to prevent wound infections as well as to treat already locally infected wounds. A case report is presented which examines the management of a superinfected wound without the use of systemic or local antibiotics. Complete wound closure was achieved using a combination of octenidine based products.

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Journals on Infectious diseases


Heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) is a molecular chaperone, indispensable for the stability and function of several conditionally activated or expressed signaling proteins. Hsp90 inhibitors can cause the inactivation, #destabilization and eventual degradation of HSP90 client proteins by interacting predomently with a singular #molecular target. Hsp90 #inhibitors are unique in such a way that even though they are directed towards a specific molecular target, they simultaneously attenuate multiple signaling pathways that frequently interact to promote cancer cell survival. HSP 90 #inhibitors displayed promising #antitumoractivity in #preclinicalmodel systems. The herbs containing alkannin (3) and shikonin (4) are used in the treatment of measles, smallpox, sores, ulcers and wounds and skin eruptions in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).

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Nuereological Disorders


#Pediatric dentistry is an age-defined specialty that provides both primary and comprehensive preventive and #therapeutic oralhealth care for infants and children through adolescence, including those with special health care needs. Pediatric care is actually a #multidisciplinary treatment approach which include Rare diseases are a group of more than 5000 diseases that account for 10% of #human disease [2-4]. In the last decades the attention of several disciplines of medicine have been focused on rare diseases; rare diseases are estimated to be 5000, and every week 5 new rare diseases are considered as new findings hence the number of these diseases is enormously increasing.

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Physical Medicine and Rehabilation


The use of composite for posterior #teethrestoration competes with amalgams, metallic and #ceramic inlays, in the important #deterioration cases. Its use is increasing and it’s becoming possible because of the current progress of composite material technology and bonding evolution. Even though the #dentists seem informed and able to achieve successfully the direct composite technique, the use of composite restoration with indirect or extra-oral method remains uncertain. In this article, we will explore composite systems used at the laboratory for indirect restoration and we will treat, step by step, the composite inlay realization.

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Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Biomedical Science Articles


The oral effects of HIV and AIDS occur because of your weakened immune system and the #medicines that kept under control. These effects have also found in other people with weakened #immunesystems. Dry mouth (xerostomia) because people with HIV have an increased risk of cavities, dentist will provide a program to reduce the risk. This may include fluoride varnishes applied in the dental office, toothpastes that add minerals to teeth and rinses that contain fluoride or reduce acid (acidity of mouth) in the mouth. Patient education has an essential part of this program. Dry mouth has #xerostomia has a symptom of #HIVinfection but not something that would be used as a diagnostic tool. There are many reasons if you have HIV, changes in mouth may reflect changes in immune status. Dry mouth (xerostomia) has a common side effect of medicines that may take for HIV/AIDS.

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Biomedical Journal Articles


In Figure 1 the rectangular crossing point with slopes of AA1 and DB on the impenetrable horizontal basis of length of L is presented. Water height in the top tail of Н, lower tail with water level of Н2, having partially impenetrable vertical wall CD (screen), adjoins a layer sole. If the working part of the crossing point CB (filter) of width of H1 is flooded, H2>H1, an interval of seepage, usual for dams, is absent. The upper bound of area of the movement is the free surface of AD, coming to the #disproportionate CD, screen to which there is a uniform #evaporation of #intensity ε (0 < ε < 1).

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Behavioural Medicine Journals


Gels or #hydrogels are described as the matrix of cross-linked polymers. Hydrogels are naturally a part of the body in the form of collagen, gelatin, mucous, tear films, cartilage, vitreous humor, cornea, and #tendon. Collagen, gelatin, and #nanofillers can be used to modify the strength of hydrogels. Use of biodegradable hydrogel scaffold is ideal for tissue regeneration, where the scaffold degrades as the #tissueregeneration occurs. The hydrogel can be lone or composition of fundamental properties such as edible, non-edible, #biodegradable, non-biodegradable, #injectable, topical, natural, synthetic, physically crosslinked, chemically cross-linked. During past three decades hydrogels due to various factors such as biodegradable, absorbent, tissue resemblance and easy use, have received the enormous attention from researchers around the globe.

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Journals on Medical Casereports


Populations are aging throughout the world. As people age, their need for regular professional oral care and for home #oralhygiene increases. Oral diseases have been linked to the increased incidence of certain systemic #diseases and early mortality. Yet, the provision for satisfactory oral care for the elderly is often lacking. This essay reviews the oral care needs of the elderly, the challenges in providing such care to seniors that are home-bound or living in assisted care facilities, and notes certain opportunities for raising the standards of care. Greater understanding of the oral healthcare needs of elderly in assisted care facilities is needed.

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Journals on Medical Research


Clustered regularly interspaced short #palindromicrepeat (CRISPR) and CRISPR associated protein 9 (Cas9) form a complex known as CRISPR-Cas9, which is an efficient tool for gene editing that was discovered through the study of bacterial defense mechanisms against foreign #nucleic acids. This technology allows for the knock-out or knock-in of specific DNA sequences. Therefore, CRISPR-Cas9 may provide a new method to abrogate the effects of genes that lead to disease or introduce genes that promote improvements in health. The powerful nature of these potential uses can be illustrated by considering the #geneticbases of #diseases such as cancer or #obesity. Clearly, there will be many ethical debates about the future of this technology to alter genetic function.

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Monday, February 25, 2019

Journal of Biomedical Research and Reviews


#Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a chronic, relapsing, #idiopathic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract characterizing chronic#colonic inflammation of GIT. This results from the interaction between the various components of the mucosal immune system and the #microenvironment. It is considered as an auto immune disease (AID) involving various factors like immune dysregulation, genetic predisposition, dysbiosis of commensal flora and environmental factors. ATP-binding cassette (ABC) #transporters are a large superfamily of #membrane proteins with various functions and are also expressed on apical lining of intestine. They utilize the energy from ATP hydrolysis for import and export of from ATP hydrolysis for import and export of substrates.

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Biomedical Journal Articles


Introduction: Dual #Diagnosis is undoubtedly one of the most important and particular problems that mental health services are facing. The common problem of all patients is that is entering in #PsychiatricServices due to complications from the use or abuse of legal and #illegalsubstances and at the same time the presence of another psychiatric disorder. The Literature supports the hypothesis that #psychiatric disorder and substance #abuse disorder coexist more frequently than luck can predict.

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Journals on Medical Microbiology


#Diabetes is a #metabolicdisorder characterized by abnormal glucose uptake. It can have #deleteriouseffects on many organs of the body, including the #oralcavity. Diabetes has an important relation to oral health and vice versa. Diabetes increases the risk of gum disease, #tooth decay, tooth loss, dry mouth, and various types of oral infections. Therefore, oral and dental diseases are one of the complications of diabetes.

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Journals on Biomedical Engineering


There is lack of studies that exhaustively work on the cognitive consequences of #psychotropicsubstance #abuse. Literature shows that the most affected cognitive processes because this abuse is learning, memory and cognitive flexibility. Recent data using experimental Psychology tasks have pointed out that consumer population has significantly greater Reaction Times than the non-consumer population in these three cognitive areas. #Drug-rehabilitation centers must take into account #neurocognitivestimulation within the treatments they offer to this kind of#patients.

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Journals on Cancer medicine


The power of addiction must never be underestimated. #Addiction is the key element in an individual’s seeking and use of illicit drugs despite the knowledge of the #potential #harmful consequences. The dentist must be aware of the many oral and #dental manifestations of the use of various drugs. Also, the dentist must be aware of the potential systemic manifestations of drugs such as #heroin, cannabis, #methamphetamines and cocaine in order to make the proper modifications to ensure the safe and effective delivery of dental treatment.

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Sunday, February 24, 2019

Journal of Scientific and Technical Research


The use of conventional #intraosseousimplants may be limited or inapplicable in restoring some #edentulous spaces due to various anatomical reasons. The Cortically Fixed at Once approach (CF@O) uses the remaining cortical #bone to fix specially designed implants. This implant system was developed to meet challenges in patients with severely resorbed #jawbones. The CF@O protocol requires no bone graft, no sinus lift or nerve displacements. The CF@O implant system consists of several types of components specifically developed for different locations in the jaw. These components are #Pterygoidimplants, compressive implants and hybrid plates. The Pterygoid implants and the Hybrid plates are developed to be placed in the posterior zones of the maxilla. The compressive implants with specific macro- and micro-threads are used in the cortical and spongy bone, mostly in the frontal bone of the upper and lower jaw. The hybrid #titanium plates are thin, lightweight and highly flexible, which allows them to be adapted to any #boneanatomy and fixed with #osteosynthesis screws.

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Journal of Biomedical Research and Reviews


#Porcelain veneers represent a reliable, predictable procedure for conservative treatment of unaesthetic anterior teeth with an estimated survival probability of 93.5% over 10 years. #Fracture, #chipping, color change and #parafunctionalhabits were the most frequent complication. This case report highlights an esthetic restoration of two discolored maxillary incisors by tow glass #ceramiccrowns after failure related to debonding of two porcelain laminate veneers due to pen biting.

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Journals on Psychology


Background: Central Giant Cell #Granuloma (CGCG) accounts for 1–7% of all benign lesions of the head and neck. It often arises in the maxilla followed by #mandible and affects children and young adults. Free flap surgery in the #pediatricpopulation has gained widespread acceptance regarding its technical utility and #reliability. One-stage reconstruction combining #osseous free flaps with virtual surgical planning are becoming the standard for #mandibulardefects.

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Journals on Cancer medicine


Forty percent of #patients with #gastriccancer are node negative, so they have an unnecessarily extended lymph node dissection with a higher rate of morbidity and mortality. Successful sentinel #lymphnode (SLN) mapping may help to reduce the number of extended #lymphadenectomy. Sentinel lymph node biopsy (SNB) is indicated in patients with T1 or T2 tumors; primary lesions < than 4 cm in diameter; and clinical N0 gastric cancer. The injection method and selection of tracers for SLN mapping in gastric cancer remain controversial. However, the use of dual tracer and in cases with non-palpable lesions, the #submucosal marking method is recommended. The identification rate and sensitivity are the highest in time performing SLN biopsy after dye injection ≥15 min, the number of SLNs ≥5 and application of the basin #dissection.

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Multiple Sites Fat Removal Leads to Mild Lipid Metabolism Disorders and Insulin Resistance in C57BL/6J Mice

  Multiple Sites Fat Removal Leads to Mild Lipid Metabolism Disorders and Insulin Resistance in C57BL/6J Mice Introduction Obesity has been ...