Monday, September 30, 2019

Journals on Medical Research - BJSTR Journal


#Parkinson's Disease (PD) is a chronic neurological disease which frequently encountered in the field of clinical medicine. The main motor symptoms are inflexibility, tremor, #limb stiffness (akinesia) and instability to posture adding to its, changes in voice, freezing of gait, posture impairment and masking also occur and the non-motor symptoms might include cognitive impairment, autonomic nerve dysfunction, loss of interest and feel sad [1,2]. Various motor and non-motor PD symptoms have complicated the identification besides therapeutic challenges at present. #Dopaminergic agents have been used for long term treatment might create the therapy to look forward for continuous recalibration, #surgical therapy and further behavioural mechanism of pharmacological drug too in need [3]. For innovative therapeutic approaches, an effective #neuroprotective therapy was developed and applied specifically intended for understand the interaction between neurodegeneration and aging, as well as it explained us to reassess the disease mechanism broad [4].

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Journals on Emergency Medicine - BJSTR Journal


Nine years later, the DNA had been discovered from the concept of aperiodic crystal. Let there be light, the first day, God said. (Genesis in the Bible). Let the earth give birth to all sorts of life, the sixth day. Light is between particle and wave. Sir Isaac Newton wondered. Fourier Transform links the duality of time and frequency domain; however, it took much time to be accepted by academic and engineer field in those age. Even when electric telegraph had been achieved, Lord Kelvin supported Fourier transform anonymously The duality of wave and particle about light took longer time than Fourier Transform until quantum physic developed.

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Meridian on Medical Duality of Particle and Wave by Yu Cheng Kuo in BJSTR

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Sunday, September 29, 2019

Regenerative Medicine - BJSTR Journal


We tested if some #ultra-highly diluted (by a factor of 1060) #homeopathic remedies could induce demonstrable enhanced resistance to the bacteria, Escherichia coli, against infectivity potentials of the host-specific #DNA bacteriophage- ΦX174. Evaluation of anti-viral efficacy, if any, of certain homeopathic remedies with claimed anti-viral effect was made with the aid of the 'bacteriophage assay system' by 'top layer agar plating' method of plaque counting. The number of plaques was recorded in #agar-plated petri dishes, containing different drug-treated (1% v/v; #Belladonna 30C, Rhus Tox 30C, Arnica 30C, and subsequently Aconite 30C) or placebo treated (succussed 1% "alcoholic vehicle” of the drug, Alc-30C, considered placebo or +tive control) bacteria plus the untreated phage mixture. The plaques actually represented the colony of bacteria lysed (or infected) by the phage ΦX174. Conversely, we exposed ΦX174 to the homeopathic drugs and placebo before allowing them to interact with the untreated bacteria to ascertain if the drug itself had any direct effect on #infective potential of the phage DNA entering into the bacterial cell.

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Preventive Medicine - BJSTR Journal


#Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a powerful tool to get #spatial information about muscles of different regions inside the body. It has the advantage of being non-invasive and being without any radiations. It is objective and quantitative tool. This review covers the basics of MRI and informs about how the image is obtained using MRI. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a non-invasive imaging technique which forms images of the inside of the body [1,2]. MRI works on the principle of #nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), a phenomenon where nuclei of atoms get excited in the magnetic field by electromagnetic waves and emit signals [3,4]. #Magnetic Resonance (MR) was independently developed by Felix Bloch and Edward Purcell in 1946. Bloch and Purcell shared the 1952 Nobel Prize in physics for this discovery [1,4]. Paul Lauterbur generated the first MRI on small test tube samples in 1973 [1]. Lauterbur and Mansfield formed different ways to generate images from magnetic spins [4]. They both were awarded the Nobel Prize in #Medicine in 2003 for their discoveries about MRI [1]. Since then, MRI has been an invaluable tool for diagnosis of a number of #pathologies in medicine [2,5].

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Journals on Medical Microbiology - BJSTR Journal


Advances in neurosciences, #imaging techniques, #magnetoencephalography and mathematical modelling enlightening us how our multi- billion neurons located in different parts of our brain integrate and interact synchronously in a concerted manner to enable us to exist not only biologically but in a conscious state of Mind process. Thalamocortical rhythm, resonance and cognitive, emotional and motor binding may give us the cue. This not only provide a basis for further understanding and research in #neurocognitive science but may also provide new #therapeutic insights into the management of previously difficult to treat neurological and #psychiatric disorders. The cerebral cortex, thalamus and the primitive involuntary motor region like the olive and the cerebellum, albeit distantly located in the brain of Homo-sapiens has multiple, parallel excitatory and inhibitory interconnective neuronal synapses enabling an efficient integrated binding of motor, perceptual, cognitive and emotional function fundamental for our survival in a conscious state [1]. The thalamus of our brain plays a pivotal role in this #cognitive- motor-emotional binding neural circuitry. The thalamus is a complex anatomical structure found in all vertebrates in the animal world; with crucial physiological conscious and unconscious body activity. It is the center of control of much vital functions of our body like sleep, sensory information collection, dissemination, regulating autonomic nervous system and emotions.

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Friday, September 27, 2019

Journal on Medical Genetics - BJSTR Journal


The debate and controversy started by #Arrhenius and Chamberlin in 1896 [1], about how #anthropogenic changes have produced, since industrial age, an increase in greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide in the Earth's atmosphere; that consequently have produced a climate change; seems now closed. The CO2, CH4 and NO2 concentration in the atmosphere in #pre-industrial age were 278 ppm, 721 ppb, and 269 ppb. Nowadays these levels have increased dramatically in 143%, 253%, and 121%, respectively [2]. The #World Meteorological Organization (WMO) estimates that just the CO2 contributes with the 80% of the greenhouse gases problematic, because of its higher concentration than its #global warming potential (GWP). The environmental efforts of countries focus on reducing emissions of these gases through the proposal and implementation of increasingly restrictive programs, in many cases by minimizing technology emissions. The aim of this work is to summarize the current state of these technologies.

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Journals on Medical Casereports - BJSTR Journal


In article it is offered with mental and #behavioural disorders to apply a new method to identification of persons - dispersion of #amplitude- frequency characteristics of an #alpha rhythm of EEG, this process allowing to make objective when conducting psychiatric examination. Now, violent crime, including, at schools begins to gain the increasing social value. Find a set of the reasons for that - psychological tension of surrounding life, drugs, alcoholism, perversity of customs. Political and scientific figures in public statements grandiloquently ask a question: "What to do?". And themselves answered: "Unfortunately, yet there are no methods of identification of the persons inclined to violence" [1]. It would seem, the importance of a problem of violent crime has to force to look for officials any opportunity in the solution of this problem, to check any possible ways. However, it far not so. Often leads personal reasons of officials, inability to overstep the bounds of habitual concepts to the fact that the available real opportunities of identification of people with psychopathology aren't used at all [2]. Especially it concerns the #psychiatric commissions on identification #mentally sick among the special contingents: pilots of airliners, drivers socially transport, dispatchers of airlines; the persons receiving weapon, etc. To a bowl of all inspection terminates in superficial poll and, at best, psychological testing. The quality of testing was visually shown by recently carried out long-term work of the Norwegian #psychologists whose results of researches are published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences magazine. According to the received results on IQ assessment of the population they have drawn a conclusion that the population of Earth grows stupid. This very strange statement against the background of the developed information revolution and development of new information technologies by modern youth. It is obvious that the outdated psychological testing which is especially subjective method of a research demands constant improvement [3].

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Journals on Biomedical Intervention - BJSTR Journal


Literature shows that #force variability increases when force levels increase. However, this constant increase occurs only to a certain point (e.g., at around 50% of maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) and 80% MVC). After this point, the increase of force variability either slows [1,2] or stops [3-5]. The potential underlying mechanism accounting for the changing rate of increase in force variability is discussed in this brief review. It concludes that among several factors, motor-unit recruitment appears to be the most important factor in determining the relationship between force and force variability although both motor unit discharge rate variability and #synchronization have a significant impact on force variability as well. Force variability has been observed across many studies where people attempt to produce a target level of force [1,3-10]. Recently, Christou et al. [1] examined participants performing an #isometric leg extension and found that force variability increased almost linearly as the level of force increased up to 60% MVC. After this point, force variability continued to increase, but at a much slower rate. Similar findings were also reported in a study with an isometric hand-grip tasks [10], and in a study with isometric abduction of the first #dorsal interosseous muscle [2].

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Thursday, September 26, 2019

Journals on Medical Microbiology - BJSTR Journal


Therapies in field of #tumor are still new. A lot of avenues have to discover, various are still in non-clinical trials. Some achieve success in their targets in clinical fields. But now, the time turn, for production of vaccine against cancer and their trials on human. No doubt, this production is time consuming and expensive treatment in these days, but as it progress, it will be in human victory as like other medications. Hence, Cancer vaccines represent a promising avenue for cancer #immunotherapy. Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the world after #cardiovascular diseases. Cancer develops when normal cells in a particular part of the body begin to grow out of control. Almost all studies showed a correlation of fatigue with depression and with anxiety in cancer. There are different types of cancers. Different types of cancer cells can behave differently. Generally, cancer cells develop from normal cells due to damage of DNA. During the 1970s, Scientists identified oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes that are damaged by chemicals (carcinogens), radiation, viruses and also inherited from ancestors, responsible for cancer. Most carcinogens damage the DNA, which led to abnormal growth of cells. #Cancer cells with damaged DNA do not die, where as normal cells with damaged DNA die [1,2]. In 2018, 1,735,350 new cancer cases and 609,640 cancer deaths are projected to occur in the United States [3]. One study in 2016, showed that in Lahore, Pakistan the Age- Standardized Incidence Rates (ASIR) was higher in women than in men. Among women and men, breast cancer and prostate cancer, respectively, were the leading cancer types [4,5].

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Journals on Medical Informatics - BJSTR Journal


Background: Many #diseases occur at certain times and after specific process. Their treatment also needs to be done at a certain time. There are seasonal time and environments that make up the diseases. In parallel with the type of the disease, their treatment also requires a specific process and period. Treatments not made at the right time and in the right place do not yield results.
Aim of the study: The aim of this study is to show that treatment of diseases is related to the #biological clock and the circadian rhythm.
Methods: In our study, classical medical data and modern medical studies were evaluated together. Eclectic method is used in the article. In our study, there are no astrological data.
Results: There are many factors that affect #human health, from his/her own environment to the outside atmosphere such as sun and moon.
Conclusion: In the direction of this study, it is found out that there are certain times of day and night for the #treatment of diseases.

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Journal of Biomedical Research and Review - BJSTR Journal


Water makes up more than two-thirds of the #human body; the #human brain is made up of 95 percent water, blood is 82 percent water, and lungs are 90 percent water [1]. Water is vital component to every living organism in the world, especially the human species. More often than not clean water is not accessible to many human beings worldwide. This is quite alarming because of all the detrimental aspects that are associated with unclean water that is often used. Many individuals would rather consume and utilize unsanitary water than none at all. Take for example the alarming number of people that drink unsafe water worldwide, a staggering two billion people [2]. More statistics on prevalence, the importance of #clean water, and how such an issue in relation to its public health implication will be discussed in further detail in this paper. H20, or water, however one would like to call it is such an important factor for life to continue. Water is so important that without it, a human being can on survive for a matter of a few days [3]. The human body is approximately 75 percent water and is essential from the continuation of life and homeostasis of the body [3]. Water is used in the human body for a number of different functions, such as a lubricant in the body, body temperature regulation, removing #harmful toxins in the body, and transporting nutrients throughout the body [4]. Simply from all of the previously listed functions of water in the body, one can evaluate the absolute necessity of water.

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The Importance of Clean Water by Satesh Bidaisee in BJSTR

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Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Journal on Medical Genetics - BJSTR Journal


#Ficus thonningii plant has been reported to be used for the treatment of various ailments, such as stomach ache, pain diarrhea, etc. Therefore, the present study was carried out to investigate its effect on exploratory/locomotor activities of the ethanol extract of the leaves of the plant. Exploration/#locomotor behavior were assessed using the open field maze and the light/dark transition box tests. Animals were divided into three groups containing 10 mice each. Group A served as the control which was administered 1ml of #distilled water, while Group B and Group C which were the low and high dose groups, were administered 10mg/kg and 25mg/kg of the plant extract for two weeks period. Prior to the administration of the extract and commencement of the experiment, the LD50 of the plant was determined. The result showed a dose dependent increase in the line crosses and #center square entries (p<0.01). The frequency of stretch attend posture and duration of freezing were also significantly higher (p<0.05; p<0.001) compared to control. This means that the mice were more exploratory in behavior and less fearful/anxious. Similar results were obtained in the light /dark transition box test, were the line crosses and stretch attend posture also showed that the low and high dose statistically higher compared to control (p<0.01; p<0.05). The frequency of transition was also increased (p<0.05; p<0.01). In conclusion, ethanol extract of Ficus thonningii increase exploration/ locomotor activities in mice.

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Medical and Medicinal Journal - BJSTR Journal


#Bariatric surgery is the most effective intervention for severe #obesity, as one of the most serious health problem worldwide. Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding is one of the principal technique. Nonetheless, side effects are frequent and weight-loss is not always successful. Non- optimal intervention design, #surgery invasiveness and #general anesthesia are the principal cause of this situation. A more advanced approach is required, integrating bioengineering and medical competences, aiming to engineering design the procedure, to improve efficacy and to reduce the need for anesthesia. Computational methods can be exploited to evaluate stomach functionality after surgery and to interpret #mechano-biological processes, aiming at the optimal design of the intervention. Results from coupled experimental and computational activities are here reported, showing the potentialities of the engineering approach. #Endoscopic surgery should minimize invasiveness and anesthetic requirement, but previously proposed techniques demonstrate marginal efficacy. Procedural consistent advances are required, as devices designed to provide endoscopic gastric banding. Preliminary results from computational activities are proposed, again to show the capabilities of the engineering approach to mimic and to optimize the overall surgical procedure.

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Journals on Medical Research - BJSTR Journal


Background: #Neuropeptides can be influenced by #psychophysical stress and may have influence on #cardiac function.
Objective: We wanted to find out, whether pro- and #anti-inflammatory neuropeptides may be altered in #heart failure (HF) and may be modulated by #psychophysical stress.
Methods: Therefore, 29 patients of both gender suffering form heart failure (NYHA II-III) or and 20 healthy volunteers were investigated for the levels of the #pro-inflammatory neuropeptides TNFα, IL-6, IL-2, IL-1β and IL-12, and of the anti-inflammatory neuropeptides GHrelin, urocortin, #adrenomedullin and VIP as well as for TH1, TH2, TH17, CD4 and CD4CD25 cells. Left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction (LVEF), end-diastolic and end-systolic diameter (LVEDD; LVESD) were assessed #echocardiographically. Psychophysical stress and quality of life was evaluated by the SF-36 questionnaire.
Results: In NYHA II- and III-patients #urocortin, #adrenomedullin and VIP were elevated, while Ghrelin, TNFα, IL-12 and IL-2 were unchanged. IL-6 was slightly elevated and IL-1β was slightly reduced in NYHA II. TH17 cells were reduced, while TH1, TH2 and CD4 were unchanged. CD4CD25 were slightly increased. SF-36 questionnaire revealed nearly unchanged emotional and social functioning while the physical role functioning was reduced in HF-patients.

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Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Journals on Medical Research - BJSTR Journal


No research endeavor is completely #immune protected from errors. Errors are either intentional or unintentional. When they are intentional, they are called misconduct, while the contrary would be honest errors. Albeit errors in research have the potential of compromising the researcher's integrity, the work of other #researchers or erode the trust of the public in researchers and research, it would still be improper to punish honest (unintentional) errors. I argued in this paper that honest errors should not be punished. For the reason that honest errors are not willful deliberate acts and punishing honest errors can trigger a mass hysteria in the #research community. This could stifle research progress. In this review, I equally spell out a particular interpretation of African moral theory to support the thesis that honest mistakes, since they do not in anyway intend 'unfriendliness' on the part of the investigator, should not be punished. In the final section, I highlighted some measures which could be adopted to #mitigate the occurrence of errors within the clinical context.

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Open Access Clinical and Medical Journal - BJSTR Journal


Introduction: This study aimed to investigate the predictive value of #preoperative serum cystatin C (S-cystatin C), in identifying patients whom at higher risk of acute kidney injury after cardiac surgery (AKI).
Methods: To predict the early mortality, we used the European system for cardiac operative risk evaluation (EuroSCORE). #Serum creatinine levels on admission were used to evaluate the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) by using the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) equation. S-cystatin C, NT proBNP and #procalcitonin were measured before cardiac surgery (H0), 4 hours after the end (H4) and every day during the first two days (H24, H48). All patients were followed during a whole year.
Results: Positive associations were observed between #baseline s-cystatin C value and EuroSCORE and with RIFLE classification. Different positive correlations were observed between baseline s-cystatin C, cardiac markers and procalcitonin. A preoperative s-cystatin C cutoff 1.025 mg/L demonstrated higher sensitivity than preoperative s-creat cutoff, in discriminatory accuracy of one-year mortality. Estimated GFR, #procalcitonin and NT proBNP showed a decreased AUC values compared to s-cystatin After multivariate analysis, S-cystatin C and NT proBNP were independently associated with cardiovascular events accuracy and re-hospitalization risk after cardiac surgery.

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Journals on Vaccination - BJSTR Journal


A #mental disorder is characterized as an illness that influences an individual's mood, alters psychological management and causes cognitive disposition. In the U.S., 1 in 5 Americans experiences a mental illness in a given year [1]. Furthermore, nearly 1 in 25 adults in America inhabit and live with a severe mental disorder through a given year [2]. According to #NAMI (National Alliance on #Mental Illnesses), #schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depression and anxiety disorders have become increasingly prevalent throughout the U.S [1]. As a result, depression has become the leading cause of disability worldwide through the indication of multiple risk factors, such as poor diet, smoking, poor sleep hygiene, low vitamin D levels and changes in gut permeability. These risk factors present deliberate complications and may derive chronic conditions; for instance, hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, lung disease (COPD) and congestive heart failure arrogate 80% of total costs for all chronic conditions. Moreover, disorders relating to #neuropsychiatric notions are the top causes of disability in the U.S [3]. This dilemma provides factors to express the importance of mental health and psychiatry as a critical component to many lives across the world. The practice of psychiatry is not only increasingly changing its demographics through scientific and technological processes, but it also presents new growth of diversity and innovation in our society. Patient expectations are changing, not in psychiatry solely, but medicine as a whole.

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The Future of #Psychiatry by Suneeta Kumari in BJSTR

Monday, September 23, 2019

Journals on Biomedical Intervention - BJSTR Journal


Since 1906, there has been an attempt to find #tissue substitute materials to study the dosimetric effects within and around irradiated tissues. #Anthropomorphic phantoms have been built in experimental #radiation dosimetry. During the 1920's, water and wax were used as muscle and soft-tissue substitutes. In 1930 it was reported that the attenuation coefficients of wax differed widely from those of muscle and soft tissues. Then, wood-based phantoms were built and used for many years, but they were followed by reports saying that the wood had a variable #photon attenuation property and for that, it shouldn't be used as tissue substitute either. In the 40�x2019;s and 50's, researchers started a greater awareness of the importance of realism in phantom body design. So, in the early 60's, the trend continued with the introduction of elaborate adult-sized body phantoms. They had #real skeletons, body cavities, and artificial lungs, with slices that enabled the evaluation of radiation dose-distributions. From the 1970's to the present day, more phantoms have been produced for applications besides radiotherapy dosimetry such as #radiodiagnosis and radiation protection in medical imaging, and for evaluating the performance of all imaging techniques like CT

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Journals on Biomedical Imaging - BJSTR Journal


Introduction: #Natural killer (NK) cells are central components of the #innate immunity. They have ability to kill a wide range of cancer cells and are a promising tool for both autologous and allogeneic immune enhancement therapy in cancer treatment. Actually, NK cells can be derived from multiple sources such as: peripheral blood, cord blood... Among these, cord blood (CB) is known as an ideal for NK cells expansion because it occupies a higher percentage of NK cells compare to the peripheral blood and is a rich source of #hematopoietic stem cell as well as progenitor immune cells. The objectives of this study were to invent a reasonable approach for expanding a relevant number of NK cells from human cord blood to clinical application. Methods: At the initial step, cord blood was collected from the patients and then the mononuclear cells were obtained by #density centrifugation with Ficoll. After that, these cells were cultured in 2 stages: stimulation and expansion with inactivated #autologous plasma and BINKIT expansion kit contains several kinds of growth factors which are specified for NK cells. The immunophenotype of NK cells was analyzed every 2 days through %CD56+CD3- by Flow cytometry technique. The ex-vivo activation and expansion of NK cells was performed in GMP grade -clean room for about 3 weeks.

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Journals on Cancer Medicine - BJSTR Journal


This study was carried out to investigate arsenic removing efficiency of different #indigenous materials. The materials used were including bauxite, #plaster of paris, alum, activated alumina, limestone, and #plastic clay. Different ratios of these raw materials were grinded, mixed thoroughly in a motor and enough water was added to the mixture to form thick slurry. The mixture is preferably calcined and is reafter converted into granular form. Removal of as from the aqueous system is readily accomplished by contacting the aqueous system with the media until the arsenic is substantially removed from the aqueous solution and their efficiency towards removal of arsenic from water was studied through #atomic absorption spectrophotometer. It was found that when these materials were used individually the results showed that bauxite removed 97.5% arsenic from standard solution, alum individually removed 37%, plaster of paris 72.8%, #Activated Alumina (AA) removed 40% arsenic from standard - solution and plastic clay did not show any affiliation for adsorption of arsenic. It had only 2% removal efficiency when used alone. Lime is quite effective for arsenic removal. It has 99 % efficiency for arsenic removal. Different media were developed after mixing the above said indigenous materials in different ratios. These different media showed different removal efficiencies. After conducting several experiments, it was concluded that the media developed after mixing of limestone, bauxite and plastic clay (1:1:1) showed maximum (100%) removal of arsenic from drinking water. It is an excellent media in terms of adsorbing and removal of arsenic.

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Multiple Sites Fat Removal Leads to Mild Lipid Metabolism Disorders and Insulin Resistance in C57BL/6J Mice

  Multiple Sites Fat Removal Leads to Mild Lipid Metabolism Disorders and Insulin Resistance in C57BL/6J Mice Introduction Obesity has been ...