Friday, November 30, 2018

Application of Erection Hardness Score as a #DiagnosticTool to Assess Erectile Function Recovery after Robot-Assisted Radical #Prostatectomy by Boyan Stoykov in BJSTR


The objective of this study was to characterize time-dependent recovery of erectile function following robot-assisted radical #prostatectomy (RARP) using the erection hardness score (EHS). This study included 42 patients with localized #prostatecancer (PC) undergoing RARP without neoadjuvant #hormonaltherapy. The erectile function of each patient was assessed based on the international index of erectile function-5 (IIEF- 5) and EHS at the baseline and on every visit after RARP. In this series, potency was defined as the ability to have an erection sufficient for intercourse, corresponding to EHS ≥ 3, while patients with EHS ≥ 2 were regarded as those with #erectilefunction. Of these 42 patients, 15 and 27 underwent bilateral and #unilateralnerve-sparing procedures, respectively. A proportional increase in the IIEF-5 score according to EHS was noted at 12 months after RARP. At 3, 6 and 12 months after RARP, the recovery rates of erectile function were 22.6, 55.3 and 74.8 %, respectively, while those of potency were 11.7, 23.5 and 32.3 %, respectively. The results we obtained show that the EHS could be successfully used instead of IIEF-5 to assess post-operative EF recovery. Of the several factors examined, the age, preoperative outcome of IIEF-5 and the nerve-sparing procedure were identified as major independent predictors of EF recovery.

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MIMIC III Database: A Descriptive #Epidemiology of Severe #Cholangitis Patient Cohort by Abdellah Hedjoudje in BJSTR


Objective: #Electronicmedicalrecords include detailed information on clinical care. Besides its clinical utility, they afford researchers to evaluate impact of diagnostic and #therapeuticdecisions on patient outcomes. However, these dataset are not shared mainly for confidential reasons and remain consequently underused. MIMIC-III (‘Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care’) is a large, single-center database comprising information relating to patients admitted to critical care units at a large #tertiary care hospital has been made publicly available. The objective of this study is to investigate and introduce the database content though the descriptive epidemiology of a severe #cholangitis patient cohort.
Method: We conducted a retrospective study of patients with severe cholangitis admitted to the intensive care unit of the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center using the MIMIC-III v1.4 (‘Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care’). We investigated type of data available in the dataset such as patient characteristics, mortality, drug prescription, microbiology data and fluid balance.

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Thursday, November 29, 2018

Synthesis of New #HeterocyclicCompounds with Biological Activity against #PathogenicMicrobes in the Albaha Area by Yehia Abdel-Galele Mahmoud in BJSTR


Several new #heterocyclicderivatives containing fused #pyrazoloxazinemoieties were synthesized via cycloaddition reactions of #binucleophilicdentates, including hydrazine hydrate and its derivatives as well as active #methylene compounds and aniline derivatives, resulting in novel five-, six- and seven-membered heterocyclic compounds. Due to increased microbial resistance to currently available drugs accentuate a real problem, so novel antimicrobial drugs are needed. Pyrazoles are good candidate as antimicrobial agents, where they have low-molecularweight compounds, nonvolatile and chemically stable. The novel synthesized five-, six- and seven-membered heterocyclic compounds were tested for their antimicrobial activity against different pathogenic microorganisms inside Albaha area. Bacterial species included #Staphylococcusaureus, #Staphylococcusepidermidis, #Salmonellaenteritidis, #Streptococcusfaecalis, Streptococcus agalactiae, Klebsiella pneumonia, Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter baumannii, and Enterobacter aerogenes. However, the following fungi were tested: Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus fumigates, Penicillium chrysogenium, Trichophyton rubrum and Candida albicans 157 and Candida albicans causes candidiasis. Staphylococcus aureus 119 was largely inhibited were observed after contact with synthesized pyrazoloxazine derivatives 1, 5, 8, 10, 13 and 24. Of the susceptible bacteria, Klebsiella pneumonia and Enterobacter aerogens 157 were the least affected, with inhibition zones between 10 and 12 mm. The pyrazoloxazine derivatives 3, 4, 25, 2Y, Ox1 and Ox2 inhibited all the fungi tested, including Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus fumigatus, Penicillium chrysogenium and Trichophyton rubrum. The zones of inhibition ranged from 40 to 14 mm/disc for these organisms. The current study demonstrates that the newly synthesized pyrazoloxazine derivatives have a good inhibition capacity against most tested pathogenic bacterial and fungal species.

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Parent's Involvement in Preventing Errors and Maintaining the Safety of their Hospitalized Child in #PediatricDepartment by Sondos Bsharat in BJSTR


Medical errors are one of the main potential causes of death during #hospitalization [1]. One of the ways recently suggested to cope with the safety challenge is patient empowerment. Recent decades have seen increasing awareness that patients need to participate fully in ensuring their #safety, that they require empowerment to contribute to their safety and to prevent errors and injury during their stay in hospital [2,3]. Experts agree that medical errors in children have a higher potential of injury than in the #adultpopulation [4]. For example, the rate of medication-related sentinel events is three times higher in hospitalized children than in hospitalized adults. One reason for this is health care providers’ errors in the manual calculation of dosage that is dependent on the child’s weight [5]. In the #pediatric context, safety challenges are complex [6]. Therefore, it is important to focus on the parents’ involvement in ensuring the safety of their hospitalized children.

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#LaxativePoisoning in Newborn #Clinical Evolution Report of a Case by Alicia Santa Cortes Gonzalez in BJSTR


Introduction: #Constipation is a common problem and is one of the main causes of consultation in the #pediatricage, and the problems are indicated in the diagnosis, in the #treatment, or in both. Its estimated prevalence varies between 0.3% and 8% of the child population. There is a case of male 1 month and 18 days of extra uterine life that are caused by the excessive use of laxatives of osmotic type associated with the use of stimulant laxatives in prolonged form and at high doses at a weight level, their #clinicalevolution and the secondary to this use. Conclusion: The use of laxatives from birth without having an adequate diagnosis of the cause of constipation, means that its use is indiscriminately causing alterations at the #gastrointestinallevel such as electrolyte imbalance and #hypovolemicshock that can evolve to death if not timely manner.

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Okra Pod is a Serious Swallowed #ForeignBody by Mahmood A Hamed in BJSTR


Swallowed #foreignbodies are common entity in our practice especially in children. Most ingested objects pass smoothly through the #gastrointestinaltract or #endoscopically removed. However, some patients experience undesirable outcomes We reported 3 cases under one year old (1 female, 2 males) brought to our ENT emergency by history of unusual ingested foreignbody (Okra-pod); they were presented with severe illness, acute respiratory distress and aspiration pneumonia with respiratory failure in one case; Urgent endoscopic removal was done in all cases and postoperative monitoring was performed in #PediatricIntensiveCare. Two cases were managed effectively and followed up until completely cured but dramatically one infant has died due to potentially late diagnosis and respiratory failure. To our knowledge, this foreign body has not been reported before. #Okra is considered a possible cause of exogenous lipoid pneumonia as it liberates a considerable amounts of oily substance with subsequent aspiration into the respiratory passages. Early diagnosis, immediate endoscopic removal, appropriate postoperative care and follow up are mandatory in to prevent life-threatening complications, particularly respiratory failure.

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V-Y Plasty and Plantaris #Tendon Augmentation Repair in Treatment of #ChronicRupturedAchilles Tendon by Ahmed Ibrahim Zayda in BJSTR


Objective: To assess the effectiveness of repair of chronic ruptured Achilles tendon by V-Y Plasty and #plantaristendonaugmentation.
Background: Treatment of chronic Achilles tendon #rupture is still a challenge for most orthopedic surgeons. It is different from the acute Achilles tendon rupture as there are large gaps that will be bridged by scar tissue and muscle becomes infiltrated with fat, so ankle will be weak affecting the gait. Several techniques for reconstruction of Achilles tendon have been described, including tendon graft, turndown flap, and flexor hallucis longus augmentation and augmentation with synthetic materials. The superiority of one technique over another has not been demonstrated.
Patient and Method: This retrospective study included nine patients with chronic Achilles tendon rupture who underwent surgery in our institution, between February 2013 and April 2016. The study group consisted of 7 male and 2 female, ranging in age from 28 to 52 years old with mean age of 40 years. 6 cases were right side and 3 were left. All patients were diagnosed by clinical examination, sonographic examination and MRI. Treatment was by doing V-Y plasty of #tendo-Achilles to cross large gaps with augmentation of repair by plantaris tendon in all cases.
Results: At the end of follow-up (range, 7-12 months), no major complications related to surgery occurred. No patient had re-rupture at any follow-up. All patients returned to their previous occupation. The Postoperative range of ankle movement equaled to that of the opposite side in 8 patients, but in one patient the ankle dorsi-flexion was 10° less than the contralateral side. All patients were able to stand on tip toes for 30 seconds at last follow up.

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On One Aspect of Constrained Bayesian Method for Testing Directional #Hypotheses by KJ Kachiashvili in BJSTR


The paper discusses the application of constrained #Bayesianmethod (CBM) of #testing the directional #hypotheses. It is proved that decision rule of CBM restricts the mixed directional false #discoveryrate (mdFDR) and total Type III error rate as well.

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A Specific and #ReliableTest for Charcot #Neuropathy is Still Missing by Ulrich Illgner in BJSTR


Background: Charcot #Neuropathy is a severe complication of patients with neuropathy mostly seen in the #foot, but it can also appear in the #knee or #hand. Not only diabetic patients are involved. CN can lead to a complete collapse of the foot with subsequent ulceration and infection. The mechanism of this episode-like breakdown has not been understood so far. CN still remains mainly a clinical #diagnosis depended on clinical experience because there is still no #reliable and specific test even though imaging has improved. X-rays represent the traditional way to diagnose CN according to the classification of Eichenholtz of 1967. But at the time these alterations become visible, the bone is already damaged. Therefore Shiabata introduced the MRI as Stage 0 into this existing classification. New approaches using CT or PET/CT have been published.

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The Impact of Heat and Vibration on the Density of Root Filings Produced by Lateral Compaction: A Comparative Study on Artificial Blocks and Natural #Teeth by Eleftherios Terry R Farmakis in BJSTR


Background: Cold lateral condensation due to its simplicity and the high control it offers over the apical gutta-percha placement is among the most popular and widely used methods of #rootcanal filling. One of the main limitations of this technique is that it allows gaps to form, often resulting in a high percentage of sealer along and between the #cones, especially in the apical area.
Objective: To evaluate gutta-percha obturations density produced by cold, warm and vibrating-warm lateral compaction techniques in artificial and natural root canals
Methods: Forty acrylic blocks and 40 single-rooted extracted teeth were instrumented using ProTaper® rotary files up to F3. The canals were laterally compacted with #gutta-percha, weighed and subjected to warm lateral compaction followed by vibrating-warm lateral compaction. The teeth and blocks were re-weighed following each phase. The added gutta-percha in each phase was compared with the control (cold lateral compaction). The Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test and the Mann-Whitney test were used for #statisticalanalysis.
Results: Warm lateral compaction increased the density of gutta-percha compared to with cold lateral compaction in blocks and root canals by 23.5% and 25%, respectively (p < 0.001). Warm and vibrating compaction further increased the gutta-percha’s density by 33% and 53%, respectively (p< 0.001).

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Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Crossability Studies of Interspecific #Hybridization among Vigna #Species by A Nishant Bhanu in BJSTR


A total of 80 interspecific crosses i.e., 36 each of V. radiata × #V. umbellata (V. radiata as female) and #V. mungo × V. umbellata (V. mungo as female) and 08 crosses of #V. radiata × V. mungo (V. radiata as female) were attempted to study the crossability relationship among these three Vigna species. Among the crosses of V. radiata × V. umbellata the crossability was observed highest in HUM 12 × RBL 9 (16.27%) followed by HUM 12 × RBL 9 (15.78%). In case of V. mungo × V. umbellata, the maximum crossability of 11.36% was noticed in cross, Mash 338 × RBL 9. For V. radiata × V. mungo, the highest crossability was visualized in #hybrid, ML 1464 × Mash 338 (37.5%). The study indicated that different kinds of pre and post #fertilizationbarriers are responsible for complete sterility to low fertility. RBL 1 and RBL 9 gnotypes of ricebean showing substantially high percent of crossability and better seed set with different cultivars of mungbean and blackgram may be utilized for genetic improvement of the #mungbean and blackgram.

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#Ultrasound Responsive #Nanoparticles in Cancer Imaging and Therapy by Rawan A Fitaihi in BJSTR


#Ultrasound-responsivenanoparticle can selectively target #cancercell by applying ultrasound waves at the desired part, minimizing unwanted effect and improving the efficacy of anticancer agent. In this review we summarize the recent application of ultrasound responsive #nanoparticles for imaging and #therapy.

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#Supra-AcetabularPelvic External Fixator- is it safe? by Elaine Soh Zi Fan in BJSTR


Pelvic external fixator is used for stabilisation of #pelvicfracture. Iliac crest placement of pin is commonly used but #supra-acetabular pin placement is becoming more popular as it can offer more stability, avoiding irritation to abdominal soft tissue and prevent disruption to the skin over #iliaccrest especially if anterior approaches to the sacroiliac joint are planned for future #surgery. However, there is risk of #hipsepticarthritis due to proximity of the pin to the hip capsule but cases are rarely reported. This case report highlights the importance of correct placement of pin and the possibilities of hip septic arthritis as a complication of supra-cetabular pin.

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#Vascular Adverse Events Associated with Sitagliptin Agent in Taiwan: A #DrugEvaluation Report by Yu-Hsuan Yen in BJSTR


Objectives: This three-year, long-term study was intended to evaluate the incidence of #diabeticmacrovascularevents, micro vascular events and #hypoglycemicevents after combining sitagliptin with ant #hyperglycemicagents in patients with type 2 #diabetesmellitus.
Methods: This is a retrospective observational study of the medical records of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients aged 20 years and older who had been using sitagliptin, metformin and other concomitant ant hyperglycemic agents for more than 60 days from January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2009. All patient medication data were retrieved from the pharmacy database. The primary outcome was to compare the incidence of events such as #ischemicstroke, #myocardialinfarction, #peripheralartery occlusive disease, #pulmonaryembolism, diabetic retinopathy, diabetic nephropathy and severe hypoglycemia in a sitagliptin-based group and a #metformin-based group.
Results: Over a mean of 3.6 years, there was a 68% reduced risk of all the adverse events studied in the sitagliptin-based group compared to the metformin-based group. The sitagliptin-base group had a reduction in risk for ischemic stroke, diabetic retinopathy, and diabetic nephropathy. The subgroup analysis results showed that ORs of incidence of events in patients younger than age 65 years, female and with HbA1C less than or equal to 7% after 3 years were significantly lower in the sitagliptin-base group.

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#Angiogenesis Inhibitors for #CancerTherapy by Shaker A Mousa in BJSTR


#Inhibition of #angiogenesis, which refers to blocking the vessel formation from pre-existing #blood vessels, has become an attractive target for cancer therapy. Tumors beyond 2-3 mm in size induce the sprouting of new #bloodvessels from the surrounding #vasculature (sprouting angiogenesis). Design and development of new angiogenesis inhibitors has been validated as a target in several tumor types. In this min-review, we will focus on the role of different anti-angiogenesis strategies and inhibitors in treatment of #cancer.

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Efficacy of Pneumatic Lithoclast in the Management of Urolithiasis in Upper, Middle and Lower Ureter by Iftikhar Ijaz in BJSTR

Pneumatic #lithotripter breaks the calculi by oscillatory movement of a solid probe. It is very effective and least morbid approach for all kind of stones in middle and lower Ureter. Although devise is suitable for all parts of Ureter but in upper #ureteric calculi, though small, there is a risk of push back in kidneys.To determine the safety and efficacy of pneumatic lithoclast for calculi in different parts of the Ureter.This was a comparative #interventional longitudinal study conducted at depth of Urology K.E.M.U/Mayo hospital, Lahore over a period of 02 years from Jan 2015 till Jan 2017. Those 140 patients who met the inclusion criteria were enrolled for study. Diagnosis of ureteric calculi was confirmed by X- Ray KUB (kidney, Ureter, bladder) Ultrasound KUB and Intravenous #Urography. Patients were explained all objectives, merits and demerits of the study and written consent were taken. Based on the location of ureteric stones, patints were divided in 03 groups, which were Group A (upper ureteric stones), B (middle ureteric stones) and C (Lower ureteric stones).

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Effective Combination of Incisional Negative Pressure Wound Therapy and Radical Reconstructive Surgery in the Treatment of Post-Sternotomy Mediastinitis Caused by Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus by Aref Rashed in BJSTR

Although rare, #post-sternotomy #mediastinitis is still a major concern after open heart surgery. Contamination with multi-resistant pathogens is a serious problem, as they fall outside the spectrum of the generally applied antimicrobial prophylaxis. Along with radical surgery, #incisional negative-pressure wound therapy may be useful in preventing reinfection. We present a case of a 68-year old woman who underwent open heart surgery and developed post-sternotomy mediastinitis due to #methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Intravenous antibiotic therapy with multiple sternum-preserving surgical debridement was insufficient to decontaminate the wound and achieve proper healing. After radical surgical debridement and reconstruction in combination with incisional negative-pressure wound therapy, final wound healing occurred with no sign of reinfection in the follow-up period. Combining #incisional negative-pressure wound therapy with radical surgical debridement and reconstruction may be the most appropriate way to decontaminate wounds infected by #multiresistant organisms.

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A Mediastinal Goitre Case That Moving Upward To Neck during a Cystoperitoneal Shunting Operation by Halil Can Kucukyildiz in BJSTR

#Arachnoids cysts (AC) are #non-tumoral and congenital lesions and constitute 1% of all intracranial space occupying lesions [1]. Ninety percent of ACs is located in the #supratentorial region and 10% are in the posterior fosse [2]. The middle cranial fosse is the most common place of the ACs (60%) other sites include seller region, cerebral convexity, and #quadrigeminal plate. The clinical signs and symptoms of ACs are relegated with their size, anatomic location and influence on the #cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Symptomatic ACs is usually diagnosed in the first or second decades of life due to increased intracranial pressure, #craniomegaly or developmental delay. The definition of meditational goiter (MG) generally refers to a stoma with location for at least 50% of its volume in substernal position [3]. MG is a rare disease that generally diagnosed incidentally, and up to 40% of MGs are asymptomatic [4]. They may cause compressive symptoms in the surrounding tissues if they are large enough.

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Challenges in Early Infant Diagnosis of Beta Thalassemias by Tika Adilistya in BJSTR

#Thalassemias are a heterogeneous group of genetic disorders that result from a reduced rate of synthesis of  or ß chains. The genetic defects of hemoglobin are the most genetic disorders worldwide. They occur in tropical and subtropical areas and most appear to have been selected because the carrier state affords some protection against malaria. Indonesia is among a group of countries with high prevalence of thalassemias. The burden of this disorder in the country is of such a magnitude that it represents a major public health concern. Laboratory diagnosis of thalassemia, which consists of blood film examinations and hemoglobin #electrophoresis, are the most common modalities in our country since DNA analysis for  or ß #globin mutations is high cost and only available in the capital city. On the other hand, diagnosis of thalassemia becomes more complicated because of high prevalence of iron deficiency anemia in the country [1]. 

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Mid Term Patency of Different Conduits in #Coronary Artery Bypass #Surgery by Amitabh Satsangi in BJSTR

#Coronary artery disease is narrowing of the coronaries arteries caused by thickening and loss of elasticity of their wall that when sufficiently severe, limits blood flow to the #myocardium. There is significant variety of vascular conduits options for coronary artery bypass surgery, however no detailed guidelines on choice of conduits is available till now. Long term #patency of conduit is most important factor in determining the #morbidity, mortality and quality of life of patient. The purpose of this study is to review the midterm patency of different conduits in coronary artery bypass surgery.

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Sunday, November 25, 2018

My Experience to Prevent Hematoma on Hyperhidrosis Surgery by Wen Tsao Ho in BJSTR

Currently, various techniques are used to prevent #hematomas, including drainage tubes, fibrin glue, quilting sutures and #tieover dressings [1]. Considered fibrin glue failed to influence the incidence of postoperative #seromas on a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. The technique issued by Roh NK did indeed significantly decrease the incidence of hematomas [2]. We have applied this technique in our daily practice and still encountered some hematomas. We tried to solve these problems and would like to share our experiences in this letter. The tie over bandage was crucial for preventing hematomas. The patients were scheduled to remove the tie over bandage on the third day. We found the color was rusty to black instead of reddish, which means the active bleeding might occur mainly in the first 1-2 days and we can deduce that removal of the bandage on the third day is feasible. Although quilting sutures reduced the occurrence of hematomas, we still subsequently found a few hematomas and seromas with a particular presentation in between the quilting sutures after removing the tie-over bondage at 3 days #post-operatively.

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Non Invasive Prenatal Testing- Indian Scenario by Mala Srivasatava in BJSTR

Intellectual disability (ID) affects about 3 % of the general population. #Chromosomal and genetic disorders account for 30- 40 % of moderate to severe IDs, of which, Down syndrome is the commonest. Attempts to detect and prevent the birth of such affected children were initiated in the ‘80s but were initially limited to women in the advance maternal age. Current recommendations by the American College of Obstetrics and #Gynecologists (ACOG) Committee, are that every woman, regardless of maternal age, should be offered prenatal assessment for #aneuploidy either by screening or invasive prenatal diagnosis [1]. The incidence of Down syndrome is 1:800, so approximately 32,000 babies with Down syndrome are born every year in India (the birth rate of India is 25.6 million births annually). Though screening facilities are available in most of the cities, expertise in invasive testing is limited, thus affecting the overall utility of screening. Current screening tests have a detection rate of 95 % with a false positive rate of 5 %, when maternal age, fetal nuchal translucency (NT), nasal bone, and maternal serum markers like beta human chorionic #gonadotropin (b-hCG) and pregnancy associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A) are combined together. 

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#Microneurography of Peripheral Nerves in Mice: An Old Approach Applied to the Novel Concept of #Neural Modulation of Immune Organs in #Cardiovascular Diseases by Lorenzo Carnevale in BJSTR

#Microneurography in small animals has proven to be a fundamental tool to investigate novel concepts of #immune modulation by the autonomic nervous system. Major discoveries in the field pushed toward new investigation in the #cardiovascular #pathophysiology, to explore the relations between immune organs such as the spleen and hypertension. Given the variety of nerves of interest a great effort has to be put in the standardization of technical, experimental setup and analysis procedures.

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Computerized Reporting In Colonoscopy: A Simple Way to Reduce Inadequate Preparation Rate and Improve Quality Indicator Compliance by Franca Patrizi in BJSTR

#Colonoscopy is one of the most performed procedures in #gastroenterology practice and is the criterion standard for #colorectal cancer (CRC) prevention, used either for primary or secondary screening. The efficacy of colonoscopy and the preventive effect are highly dependent on the quality of the examination. Complete and accurate reporting of colonoscopy parameters is essential to assess the quality of the procedure and its improvements over time. Moreover, comprehensive reporting analyses can identify possible causes of shortfalls and direct specific training or education projects to achieve the maximum benefit from #colonoscopic procedures. Starting from the publication of guidelines on reporting practice in 2007 [4] many studies have focused the attention on quality evaluation and quality improvement of colonoscopy reporting, in screening programs or daily clinical practice. 

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Truth Telling to Life-Threatened and Dying Patients in Israel: Can Legislation improve it? by Mahdi Tarabeih in BJSTR

Truth-telling by doctors to patients is a basic moral rule in developed healthcare systems. Not to tell the truth #jeopardizes staff-patient trust, undermines the patient’s capacity for autonomy, and deprives the terminally-ill of a ‘good death’. Yet non-truth-telling is still common. This study explores and measures the extent of non-truth-telling to cancer patients in Israel’s modern health care system, why it happens and what #consequences it leads to.This Mixed Methods study of doctors working regularly in the field of #palliative care, in both hospital, community and home care settings centred on two main tools, the first a qualitative structured in-depth interview of 15 doctors (from oncology, hospice home care and family medicine); the second a much longer quantitative self-administered questionnaire for 90 practitioners (30 hospital #oncologists, 30 home care specialists, and 30 family medicine specialists). The sample was made fully representative of the research population. The sampling method combined cluster, directed and convenience sampling. Data were analysed by content analysis and descriptive statistics (chiefly means and correlations).

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Saturday, November 24, 2018

Correlation between Sulforaphane and Glutathione Peroxides-1 Accelerates Breast Cancer Cell #Apoptosis by Mossa Gardaneh in BJSTR


Induction of cell death pathways constitutes the basis of cancer #chemotherapy. In this study, the co-effect of #sulforaphane (SFN) and #glutathioneperoxidase-1 (GPX-1) on the survival of breast cancer cell line MCF-7 was examined. We produced recombinant lentivirus vectors expressing the human GPX-1 and used to transduce the MCF-7 cells. Next, we treated the cells with serial concentrations of SFN before further analyses. Cell survival was examined using the MTT viability assay. Apoptosis was measured by #acridine orange/#ethidiumbromide co-staining and flow cytometry. Finally, changes in the expression of apoptosis and growth related molecules were detected using RT-PCR analysis. While GPX-1 over expression showed slight changes on the survival of the transduced MCF-7 cells, SFN treatment per se significantly reduced cell survival rate and this reduction correlated with increasing concentrations of SFN. By addition of SFN to GPX-1-overexpressing MCF-7 cells, survival of the cells was significantly reduced compared to untreated and SFN-treated empty vector controls. These findings were confirmed by AO/EB co-staining of the cells and flow #cytometry. We also found that SFN-GPX-1 cooperation induces expression of BAX and p53 while reducing expression of BCL-2 and AKT more significantly than in SFN-treated controls. We concluded that SFN and GPX-1 can synergize to induce MCF-7 cell apoptosis.

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On the Road to Resolution: Do People know where to go to resolve their Untreatable #ChronicHeadache? by Barreiros HP in BJSTR


Although #headache is a common #disorder with a great burden on quality of live, there are many who have not been able to solve it yet. Partially due to the lack of understanding about who is the #physician more trained regarding this disturbance. The following text reports a series of people in quest to resolve their #untreatablechronicheadache.

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Multiple Sites Fat Removal Leads to Mild Lipid Metabolism Disorders and Insulin Resistance in C57BL/6J Mice

  Multiple Sites Fat Removal Leads to Mild Lipid Metabolism Disorders and Insulin Resistance in C57BL/6J Mice Introduction Obesity has been ...