Thursday, January 31, 2019

Journal on Medical Science


Aim: To compare the quality of colonoscopy preparation in patients taking #sodiumphosphate solution for #bowelcleansing at two different time points.
Patients and Methods: One hundred and thirty-three patients were randomized to receive sodium phosphate solution (Fleet®), either in the preceding evening or in the same morning of the #colonoscopy. The endpoints of this study include #coloniccleansing, determining tolerance and acceptability via a self-administered questionnaire, and assessment of the #safety profile of the cleansing agent.

Biomedical Science Articles


Introduction: #Amyloidosis is a rare disease resulting from #extracellularaccumulation of abnormal insoluble protein fibrils. AmylUidosis classified into two types primary(AL) and secondary(AA). Primary amyloidosis(AL) is a multiple #myeloma associated #disease. The primary localized cutaneus amyloidosis (PLCA) is a kind of of primary amyloidosis with isolated amyloid deposition in the skin and #mucousmembrane. Case discussion: We described a case of PLCA with a long history of palpebral and #gingivalinvolvement. There are a few treatment modalities for these groups of patients such as local therapy or systemic medical therapy. Conclusion: Although our patient has recieved multiple lines of #immunosuppressivetreatment during long period of time, the disease progressed continously and disturbed her visual field.

Journals on Biomedical Science


On October 19, 1988, the World Health Organization (WHO) established World Breast Cancer Day, with the aim of raising awareness and awareness among the population about the fact that we can all help to prevent and control this #disease. Breast cancer is the most frequent type of cancer in women worldwide, with a participation of 32.5 percent with respect to the total number of cases. Hereditary-familial cancers occur only between 5 and 10 percent and can be produced by different genetic mutations; the rest are presented #sporadically, this means that they do not respond to a predisposition or do not have a background. According to the statistical data obtained from the Provincial Registry of Tumors of Córdoba, in the province, in the period 2004 - 2013, the incidence rate (new cases) of #breastcáncer [1]. 

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Biomedical Open Access Journals


A 57-year-old male presented with multiple it chypurple raised #lesions on left side off ace and scalp for 3 years. Examination revealed multiple soft to firm violaceous papules and nodules, varying in size from 0.5cmto1cm, limited to left side of scalp and face over forehead,#periorbital, #preauricular, anterior helix, post auricular and beard are as with few excoriations. There was no associated regional #lymphadenopathy. Laboratory reports: #Haemoglobin=5.7gm%, decreased red cell count and indices, increased red cell distribution width, leukocytosis elevated blood sugars(Fasting Blood Sugar=430mg%),decreased serum ferritin and normal serum Immunoglobulin E (IgE). Histopathology revealed increased thick-walled capillaries and venules in upper dermis surrounded by an infiltrate of #lymphocytes and #eosinophils with their linings how in gplumpendo the lialcells. High frequency #ultra-sonography of affected skin suggested enlarged #lymphnodes.


Biomedical Open Access Journals


Currently, despite scientific advances in medicine, the reproductive health of the population is progressively #deteriorating. The problem of infertile marriage acquires a special social significance in connection with the increase in the level of overall mortality of the population. #In vitro #fertilization (IVF) followed by transfer of the #embryo (ET) to the uterus has become firmly established in medical practice as a recognized method of infertility treatment. The most common is infertility due to chronic #inflammatorydiseases of the internal genital organs. Numerous studies indicate that chronic inflammatory diseases of the genitals not only lead to tubal peritoneal infertility due to the adhesive process, but also cause polysystemic changes in the organism. Thus, a decrease in #immunoreficiency, the circulation of #pathologicalautoantibodies, #endointoxication has a significant negative effect on the results of the IVF program and the course of pregnancy. 

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Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Biomedical Journal of Scientific Research


We report here the clinical effects of the sustained release of basi #fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) from #gelatinhydrogel in cases of periodontal disease with infrabony defects. Patients with moderate to advanced #periodontitis were treated with a #mucoperiosteal flap operation. At the time of #surgery, each bone defect was filled with gelatin hydrogel incorporating bFGF (bFGF/gelatin hydrogel). Probing pocket depth (PPD), clinical attachment level (CAL), and radiographic bone level were evaluated before treatment and at 3, 6, and 12 months after treatment. There were significant improvements in #clinicalparameters after #treatment. There were no adverse effects during the treatment period. Topical application of bFGF/gelatin hydrogel may promote periodontal regeneration in cases of #chronicperiodontitis with infrabony defects.

Biomedical Journal of Scientific Research


#Acuteappendicitis is a common cause of acute #abdominalpain and is one of the most common abdominal surgical emergencies. In the past, the treatment of acute appendicitis consisted of open appendectomy through a small #skinincision in the right lower abdominal quadrant. In some cases of perforated appendic it is with diffuse peritonitis, median laparoto my wasper formed with appendectomy, irrigation and drainage of the abdominal cavity. Now a days, surgical treatment of acute appendicits has shifted from open appendectomy to #laparoscopicappendectomy in adults and in #pediatricpatients [1].

Biomedical Journal of Scientific Research


#Kristeller’smaneuver (KM) was described in 1867 as an obstetric maneuver based on the gentle compression of the #uterinefundus at the time of birth of the head and #shoulders of the #fetus. In the textbook from excellent German Obstetrical School of Prof. Kristeller’s maneuver (KM) was described in 1867 as an obstetric maneuver based on the gentle compression of the uterine fundus at the time of birth of the head and shoulders of the fetus. In the textbook from excellent German Obstetrical School of Prof. Pschyrembel it is described as one of the two tricks accelerating the birth of a #fetalhead [1]. “It is not unusual for the head to pierce.

Biomedical Journal of Scientific Research


Objective: To determine the effect of #papaverine in the blood flow of internal #mammaryartery in patientsundergoing #coronaryartery bypass #graftingsurgery.

Study Design: Quasi-experimental study.
Place & Duration: #Cardiacsurgery departments of Punjab Institute of #Cardiology in Lahore, Pakistan from 1stMarch 2015 to 1st November 2015.
Methods: This descriptive case series study enrolled 50 consecutive patients who had undergone elective coronary artery bypass grafting with #cardiopulmonarybypass (CPB) with use of papaverine in internal mammary artery, aged range 36-78 years were selected from cardiac surgery departments of Punjab Institute of Cardiology, Lahore, Pakistan from 1stMarch 2015 to 30th November 2015. All patients were assessed pre-operatively and per-operatively blood flow of LIMA at baseline (before papaverine injection) for 15 seconds and after 30 minutes of #intra-arterial papavarine injection is measured.


Biomedical Journal of Scientific Research


Purpose: To identify possible #antenatalrisk factors affecting the development of #cerebralpalsy among children.
Methodology: Antenatal events were compared between 25 children with cerebral palsy (CP) and 25 controls in a #retrospectivecasecontrolmethod. Antenatal factors were analysed as odds ratios, 95% confidence intervals and chi-square test. Factors associated with an increased risk of CP identified as antenatal risk factors were: #maternaleclampsia, maternal #hypertension, maternal #diabetes, physical problem (e.g. fall down), maternal #viraldiseases, low birth weight (< 2500gm).

Antenatal Risk Factors of Children with Cerebral Palsy by Obaidul Haque in BJSTR

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Journal of Biomedical Research and Reviews


Background : Although factors such as #diabetes, smoking, age, gender are known to act in the development and severity of periodontal disease, we aimed to investigate the association between diabetes, smoking and periodontal status in a group of eldery.
Methods : A group consisting of 205 #dentate adults aged 55 years and older were selected according to their good #oralhygiene, lack of other #systemicconditions. Periodontal involvement was assessed according to maximum #periodonta probing depth (PPD) and divided in groups with less than 4 mm PPD, and with PPD of 4 mm or more. The diabetic condition was self-reported.

Journal of Biomedical Research and Reviews


During last years the authors have discussed whether #musculoskeletaldiseases, as #osteoathritis, could be a CHD risk factor and how to explain it. Connective tissue of the arterial wall has been suggested to participate in the progression and protection of CHD. CHD risk is composed of two risk clusters: individual and regional factors. In Finland individual major and minor #riskfactors have explained 40 % of CHD east-west difference. Some regional risk factors have alone or combined explained more. In this study we have benefited age #standardisedmorbidity indices of CHD and musculoskeletal disorders (MuSk) (MuSk as an indicator of connective tissue welfare) from 2012-2014 provided by National Institute for #Health and Welfare (THL) and their associations with each other, #geographicalfactors [latitude, longitude, temperature (Temp), average annual snow cover duration [Snow.cover] – as a measure of biological activity and #soilweathering], groundwater (gw) and (agricultural) #soilfactors [Ca, Mg, (Ca+Mg), (Mg/Ca)], gw silicon [] and (agricultural) soil tin [Sn.soil].

Journal of Biomedical Research and Reviews


The increasing world population which threaten the #humanfood demand. To satisfy the world food demand a focus must need to #agricultureland which decreasing day by day due to increasing population. In this competetive world people are in race to buy lands to build factories and buildings which destroy our agriculture land and increase environmental pollution which further effect the life on earth. To solve all these issues we must think about new agriculture ideas to protect our agriculture and environment. Here are some opinions which can be adopted to the best for future safety. #Intercropping growing of two or more crops simultaneously on the same field is called intercropping or cropping mixture. intercropping actually is an old agriculture practice since the farming began. Unfortunately equipment farming modernization has changed our farming practices into what they are today, which is mostly sole-cropping or #mono-cropping.#Solecropping is the cropping of single crop for short period of time with the intention of promoting high yielding varities of crops you could plant on one field.

Journal of Biomedical Research and Reviews


Background: Distraction #osteogenesis is a #biomechanicalprocess where the application of incrementally increasing distances between living #bonesfragments (range of 0.5 to 1.0 mm per day) leads to the formation of new bone.
Objectives: The purposes of this study were twofold: (1) to evaluate the effectiveness of a light sensor in the assessment of distraction forces, and (2) to assess the accuracy of a newly-developed simple mechanism for measuring the #distractionforces.
Materials and Methods: A modification of the simple mechanism was fabricated with standard loads of 10, 20 and 30N to simulate the resistance of the #osteotomizedbone segments during distraction #osteogenesis. Measurements were performed with and without the aid of a #lightsensor using both a modified force gauge and a UTM. Measurements were repeated 30 times for each experimental setting. A paired t test was used to analyze the differences between the groups; Significance level was established at 0.01.

Journal of Biomedical Research and Reviews


The injuries of the #pelvicring are the set of mechanical #lesions affecting the pelvic girdle formed by the 2 #iliacbones, the sacrum and the #coccyx. The acetabular cavity is an anatomical region belonging to the pelvis, but its articular function makes the lesions #acetabulum is considered an entity separate from other pelvic lesions [1]. It is an infrequent emergency, related to generally violent trauma. They represent 0.3 to 9.3% of all #trauma [2-4]. They are the preserve of the young active adult.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Biomedical Open Access Articles


#Monoclonalantibodies (mAbs) in #oncology are usually administered in body-size-based or fixed dosing schedules. However, the minor effects of body size on #distribution and #elimination of mAbs, as well as a series of practical advantages could support their fixed dosing use. Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) in oncology are more frequently administered in body-size-based #dosing schedules as #cytotoxicanticancerdrugs. Simulation studies that compared the performance of body-size-based and fixed dosing of a series of mAbs in terms of #pharmacokinetic and/or #pharmacodynamic variability demonstrated that the preferable option could be the fixed dosing for some of them, while body-size-based dosing for some others [1,2].

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Biomedical Open Access Articles


#Alkylketenedimer (AKD) has been used as a sizing agent all over the world to controlling penetration of liquids to the paper. In parallel with the technological development of biomedical devices, AKD-Heptane applications on the paper surface are becoming increasingly important. Conventional applications and technological methods need to be examined in order to reach suitable #papersurface for all kind of #device. This article fills that gap to measure paper properties after application both methods. Dipping method and printing method. In this paper, we used filter paper because of its pure structure. AKD to #n-Heptane was4% (v/v) on paper samples, then samples keep #optimumheatcondition for curing the AKD. The most important feature of AKD sizing is to improve the water repelling properties of paper; therefore, it was testedCobb60.

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Biomedical Open Access Articles


Aim: Evaluation of #surgicaloutcomes of two different incisions in patients with CTS #diagnosis
Materialsand Methods: The study included 100 patients who underwent surgical operation between January / 2017-January / 2018 at the Department of Neurosurgery in Health Sciences University, Dışkapı Yıldırım Beyazıt Training and Research Hospital. Median nerve#decompressionsurgery was performed with standard longitudinal incision on 50 patients and with transverse #mini incision on 50 #patients. Patients were evaluated retrospectively according to the Boston Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Questionnaire (BCTQ).

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Biomedical Open Access Articles


Background: Leg length #discrepancy after total #hiparthroplasty (THA) is one of the most common complications. Patients with obvious limb-length change often have functional #disability and an accompanying dissatisfation. Purpose to detect the association between gender and the Leg length discrepancy (LLD) after THA
Methods: We retrospective reviewed 158 consecutive patients who underwent primary THA surgery at our institution from May 2016 to July 2017. LLD was measured for all cases on pevilc AP #radiograph. Then, we compared LLD between the male and female groups.

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Biomedical Open Access Articles


#Metallicnanoparticle is nano sized metals with #dimensions (length, width, thickness) within the size range of 1-100nm. In 1857, Faraday first investigated the existence of metallic nano particles in solution. In 1908, Mie gave a quantitative explanation of their colour. Today these nano materials can be prepared and modified with various chemical functional groups which allow them to bind with #antibodies, #ligands and drugs. Metallic nanoparticles give wide range of application in therapeuticarea, #biotechnology, vehicles for gene and drug delivery. This review summarizes the properties, advantages, disadvantages and characteristics of metal #nanomaterials. This review also highlights on how metallic nanomaterials work as a catalyst and why is it necessary for stabilization. It provides the readers, detailed information on the synthesis by various methods, characterization, with particular focus on therapeutic application along with potential #sideeffects and their future perspective.

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Metallic #Nanoparticle: A Review by Nagasamy Venkatesh in BJSTR

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Biomedical #Research Open Access Journals


Background: Memory loss is a most disabling feature of #cognitivedisorders which disrupts the life styles of patients and equally affects the patient caregivers. Management and treatment of memory loss is highly challenging as no potential remedy is available at present for the complete cure. In this study, #antiamnesic and neuroprotective efficacy of methanolic extract of dried leaves of Mimusops Elengi Linn. (MEE) was investigated in mice.
Methods: Elevated plus maze and Morris water maze were used for assessment of acquisition and retention. Scopolamine (0.4mg/kg, i.p.) and #diazepam (1mg/kg, i.p.) induced amnesia were the exteroceptive models.
Results: MEE (100 and 20mg/kg, p.o.) significantly improved acquisition and retention in amnesic mice. MEE also exhibited reversal effects in aged mice (aging induced amnesia). MEE significantly increased acetyl #cholinesterase inhibitory activity in the mouse brain. M. Elengi exhibited potential #neuroprotectiveeffects.

Biomedical #Research Open Access Journals


The microwave #Spectrum is part of total #RadioSpectrum that excludes smaller wavelength like optical, infrared and thermal infrared. The Radio window spreads from the length of one meter #wavelength to ONE cm wavelength that is 300MHZ frequency to 30GHZ. This part of frequency spectrum has applications in#medicalsciences and these are being discussed in the following two page note, the basic reason for this application is the fundamental property of #Microwaves that is the energy levels are higher in microwave frequencies and the electrical properties of the material also are related to the microwave frequencies. The most important electrical property of the material is the dielectric constant that is the permittivity of the relationship to the frequency and hence we are able to characterize the material and study the #behaviour of the material at #microwavefrequencies.

Biomedical #Research Open Access Journals


India is a nation that constitutes approximately 17% of the World’s population. People from around the world flock to India for#surgeries and advanced #treatment as the facilities are top-notch yet affordable. Prior to 2005, India did not have a regulatory policy for #MedicalDevices, while Drugs and #Cosmetics were brought under the ambit of Regulation. In 2017, the Indian government issued a set of guidelines for the Regulation of Medical Devices. This guideline will be taking effect in 2018. This paper aims to explain the regulatory process in India and offer a perspective on the same.

Multiple Sites Fat Removal Leads to Mild Lipid Metabolism Disorders and Insulin Resistance in C57BL/6J Mice

  Multiple Sites Fat Removal Leads to Mild Lipid Metabolism Disorders and Insulin Resistance in C57BL/6J Mice Introduction Obesity has been ...