Thursday, May 30, 2019

Biomedical Science Articles - BJSTR Journal


#Virtual Reality (VR) is an often-used instrument in many domains, also in #sports. Therefore, it can be used for training with skilled athletes. The current short review highlights existing virtual environments (VE) which were used for interventions and shows that most training #interventions using VR in sports were conducted with beginners. Thus, training studies with #skilled athletes are rare. In the discussion, the present review shows one the one hand open questions concerning training using #immersive VR, and one the other hand further possibilities to use such VEs for training in sports. Virtual Reality (VR) can be used to create a #realistic training with standardized, controllable and stereoscopic conditions. By the use of VR, manipulations can be made which are either difficult to perform or not possible in real world settings. Furthermore, standalone trainings can be made. Thus, there would be no dependence on training partners, coaches or gyms Petri et al. [1,2]. Nowadays there exist several forms of virtual characters which can replace opponents Petri et al. [1], auditory Argelaguet Sanz [3] or coaches de Kok et al. [4].

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Journal of Biomedical Research and Review - BJSTR Journal


Patients treated with #anti-TNF-α agents are at increased risk of reactivating #latent tuberculosis infection. Screening for tuberculosis infection and disease, and appropriate treatment before commencing of anti-TNF therapy is therefore important. However, currently recommended screening tools (tuberculin skin test, interferon-gamma releasing assays, and chest radiograph) may not detect tuberculosis infection in all children. This may result in development of active tuberculosis during TNF-α inhibitor therapy. Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) is a pro-inflammatory cytokine that plays a critical role in the host response to tuberculosis (TB), having an essential role in the granuloma formation and maintenance of the latency of TB. Blocking TNF-α in cases of active infection with #Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mbt) results in a failure to form tight #granuloma’s as well as disintegration of existing granulomas leading to mycobacterial dissemination in a murine model [1-2]. Treatment with anti- TNF-α agents has become an important cornerstone in the treatment of severe, non-remitting forms of juvenile #idiopathic arthritis (JIA).

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Journals on Biomedical Intervention - BJSTR Journal


Management of #patients suffering from Drug Resistant #Epilepsy has changed dramatically over last few decades. Neurologists and Neurosurgeons of current generation have an advantage over #past generations to have dramatically improved #biotechnology to help them managing these patients. Recently, biotechnology has provided us with mobile health & wearable devices to early & promptly detect the #seizures in ambulatory patients during their routine activities. This is an edge; which neuroscientists were deprived of in the past. Epilepsy is a brain disorder characterized by recurrent unprovoked seizures which occurs due to #abnormal excessive electrical activity in the brain. This in turn is often reported by the patient and the accompanying persons. Commonly, it is also called as fits or seizures. Seizures can occur with or without impairment of consciousness and it depend on which part of the brain is affected in epilepsy. Approximately 50 million people in the world suffer from epilepsy, of whom 80% live in resource restricted countries.

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Biotechnology and #EpilepsyPatient by Jitender Chaturvedi in BJSTR

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Journals on Medical Informatics - BJSTR Journal


#Atopic Dermatitis (AD) is a chronic #inflammatory skin disease, which occurs most often in children compared with the adult AD population [5]. Wool is commonly considered an allergen and trigger for exacerbation of AD. However, Super Fine Merino Wool (SMW) has not been extensively studied and may show some effect in improving AD symptoms such as itch, #erythema and induration. To explore this hypothesis, we performed an investigator blinded, repeated measures, self-controlled experimental design study with Super Fine Merino Base Layer Garments (SMWBG). SMWBG were worn by 29 patients with AD between the ages of 6 to 25 years over a 15 week period. We examined the #tolerability and potential therapeutic effect of SMWBG (garments worn directly against the skin) in children and young adults with atopic dermatitis (AD). Response was assessed using validated scoring scales: Severity Scoring of Atopic Dermatitis (SCORAD1), Eczema Area Severty Index (EASI2), #Patient-Orientated Eczema Measures (POEM3) and a non-validated Dermatitis Severity Assessment (DSA4). 

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Behavioral Medicine Journal - BJSTR Journal


The #in vitro responses of three #Alternaria spp. isolates to 16 #biological control agents and eight fungicides were evaluated. A split plot experimental design was used, with a factorial arrangement for each pathogen. Factor A was to fungi isolates and Factor B to control agents. The mean comparisons were by Tukey test. The Alternaria spp. isolates were sensitive to Dicloran, Boscalid, #Cyprodinil-Fludioxonil, and #Tebuconazole fungicides, because they not allowed any develop of mycelial growth at 264 hours after confrontation. The biological control agents with the best fungistatic effects against to the isolates of Alternaria spp. were four Trichoderma agents, they significantly affected the mycelial growth at 264 hours after confrontation. There were other biological agents such as Bacillus subtillis, B. cereus, #B. megaterium (Rhizobac combi), #Trichoderma harzianum (Triko root) and Gliocadium virens (Soil gard), but with the lowest or null fungistatic effects.

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Journals on Emergency Medicine - BJSTR Journal


In Physics today it is accepted that the findings on the particles properties require that the old #4-dimensional vector spacetime description is not adequate. In contrary to the known string theory I work with #octonians and double up the spacetime dimensions as also done for the physics phase space. I describe in [1] #deuteron states through the known properties for three of the three basic four basic interactions or forces in physics. Field quantum’s for this are the weak bosons of the weak interaction, gluons of the strong interaction, #rgb-graviton whirls (newly added) for a gravitational action, phonos for heat transfer. #Stochastically can a six-fold energy exchange between a deuterons inner space and its environment occur. This is more complicated as in biology or chemistry. Using only one main factor: biology is based on #DNAs and evolution of systems in time. Chemistry is based on the electron number in atoms shells which is also the proton number of atomic kernels AK. The neutron content of AKs may also have a chemical influence. Now physics treats its systems P as a portion of the universe under investigation. This means for a mathematician that they accept what experiments tell them.

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Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation - BJSTR Journal


There are a significant number of reports about single port operations available in the scientific publications. The advantage of lower access trauma compared to conventional laparoscopy is frequently #propagandized; nevertheless, taking factors like Health-related #Quality of Life (HrQoL), shorter hospital stay or improved #cosmesis into consideration it becomes difficult to find confirmation of the above in the existing studies. There remains an assumed equality to the standard procedure in particular operated organ systems with considerably higher costs when using commercial available ports and specific #angulating instruments. It still remains unclear which patient population is most suitable for this technique. Currently single port technique does not have evident advantages compared to #conventional laparoscopic surgery. It is to be hoped that current and future  #clinical trials provide insight and clarity.

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Journals on Medical Drug and Therapeutics - BJSTR Journal


Intellectually gifted students have #emotional intensity and #mental processing that is outside of the norm for their age group and they often manifest anxiety about school and have difficulties in peer interaction. This anxiety often results in migraine headaches and a feeling of being “out of sync” with both school and their peers. Programs focusing on #building motivation, self-concept and leadership are one way to meet the social-emotional needs of gifted students. Shayla a 16yr. old gifted student suffered from migraine headaches and she had a low self-concept. After participating in a three weeks residential leadership program focusing on #mindfulness practices, she became free from #migraine headaches, and there was a significant increase in her self-concept, motivation and leadership skills.

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Journals on Medical Microbiology - BJSTR Journal


Financial support is a very crucial element in maintaining #health services. The purpose of this study was to review the literature for #financial aspects associated with overuse of health services. The results of this study indicated that the #overused health services have become an issue with great concern since it represents high cost that is not justified. There have been calls from the UK health settings to save $22 billion from this issue and similar calls have been raised in the US to save $66 billion resulting from overused health services. However, a concept called, moral hazard, has been used to address ethical aspects associated with overused health services. Taken together, overused health services are not always good for the interest of #patients. Overused health services are interrelated with over testing and exposing patients to undesired outcomes.

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Monday, May 27, 2019

Journals on Cancer medicine-BJSTR Journal


Sleep alterations constitutes one of the biggest problems that affects life quality and overall performance of people, and have repercussions on low levels of work performance. The general objective of this study was to describe the relation between sleep quality and quantity and the impact on work performance of #mentalhealth professionals from Centro Asistencial San Juan de Dios in the state of Jalisco, Mexico. The study had a descriptive, observational, cross-sectional design, which evaluated a total of 26 mental health professionals with #PittsburgSleepQualityIndex (PSQI) and an Ad hoc questionnaire about the #perception over their work performence. The quality and quantity of sleep was not significantly associated with job performance (p=0,474). They also were not associated with errors or accidents at work (p=0,655). The variables sex, age, marital status, occupation (psychologist/psychiatrist), shift, and type of contract, were not associated with total sleep quality.

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Journals on Biomedical Imaging- BJSTR Journal


#MucunaFlagellipes is one of the plants commonly used widely in the South Eastern part of Nigeria for the treatment of Anemia. There have never been any record authenticated to the best of my knowledge that focus on the effect of Mucuna Flagellipes on visuo-spatial learning and memory, therefore the objective of this study was to determine whether Mucuna flagellipes has effect on the above #neurobehavioral parameter, using CD-1 as experimental animals. Thirty CD-1 mice were bought and randomly divided into two groups, consisting of ten (10) mice. Group 1(control) received normal rat fed whereas group 2(test) received the #Mucunadiet and clean drinking water for twenty-one days. After this period, they were tested using the Morris water maze. The group 2 animals that received the Mucuna flagellipes showed improved learning and memory behavior by a significantly lower swim latency during acquisition training and reversal training (P<0.01) and (P<0.05) compared to group 1 (control). Preference to the Northwest and Southeast quadrant was statistically higher (P<0.001) compared to group 1. Annulus reversal crossing was also higher (P<0.01) when compared to group 1. In visible platform task, the test group was statistically lower (P<0.001) compared to group 1. Therefore, Mucuna Flagellipes with a fair measure of accuracy improves learning and memory and could be used in the management and treatment of retrograde #amnesia.

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Journals on Biomedical Science- BJSTR Journal

#Suboptimalbowel preparation (prep) leads to shorter #intervalcolonoscopy time, missed lesions, and increased healthcare costs. The aim of this study was to assess whether the patient’s experience was associated with bowel prep quality. A single center retrospective analysis was performed of 200 patients with documented adequate and #suboptimalbowel prep who had undergone colonoscopy and agreed to be surveyed were included in the study. Demographic information, baseline characteristics, bowel prep scores, colonoscopy findings, and survey responses were analyzed. There was a significant relationship between prep quality and the following: “how did you perceive bowel prep went?” “were you compliant with recommended clear liquid diet?” “did you have any nausea or vomiting while taking bowel prep?” and “was your stool clear prior to procedure?”. The logistic regression model selection found the best fit model contained a documented history of #chronicconstipation, prior inadequate bowel prep, patient’s perception of how well the bowel prep went, and reported stool clarity. The odds of suboptimal preparation are 5.5 times higher for those with a history of chronic constipation than those without; 2.8 times higher for those with a history of poor prep; 9.5 times higher for those who perceived prep did not go well, 6.6 times higher for those who did not report clear stool, and 3. 9 times higher for males. Patients who perceived their bowel prep went well; followed a clear liquid diet; #deniednausea and vomiting and reported clear stool had more adequate bowel preparation quality.

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Sunday, May 26, 2019

Journal on Medical Genetics - BJSTR Journal


This paper aims at defining the #therapeutic role of #(adeno)tonsillectomy in children affected by recurrent #acute tonsillitis (RAT), and at drawing some practical implications based on the current evidence. A literature search was performed to find pertinent study accessible by means of a MEDLINE search (accessed via PubMed). 15 papers were selected for literature analysis. The evidence suggests that although significant, the effect of tonsillectomy in children with moderate to severe RAT is modest and limited to 12 months post-operatively. In the case of patients with mild symptoms, it seems that the benefits are not sufficient to balance the disadvantages of the procedure. This can be explained by the fact that the procedure is #intrinsically characterised by #pharyngeal pain and that the surgical removal of a palatine tonsil does not exclude the subsequent onset of successive episodes of pharyngitis. An analysis of the literature indicates that the efficacy of (adeno)tonsillectomy in treating #pediatric RAT is generally limited and relatively transient.

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Journals on Biomedical Imaging - BJSTR Journal


Background: The #alveolar process which is bearing of the teeth, #tooth extraction is the common cause of #alveolar ridge resorption, #occlusal radiographical technique of the mandibular arch has the ability to determine the size of the outer and inner cortical bone of the mandible.
Aim of the Study: The aim of this study is to assist the bucco-lingual width of mandibular bone at molar area in relation to dental status in occlusal film.
Material and Method: 30 patients (15 dentulous and 15 #edentulous) 18-25 years old, they were collected from popular clinic in Baghdad and referred to diagnosis department of Collage of Dentistry/ University of Baghdad. An occlusal film is placed into patient mouth, so that it is centered over molar area on the side to be #radiographed. After exposure and film processing, a Varnier caliper is used to measure the width of bone.

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Open Access Clinical and Medical Journal - BJSTR Journal


Changing #market mechanisms by focusing on #clean technologies and reducing the consumption of #nonrenewable resources is an objective of the Europe 2020 strategy of the European Commission. Achieving this objective will require not only more restrictive legislation targeting polluting industries and technologies but also the introduction of new models of consumption oriented toward “green” products. #Consumers’ preferences for nonpolluting products can be enhanced by credible and persuasive marketing instruments, such as the #EU Ecolabel. A survey of Romanian businesspeople found that they are aware of the environmental and economic principles underlying the use of eco-labels and are interested in implementing them.

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Friday, May 24, 2019

Journals on Medical Microbiology - BJSTR Journal


#Osteoporosis is the global burden public health issue due to the #high prevalence and #substantial impact on morbidity and mortality; the incidence rates of #osteoporotic fracturesare rise exponentially with an aging population [1]. Untreated osteoporosis can increase the risk of osteoporosis-related fractures. To date, the standard image modality for diagnosis of osteoporosis is a dual-energy #x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scan, the diagnosis for osteoporosis can be done if 2.5 SD below the normal adult mean, also it is scored as a T score [2]. Ballane et al 2017 evaluated the prevalence and incidence of vertebral fractures worldwide using published Medline data.

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Journals on Biomedical Engineering - BJSTR Journal


The #knee joint cartilage often suffers from defect and it causes serious #health problem. CD34+ stem cells cells have been studied to heal bone fracture however the cells has never been studied to repair cartilage. This study also focuses on the use of scaffold and growth factor affecting the healing of cartilage defect using CD34+ cells. This is the first study reporting #hyaline cartilage regeneration on #osteochondral defect with intra articular injection of human peripheral blood CD34+ (HPB CD34+) cellated on the trochlear region of Sprague Dawley (SD) rats. A total of 30 male SD rats were randomly divided into 3 groups; the control group received PBS, experimental group 1 received HPB CD34+ cells, and experimental group 2 received HPB CD34+cells, hyaluronic acid, and growth factors (TGF-ß1, IGF-1, FGF, fibronectin).

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Journals on Biomedical Science - BJSTR Journal


Introduction: Health workers are invaluable #human resources that ensure the unmet #contraceptive needs of especially people in developing countries are bridged. Even before their graduation, health profession trainees would be looked up to by society to provide services on contraceptive use. This study therefore assessed their level of awareness and patronage of contraceptive methods among #health profession trainees.
Methodology: Graph Pad 5.01 and SPSS 21.0 software (SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL) were used to analyze data collected from 376 randomly selected university students in Tamale, Ghana in a cross-sectional study using a semi-structured questionnaire. Association between different variables was tested using appropriate statistical tests.

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Thursday, May 23, 2019

Journals on Regenerative Diseases - BJSTR Journal


Background: Although #screening algorithm has introduced an efficient tool to tackle #cervical cancer, both morbidity and mortality in this disease are still a major concern in medicine. It has been already proven that #Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection promotes the development of #precancerous lesions and eventually leads to cervical cancer. This study aimed at analysis of the prevalence of high risk HPV DNA (HR HPV) in females of Lodz region, central Poland.

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Journals on Emergency Medicine - BJSTR Journal


Recently, some disturbing news has shaken the #scientificresearch community. This news reported a decline in the #accuracy of research data and the more frequent appearance of wrong or even falsified research results. A survey of scientists found that 33% of scientists admitted to have fabricated, falsified or modified data or results at least once –a serious form of misconduct by any standard. Furthermore, asking about this behavior of other colleagues, admission rates for this questionable scientific activity were up to 72%. Another survey screening the #biomedical literature concluded that false positives and exaggerated results in peer-reviewed scientific studies have reached #epidemic proportions in recent years.

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Journals on Psychology - BJSTR Journal


Purpose: #Activated clotting time (ACT) is the mandatory for open #heart surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass. Two monitoring systems, Hemochron and i-STAT, were applied for evaluation the difference between these two systems, and their variation.
Methods: Total 36 patients were recruited into the study, 18 for each groups. ACT was checked at 4 time points, before operation (T1), 5 minutes after heparin (T2), hypothermic status (T3), and 5 minutes after protamine reversal (T4). Comparing two groups, the ACT was shorter in i-STAT group at T1, T3, and T4. The ACT in same monitoring system did not show the difference whether live dysfunction or antiplatelet usage. However, the intragroup variation was found much steadier in i-STAT (R2 > 0.9 at 4 timepoints).

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Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Journals on Medical Microbiology - BJSTR Journal


The #galvanizing process by thermal diffusion or #Sherardizing is a process used by the industry to increase the corrosion resistance of some metals, especially steel. However, achieving a good #optimization of this process, that is, an optimal consumption of Zn dust without exceeding the necessary quantity needed to get a homogenous coating layer thick enough to provide an efficient #anti-corrosive property is not always easy. This work explores the difficulties found in the industry to optimize that process, and we propose a software that allow simulating and considering different parameters to propose the quantity of Zn dust to be used depending on the working conditions, the parts to by coated and the container used. This software allows also considering, in the simulation, the addition of Zn halides for improving the #coating process.

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Multiple Sites Fat Removal Leads to Mild Lipid Metabolism Disorders and Insulin Resistance in C57BL/6J Mice

  Multiple Sites Fat Removal Leads to Mild Lipid Metabolism Disorders and Insulin Resistance in C57BL/6J Mice Introduction Obesity has been ...