Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Wear in Two Cases of Ceramic on #Ceramic Total #HipArthroplasty After 30 Years Follow Up by Torres A in BJSTR


Background: #Ceramic-on-ceramic (CoC) bearings have been in use in total #hipreplacement (THR) for more than 40 years, with excellent long-term survivorship but concerns over the ceramic-on-ceramic bearings wear persist.There are few studies where they analysed the ceramic-on-ceramic #implants retrieved. We wanted to investigate the wear patterns and the surface properties of the CoC first generation THR implants removed.
Case description: We have analysed two cases of ceramic head on ceramic liner of Autophor primary THA implanted in active patients and retrieved for aseptic loosening after 34 and 31 years of well function.The sphericity, surface roughness and #microtopography was assess by a profilometer and a white light interferometer. Scanning #electronmicroscopy of the implant-retrieved surfaces was also perform.

#GastrointestinalAmyloidosis Manifesting as Chronic Diarrhea in a Case of #RheumatoidArthritis – A Case Report by Shefali Khanna Sharma in BJSTR


Chronic inflammatory conditions like #RheumatoidArthritis (RA) causes deposition of #Amyloid Associated (AA) in various tissues or organs resulting in secondary or reactive systemic amyloidosis. We have reported here a 58-year old lady, known case of RA since 17 years with very poor compliance to treatment who presented with #chronicdiarrhea since 2 months, on evaluation, upper GI #endoscopy and #biopsy revealed positive for #serumamyloid associated on #innumohistochemistry staining, suggestive of secondary systemic amyloiosis. Symptoms gradually disappeared with the prompt institution disease modifying #anti-rheumaticdrugs (DMARDs). GI amyloidosis has been reported up to 60% of the patients with secondary amyloidosis and must not be forgotten while evaluating the cause for chronic diarrhea in a patient with #chronicinflammatorycondition like RA.

Invasive #CysticHypersecretory #Carcinoma of Breast: A Case Report by Wang Shouju in BJSTR


Invasive #cystichypersecretoryhyperplasia (CHH) of the breast is very rare. The clinical manifestation of CHH #iscysticmasses, and it is not easy to determine its biological characteristics before an operation. A 54-year-old female patient was admitted with a #cysticmassin the left breastfor one week. After the operation, the pathology #diagnosis was invasive CHC, and the #postoperativeperiod was uneventful.

Utilization of Waste Materials as #Adsorbents for Color Removal from #Textile Effluents- A Review by Priya AK in BJSTR


#Environmentalpollution is the main vital troubles of the society. Growth in #farming, energy sources and all #hazardouswaste producing industries is essential in categorize to execute the requirements and burden of the increasing population. Individual activities for the creation and development of supplies and services can’t be extremely blocked as it is desirable by humans for the endurance on world. For the times of yore, creation of dyes and stains was augmented in the populated world. This concern is not only because of #textileindustry but also from other industries like paper and pulp, leather, food, #cosmetics etc. These production industries are main regulars of water and consequently put strong foundation to water pollution. Among these industries textile industries is one of the supreme originators of water pollution owing to huge quantity of water utilized during the process in dyeing plant. For insistence yearly generation of dyes is approximately 7x105 tonnes worldwide Allen and Koumanova [1]. Without proper treatment if the dyeing effluent is disposed in the #waterbodies it leads to severe issues to environment as well as to the humans.

Demystifying the Treatment of #Teeth with Inflammatory External #RootResorption, According To the Pulpar Condition by Camila Paiva Perin in BJSTR


#Dentalresorptions, conditions in which mineralized #dentaltissues are eliminated by clastic #cells on their surface, persist as a treatment challenge for dentists. Although the causes and mechanism of its occurrence are known, many doubts have been observed in its handling, which motivated the making of this article. Dental resorptions in permanent teeth are pathological and, according to their mechanism of occurrence, can be classified as inflammatory and substitutive [1-3]. Clinically, they are asymptomatic and do not induce #pulpal, periapical, and periodontal changes, and is usually the consequence of them [4]. The inflammatory tooth resorption occurs when the #cementoblasts are removed from the root surface, resulting in a bare dental surface that allows the installation of clasts units, associated with an inflammatory process induced by the aggressor agent [3,4]. The causes may be multiple, especially pulp #necrosis, excessive orthodontic forces and #alveolodentarytrauma. The factors may or may not be associated [1-3].

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Exercise Echocardiography for the Prediction of Major #Cardiac Events and Overall #Mortality after Coronary Artery By-Pass Surgery by Jesús Peteiro in BJSTR


Objective: There is limited information about the value of exercise #echocardiography for the prediction of events after #coronaryartery by-pass #surgery (CABS). Ischemia might be considered of limited value in patients already revascularized by surgery. We sought to investigate the value of exercise echocardiography (ExE) for the prediction of major cardiac events (MACE) and overall mortality in patients submitted to CABS.
Methods: Retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data on 568 CABS patients (mean age 66±10 years) who were submitted to a clinically indicated first treadmill ExE. Normal ExE was defined as the absence of wall motion abnormalities (WMAs) at rest and at exercise. Ischemia was defined as the appearance of new WMAs or the worsening of resting WMAs. Abnormal ExE was defined as #ischemia or the presence of resting WMAs unchanged with exercise. The end points were MACE and overall #mortality.

#Genetic Inheritance in Non-#Syndromic Infantile Esotropia by Dayane C Issaho in BJSTR

Purpose: This study aimed to analyze the inheritance pattern of infantile #esotropia and to investigate the possible involvement of AHI1 gene.
Methods: The experimental group consisted of 14 neurologically normal patients with onset of large angle esotropia prior to 6 months of age. Three unaffected subjects from a family of twins with esotropia formed the familial control group. The main control group consisted of 11 organ donors with no history of #strabismus. Familial pedigree charts allowed assessing transmission of strabismus phenotype up to four generations. Genomic DNA was obtained from #peripheralblood and PCR amplification of AHI1 gene was performed.
Results: The mean onset of esotropia was 1.78±2.32 months and the mean deviation was 57±8.5 prims diopters. Amplification of AHI1 was observed in all patients in the control group, but not in those with infantile esotropia. Among the patients evaluated, 57% had a family history of strabismus. Genetic inheritance was observed in two families with #monozygotic twins, one of them consisted of monozygotic twins with infantile esotropia and a third #dizygotic twin without strabismus. AHI1 did not amplify in the 3 unaffected subjects from the triplets’ family that formed the familial control group.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Association Between udp-glucuronosyltransferase 1a1 (ugt1a1) Gene Polymorphism, (c.-3279t>g) and #Phototherapy among Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (g6pd)-Deficient #Neonates by Fook-Choe Cheah in BJSTR


#Hyperbilirubinemia is one of the most commonly encountered conditions even in otherwise healthy newborn infants in the first week of life. There is emerging evidence that #polymorphism of genes involved in #bilirubinconjugation such as the #UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 (UGT1A1) may contribute to some infants developing neonatal jaundice, significant enough to require phototherapy. In many parts of the world, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency is also a major cause of severe neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. Some genetic polymorphisms of UGT1A1 and G6PD are associated with more severe hyperbilirubinemia. Recently, the c.-3279T>A mutation in the Phenobarbital responsive enhancer module was reported to decrease UGT1A1 transcriptional activity and associated with more neonatal jaundice. However, there are limited reports of co-inheritance of these two #genevariants, whether this predisposes infants to greater risk for#phototherapy. We studied a total of 133 infants and our results indicate that the occurrence of UGT1A1 allele c.-3279T>G was similar in G6PD deficient infants whether or not they required phototherapy in the first five days of life. Co-inheriting both the c.-3279T>G and G6PD variants in these #deficientinfants also did not significantly elevate the peak #serumbilirubin in the first week.

Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Review of Immune #Homeostasis and #Genetics with an Emphasis on the IL-10 Pathway by Zhenwu Lin in BJSTR


Inflammatory #boweldisease (IBD) is an auto-immune condition characterized by chronic #gastrointestinalinflammation. The incidence of #pediatricIBD, particularly the early onset disease subtypes, has been increasing internationally. In contrast to later-onset IBD, recent literature indicates that early-onset (between 3 - 5 years) and very early-onset (between 0 - 2 years) patients present with a more severe and #aggressivedisease. A comprehensive review of the literature indicates that the gut microbiome, which is heavily influenced in the early life, is reduced in IBD patients and hence plays a role in regulating #gastrointestinalhomeostasis. While many genes have been confirmed to be associated with IBD, only a portion of those genes have been shown to cause pediatric IBD.

Following the Clinical and Functional Status of an #Adolescent with #CysticFibrosis: Case Report by Cássio Daniel Araújo da Silva in BJSTR


#CysticFibrosis (CF) is a multisystem #geneticdisease whose main cause of #morbidity and #mortality is progressive impairment of lung function associated with loss of quality of life and functional capacity. We report the clinical case of an 18-year-old adolescent accompanied at a reference center with #bronchialhyper-secretion, recurrent infections, bacterial colonization, important obstructive ventilatory disorder, and pulmonary #computedtomography (CT) showing a heterogeneous pattern. The authors emphasize the importance of continuous monitoring of #pulmonary, nutritional and functional parameters, allowing for more effective early interventions.

Benign #Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo: Differential #Diagnosis in Children by Sergio Carmona in BJSTR


We present the case of a 14-year-old girl, who presented with a positional #vertigo of second duration, compatible with BPPV, but whose final #diagnosis was a #cavernoma in the #cerebellum. We emphasize the importance of keeping in mind the different etiologies of #vestibularsyndrome in children.

Metal Organic Framework #NanoParticles: Potential Contrast Agents for #MagneticResonance Imaging by Wenyan Dan in BJSTR


Metal-organic framework #nano-particles are a type of novel organic-inorganic #hybridmaterials, which has been investigated as potential contrast agents in #magneticresonance imaging (MRI). This mini review focuses on recent research progress concerning the #synthesis, #stability and #cytotoxicity of #metalorganicframework nano-particles.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

#Technological Improvement and Public #Politics in Acute #Myocardial Infarct Treatment by Carvalho G in BJSTR

In the face of a #gigantic technological evolution in the study, #diagnosis and treatment of #cardiovascular diseases, they continue to be responsible for high rates of mortality and #morbidity throughout the world. In this context, acute myocardial infarction is a major #villain, abridging the active life of a growing population. Even with technological advancement in means for the adequate treatment of this #pathology, these means become obsolete without measures to promote orientation of the population in recognizing g their symptoms and seeking medical attention.

Automatic Generation of #Drug Concentration #Gradient by a #Modified #Ink-Jet Printer and its Application in #Drug Screening by Yong Luo in BJSTR

Manual preparation of drug concentration gradient is #labor-intensive and limits the efficiency of a drug screening to some extent, especially at large scale. In this study, we reported an automatic method to generate drug concentration gradient in 24-well plate. We loaded drug solution in a modified hot #ink-jet printer, designed printing pattern in the WORD software, customized the concentration gradient in the WORD software by #RGB coding, and finally printed the drug concentration gradient in the 24-well plate. A drug concentration gradient can be automatically generated within 5s in arbitrary pattern. On the basis of this flexible technology, we developed an ink-jet printer-based drug screening assay. Concentration gradient of #5-fluorouracil, as well as Mcf-7 cells, was printed in the 24-well plate, and the inhibition rate of #Mcf-7 cells was measured by MTT method. This was the first time that hot inkjet printing technology was used in drug screening.

#Protraction Effect of Rampa on #Maxillae, Upper Airway and #Hyoid Bone #Position; Finite Element Analysis by Bumkyoo Choi in BJSTR

This paper presents the effectiveness of #RAMPA (Right Angle Maxillary Protraction Appliance) system, i.e. RAMPA combined with ROA (RAMPA Oral Appliance), on human maxillae by analyzing the #deformations from #protraction forces with finite element method. In addition, the dimensional changes of the upper airway, skeletal facial and #hyoid position changes by using cone-beam computed #tomography in patients who were treated with RAMPA therapy were assessed clinically.

#Dysmenorrhea: A #Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial #Evaluating a #Novel Treatment Approach by Yossef Ezra in BJSTR

Study participants were women experiencing #dysmenorrhea monthly (for the 6 preceding months) at a level >5 on the visual analog scale (0-10), who were otherwise healthy. The study #participants also collected their #menstrual fluid for 2 baseline months, while recording their pain levels (primary outcome) systematically. A correlation between menstrual fluid characteristics and menstrual pain was studied, too.

The #Importance of Basic and #Applied Natural Sciences in Service of #Medicine by Hatil Hashim EL-Kamali in BJSTR

The enormous diversity of #microorganisms in the environment offers an almost unlimited gene pool for new enzymes and metabolic pathways. The discovery of new natural products continues to be of great interested for the production of #pharmaceuticals. An exciting approach to generating new products is to evolve novel metabolic pathways in a microbial cell by means of the technique of metabolic engineering. Cell culture is playing an increasingly more significant role in drug discovery. Animal cell biotechnology constitutes an important field in #Biotechnology nowadays. Animal cells produce many biological of great value involving enzymes, hormones, growth factors, viral vaccines, or #monoclonal antibodies, and many therapeutic proteins require #post-translational modifications which can be only fully performed by animal cells. Insect virus, immune-regulators or whole cells, which are used for toxicological testing, can be obtained from animal.

Friday, October 26, 2018

#Quality by Design and Process Analytical Technology: Important Tools for Buliding Quality in #PharmaceuticalProducts by Sunil Ashrani in BJSTR


ICH Q8 guideline defines #Quality by Design as “a systematic approach to development that begins with predefined objectives and emphasizes product and process understanding and process control, based on sound science and quality risk management. The QbD based approaches provides a high degree of assurance that #pharmaceuticalmanufacturingprocess is adjustable within a design space and hence the process is robust and managed with a control strategy developed using modern #statisticalprocess control methods. It enables a lifecycle approach to validation/continuous process verification. The building of Quality into the manufacturing products at its design stage is very important to reduce expenditure, time & energy. Also the market recall of products due to batch failure is reduced to minimum with the use of QbD. PAT is also related to QbD. It refers to Process #analyticaltechnology. PAT has been defined as “A system for #designing, #analyzing, and controlling manufacturing through measurements, during processing of critical quality and performance attributes of raw and in-process materials and processes, with the goal of ensuring final #productquality”. The present paper deals on these two terms QbD and PAT.

#Quality by Design and Process Analytical Technology: Important Tools for Buliding Quality in #PharmaceuticalProducts by Sunil Ashrani in BJSTR

#Preventing and Managing Burnout: What have we learned? by Shailesh Kumar in BJSTR


Burnout is a #psychologicalresponse to exposure to chronic stressors at work and is characterised by high levels of #emotionalexhaustion, #depersonalisation and reduced personal accomplishment. Expression of burnout is said to be mediated by internal and external factors that act in predisposing, precipitating, perpetuating and protective roles. Active screening for burnout in employees using affective, cognitive, #behavioural and motivational signals helps raise awareness and ensure prompt intervention is offered. Systematic reviews have identified the significance of combining individual and organisational intervention strategies which appear to work best if intensive and booster sessions are offered in conjunction.

Comparison of Intercropped Sorghum- #Soybean Compared to its Sole #Cropping by Saberi AR in BJSTR


In order to find the best planting pattern of soybean (#Glycine max L. Merill) with #sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) intercropping, this research performed in Gorgan and Aliabaad. Experiment compared on three levels inform of pure sorghum with density of 250000 plant per hectare, #intercropping of sorghum and soybean with density of 250000 and 400000 plant per hectare, respectively and intercropping of sorghum and soybean with density of 300000 and 480000 plant per hectare, respectively. The number of planting lines was 60 liens with length of 66.66 meters and 50cm interval. For measuring of plant height, number of tiller, stem diameter and number of node, 10 bushes randomly harvested by using quadrate. By the way total surface area based of project protocol also #harvested. For the results analysis t-test applied. Fresh forage production at treatment of intercropping with 300000 and 480000 plant density for sorghum and #soybean, respectively in Gorgan %33.33 and in Aliabad %34.32 had priority compared to check treatment (sole cropping of sorghum with density of 250000 plants per hectare). Mean comparison of dry forage also indicated %24.01 increasing in Gorgan and %26.12 in Aliabaad.

A New Insight to the #Pathogenesis of Lumbar Discal #Cyst: Two Case Reports by Xinyu Liu in BJSTR


#Discalcysts are uncommon causes of low back #pain and radiculopathy. Due to the diversity of discal cysts was reported by about 50 case reports; we do not yet have a detailed understanding of their natural history, #etiology or pathogenesis. Here, we report two unique discal cysts to give a new insight to our understanding of the #pathogenesis of discal cysts.

Layer of Protection Analysis on #Sterilization Process Using #EthyleneOxide by Kyoshik Park in BJSTR


Layer of protection analysis (LOPA) was conducted on #toxic and #flammable hazard of #sterilization process using #ethyleneoxide. Hazard associated with the process were studied using HAZOP and scenarios were developed by applying the HAZOP result. For each scenario, independent protection layers (IPLs) were identified and their frequencies were estimated. Three additional IPLs were considered such as personal protection equipment, monitoring device, and #ventilation window. By adding such IPLs, the risk was estimated to be reduced to less than chances per million.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Clinical Study the Relationship between High-TSH Degree and Changes of LDL-C Level in #PregnantPatients’ #Serum by Xu Ke in BJSTR


Objective: It was to investigate the relationship between high-TSH degree and changes of LDL-C level in pregnant patients’ #serum and take analysis of its influencing effects.
Methods: All subjects were collected from the Yancheng First People’s Hospital from January 2014 to December 2015, who was diagnosed by the #Endocrinology Department. Then it analyzed their #biochemicalindicators and blood liquid parameters in their serum. Additionally, we investigated their epidemiological data, including the disease history and #genes. At last it took regression analysis of its relevance.
Results: High-TSH degree and changes of LDL-C level are risk factors leading to #hypertension, #cardiovascularsymptoms, symptoms of digestive tract, pregnancy #ultrasound indicating small-sized fetus and they are related to one another (P<0.05); Whereas it has nothing to do with gestational diabetes mellitus, preterm birth history and #autoimmunediseases. In the whole, high-TSH degree group, the high cholesterol could cause premature birth, elevated blood sugar, high blood pressure prenatal, #postpartum infection and #preeclampsia (P<0.05)

The Use of Volatile #Inhibitors to Suppress Corrosion of #Metals in the Atmosphere of Livestock Buildings by L E Tsygankov in BJSTR


At room temperature, the protective efficacy of the #volatileinhibitors (VIC) “IFHAN-A” (A-112, 114 and 118) was studied under #atmosphericcorrosion of carbon steel St3, brass L62 and copper M2 in the presence of #corrosionstimulants (CS) in the air: CO2 ((0.2-0.6) vol. %); H2S ((10- 30) mg /m3); NH3 ((20-60) mg /m3) and 100% relative #humidity, which simulates the atmosphere of livestock buildings. In the case of #carbonsteel in the presence of a binary mixture of CSs: CO2 + NH3, CO2 + H2S and NH3 + H2S, the protective action of the VIC is between 67 and 95%. When #corrosion of brass and #copper, the protective capacity of IFHAN-112 and IFHAN-118 decreases accordingly to 10 (Cu, IFHAN-112, NH3 + H2S) and 13 (brass, IFHAN-118, СО2 + H2S) % or 30% (brass, IFHAN-118, NH3 + H2S). These VIC stimulate copper corrosion in the presence of a binary mixture (CO2 + H2S). Only in the presence of IFHAN-114, the protective effect does not decrease below 74%.

The Use of Buffering Solutions in the #Pediatrics Local #Anesthesia to Reduce the Pain of Minor Procedures by Eduardo de Oliveira Duque-Estrada in BJSTR


The #localanesthetics are widely u sed in minor #pediatricsurgicalprocedures. The major problem with their use is the resulted pain experienced by the patients at the time of #injection. To discuss those situations in the light of the medical literature we present this mini-review.

Is a detection of ‘Free-Floating’ #ChemicalProperties Possible? by Bernd Lindemann in BJSTR


The claim that in #olfactionobjectless properties are detected treats abstract properties as if they were concrete objects, it is reification. Primary events of #olfactoryperception, leading to a population message indicating #odourquality, involve a detection of #molecularobjects owning properties, not of objectless properties.

Some #Nano Bio-Mofs Evaluated For Storage Purpose of #Drugs by Muhammad Athar in BJSTR


#Nanobio-MOF compounds 3-5 (#copperserinate, copper prolinate and copper threoninate) have been evaluated for successful in vitro drugs adsorption of three drugs, named #terazosine, #telmisartan and #glimpiride. Pore sizes and BET surface areas were recorded on N2 adsorption isotherms. In order to elaborate the phenomenon of #invitro drugs adsorption in all these compounds we obtained TGA and PXRD spectra of them. The high performance liquid #chromatography (HPLC) was used to monitor the amounts of adsorbed #drugs and its slow release from all these compounds.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Design Concept of #Tissue-Engineered Products for Use in Emergency and Critical Care #Medicine by Yoshimitsu Kuroyanagi in BJSTR


Three types of #tissue-engineered products were developed using cell, growth factor, and #biomaterial. The first product is a CDS composed of allogeneic fibroblasts combined with a HA and Col spongy sheet. #Fibroblast can release various growth factors that are essential for wound healing. HA and Col have a potential to enhance #woundhealing. This CDS can be #cryopreserved for a long period of up to clinical use. The clinical study demonstated that #allogeneic CDS is a useful product. The second product is a wound dressing composed of HA and Col containing EGF. EGF has a #potential to enhace wound healing. This wound dressing is a freeze-dried spongy sheet, thereby the efficacy of EGF can be kept for a long period of up to clinical use. The clinical study showed that EGF-incorporating wound dressing is a practical product. The third product is an anti-adhesive #spongysheet composed of HA and Col containing EGF. This is also a #freeze-driedspongy sheet. The animal study indicated that EGF-incorporating anti-adhesive spongy sheet is a promissing product.

Factors to Consider in #Algal-Strain Selection for Commercial Manufacture of #Biofuels and Co-Products by Pierre Wensel in BJSTR


Commercialization of algal-based processes for #biofuels and #co-products is constrained upstream during #cultivation by low productivity, contamination by invasive species, unsustainable and inefficient supply of nutrients (e.g. #nitrogen and #phosphorous), #inorganiccarbon, and water, exposure to environmental factors, and limited available land acreage for inoculum and primary cultures. It is also constrained downstream by costly and inefficient harvesting, product extraction, #thermochemicalconversion, #hydrotreatment, and upgrading. Overcoming these obstacles to commercialization requires not just piecemeal incremental improvements, but rather a comprehensive and fundamental re-consideration regarding the selected algae and its associated cultivation, #harvesting, biomass conversion, and refinement. Factors pertaining to algal-strain selection for commercial operations are presented below.

Multiple Sites Fat Removal Leads to Mild Lipid Metabolism Disorders and Insulin Resistance in C57BL/6J Mice

  Multiple Sites Fat Removal Leads to Mild Lipid Metabolism Disorders and Insulin Resistance in C57BL/6J Mice Introduction Obesity has been ...