Sunday, March 31, 2019

Biomedical Science Articles


In time #prehispánicos to the pregnancy surrendered him all type of cults for considering him holy, thus, the féminas in gestation enjoyed of privileges and special cares, between which stood out frequent visits and consultancy of the partera, the one who besides provided them councils so that the future baby will develop properly and did them see that the childbirth was a satisfactory experience and #gozosa that did not have to live with suffering, but this is not everything, since also they practised ritual so that it kept in optimum conditions and offered banquets in his honour.

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Journal of Biomedical Research and Reviews


Adequate capillary #glucose monitoring in the inpatient population is of crucial importance, as poor glucose control is associated to #highermorbidity and #mortality. In our experience, this practice does not always parallel clinical urgency, nor is it correlated to an immediate intervention leading to a treatment modification. We analyzed all capillary glucose data documented in the Electronic Medical Records of all hospitalized patients (excluding intensive care patients) during the first semester of 2015. Subsequently, a glucose monitoring protocol was devised, based on inpatient clinical characteristics, which we shared with medical and nursing staff with the aim of optimizing resources and standardizing measurement practices in our hospital.

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Journals on Medical Microbiology


Building a safety assessment package to go into the #PhaseI clinical stage sounds simple enough. All the steps pertaining to#preclinicaltesting, pharmaceutical development, clinical supplies manufacturing, and regulatory submissions are all clearly defined within a repertoire of guidelines that outline the acceptable requirements. The timelines to enter into Phase I clinical trials are becoming increasingly shorter as companies seek definitive results that would prove or disprove their #drug’spotential. Gathering the maximum of information with regards to safety, efficacy and galenic aspects of the drug during early stages of drug development is often a challenge when faced with stresses of aggressive timelines, financial constraints and investor milestones.

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Journals on Regenarative Diseases


#Bladder pain syndrome (BPS) is a chronic inflammatory status of the bladder wall with no known cause. Patients with BPS suffer from pain, pressure or inconvenience associated with the urinary bladder. Furthermore, urgency (increased feeling to urinate) or an increased frequency of #micturition both during the day as well as during the night, has to be present [1]. Several studies have suggested an #impairedbarrierfunction, leading to increased bladder wall permeability of the #urothelium as a likely cause for this disabling condition. In the healthy situation the bladder wall is impermeable to any substances within the urine.

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Journals on Infectious Diseases


India is a land where huge population depends upon its ancient system of medicines involving herbs and spices for the treatment of ailments; it is a home for very old system of medicines which continue to be the mainstay of healthcare delivery to a vast segment of society even today. Growth of herbal based healthcare sector in India is putting high demand on both wild collected and cultivated #medicinalplants. Unfortunately, because of the poor quality of some herbal medicines, there are number of reports of patients complaining negative consequences caused by the #herbalmedicines in India. The quality of the herbal medicine is somehow directly related to the quality of raw medicinal plant materials.

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Friday, March 29, 2019

Journal of Scientific and Technical Research


Authors report the case of cardiomegaly associated with vein of Galen #aneurysmalmalformation. #Prenataldiagnosis of this vein anomaly enables plan the delivery and treatment in special neurosurgical department. Malformations of the Galen vein, also commonly referred to as Galen vein aneurysms, constitute a group of congenital malformations resulting from the abnormal development of a great #cerebralvein, often called a Galen vein (vein of Galen malformations (VGM)).

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Biomedical Research Articles


This paper, presents a critical evaluation of Uganda’s health system with a justification using literal examples and illustrations based on key indicators of the selected relevant evaluative criteria. The aim of the paper is to present an assessment of the extent to which Uganda’s health system is effective in achieving its goals. Evaluating health systems is like measuring the #socialimpact, which is difficult but necessary. Uganda’s Health System, like other systems, aims to achieve and sustain #goodhealth and well-being of its people. This is a formidable task that remains elusive but there are indications of progress in the positive direction.

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Journals on Regenarative Diseases


This paper aims to examine the #foodconsumption decisions of households in Pakistan to understand the demand for different food commodities and to determine the effects of important economic factors such as prices and income. Linear Almost Ideal Demand System model is applied to estimate food demand patterns using the Household Integrated Economic Survey of Pakistan for the year 2011-2012. Food products are categorized into fourteen groups including #milk, vegetables, sugar, rice, fruits, beverages, wheat & wheat flour, other cereals, pulses, oil & fats, tea & coffee, backed products and other food. Economic factors such as food commodities price and household’s income and their #socioeconomic and demographic characteristics are included in the model. Prices of basic food items such as wheat & wheat flour, baked products, milk, meat, fruits, vegetables, beverages, rice, other cereals, pulses, oils & fats, tea & coffee and baked product should be kept constant.

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Journals on Medical Casereports


In the ancient #Greekculture and philosophy statements about the world had cosmologic and #cosmogoniccharacter. The first were totally (like, for example, in Thales’, Anaximander’s, Heraclitus’ philosophy) or partially connected with inductive assumptions (e.g. in Pythagoreans’, Plato’s or Aristotle’s statements). On the other hand, the second had always metaphysical (that is, mythical) nature of religious (like in Orphism), quasi-religious (like in #Pythagoreanism) or secular (like in views of Plato – in spite of the fact that he referred to religious myths – as well as in Aristotle’s and Epicurus’ works) character In Aristotle’s statement about the empirically perceptible world (the cosmos) there are two main #methodologicalcurrents – the inductive (empirical) one and the intuitive one – concerning the following findings:

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Journals on Medical Informatics


To think of cycles of production as maintainers, same-makers, rather than introducers of expansion and difference seems absurd. Indeed, we tend to view ideologically insular communities, #prototypically religious ones, as resistant to progression precisely insofar as their #ideological representation is immutable, self-referential in its own sense of legitimacy, producing little that is new.

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Thursday, March 28, 2019

Journal of Scientific and Technical Research


Finance is, as it were, the stomach of the country, from which all other #organs take their tone. One such organ is the publichealthcaresector. #Healthcare financing in Kenya continues to remain underfunded. The problem of limited finances is not new, it flows out of Kenya’s colonial past and government’s arguments are clothed in clichés: the budget is not sufficient to meet all financing needs for the country and so, #health spending must be limited. At independence, Kenya targeted growth as the primary driver of development and relegated spending on healthcare until growth was stabilised.

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Journals on Biomedical Science

The #analysis and evaluation of fats used for food production has been carried out. The quality and nutritional value and #safety of foodproducts are determined. The characteristics of the acid composition and #energy value of oils and fats are given.The analysis and evaluation of fats used for food production has been carried out. The quality and #nutritional value and safety of food products are determined. The characteristics of the acid composition and energy value of oils and fats are given.

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Open Access Clinical and Medical Journal


#Anaphylaxis is an acute though potentially life-threatening #multisystemallergicreaction characterized by a rapid inception and progression following exposure to an #allergen. Even though anaphylaxis has been on the rise for the past decade with reported rates of 350% increase among food induced and 230% increase among nonfood induced reactions, there is still paucity of data on the prevalence and outcome of anaphylaxis in various populations. This study aims to i. Assess the lifetime prevalence of anaphylaxis among the #pediatricpopulation. ii. identify the most at risk age and iii. Evaluate the main trigger for the condition in children.

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Journals on Cancer Medicine


Using #fluorescentproteins as imaging probes is a wide spread and versatile technique in #microscopy. GFP tagged proteins can be used to track and examine real time localization, interactions and translocation of proteins of interest as well as to investigate several aspects of cell biology. The Y-box binding protein 1 (YB-1) is a pleiotropic protein involved in a widenumber of #cellularprocesses and a substantial amount of knowledge on YB-1 localization and function was produced using YB-1-GFP constructs. Recently, it has been shown that YB-1 plays a critical role in cell stress response, playing an important role in the formation of #stressgranules (SG). To deeply investigate on this subject, we produced a stable HEK293T cell line constitutively expressing YB-1-GFP. In physiological conditions YB-1-GFP expressing cells behaved like the parental cells and YB-1-GFP protein properly localized to the #cytoplasmiccompartment.

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Regenarative Medicine


This presentation keys off the biological Principle of #Cleansing- sterility or purity. As we move through this document together we’ll return to this fundamental Principle clarifying why biological systems Cleanse, maintaining correct pure form and function. A key factor in this discussion is how we as #dentalsurgicalprofessionals may be aiding the natural process of Cleansing, and thus total #human health, or obstructing it.

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Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Biomedical Science Articles


Aim: The aim of this study was to assess whether the statistical determination of the outcomes of treatment of #abdominalinflammation is possible.
Materials and Methods: The sample size in this study consisted of 49 patients who underwent surgery due to abdominal inflammatory states. Data for six biochemical and two #clinicalparameters were collected for the purpose of constructing a #prognostic scale designed by the authors.

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Journal of Biomedical Research and Reviews


#Plasticity refers to the capacity of cells to acquire an alternate fate in response to diverse influences. Wound healing is a dynamic and overlapped process including three phases - inflammation, proliferation, and tissue remodeling, involving #solublemediators, blood cells, #extracellularmatrix, and parenchymal cells. After injury, mature differentiated cells hold within potential to adopt a progenitor-like phenotype (Dedifferentiation) or convert into distinct lineages (Transdifferentiation). Besides, some stem/progenitor cell populations are able to switch into another type, mobilized to repair a wound (#Transdetermination). This mini review aims to briefly discuss the phenomenon and mechanisms of the cellular plasticity in cutaneous wound healing for boosting regenerative medicine

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Journals on Nuereological Disorders


The growth of #gram-negativeanaerobes requires the complete absence of oxygen (0.001%), and is usually treated in an anaerobic chamber.However, this traditional method is costly and time consuming.In this study, we describe a new, rapid method for the culture of #anaerobicbacteria, such as #P. gingivalis, and #P. endodontalis, in a rotary shaker under anaerobic conditions, by sealing the bacteria growth media from oxygen exposure using a mineral oil overlay. By using these cells, we found P. gingivalis or P. endodontalis mediated different signaling pathways in RAW264.7 cells.

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Journals on Psychology


Available familial, #neurophysiologic and imaging evidence suggests that primary adult-onset focal #dystonia has a combined genetic and environmental aetiological basis. We report an Indian family which presented writer’s cramp in two generations involving three individuals. No such family from India has yet been reported. Dystonia is a disorder characterized by excessive movements, including sustained involuntary movements, distorted voluntary movements, and abnormal postures. Primary adult-onset dystonia, the most common form of dystonia, has variable clinical expression, often focal onset (#blepharospasm, #oromandibulardystonia, cervical dystonia, laryngeal dystonia, or arm #dystonia), and a limited tendency of spreading to adjacent body regions [1]. 

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Journals on Infectious diseases


Preparative and #clinicaltransfusiology and #transfusion, a majestic part of clinical medicine saved and saves the life of hundred millions. However, times and pathogens are continously and rather quickly changig, so during the last decade many not only #egzotic new or newly recognised pathogens and diseases were showed up, and some of them (e.g. Zyka virus, Hepatitis E vrus, Ebola, etc.) can also be transmitted by blood or blood component transfusions, and in some instances they escape from standard screening and inactivation procedures. Hereby we try to focus and draw attention to some of these potentially pathogen new #bloodbornemicrobiological agents, and along with this we try to emphasize the significance of application of updated next generation screenig and inactivation procedures. Interestingly a recent British trial, based on large population data showed some evidence of slight increase of non #Hodgkinlymphoma incidence in patients with multiple previous transfusions.

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Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Biomedical Research Articles


Extensive resection of a #giantameloblastomatumor results in a large defect in both bone and skin tissues that poses a major challenge in their reconstruction. AnOsteocutaneous fibular free flap may be suitable for reconstruction of these complex defects. We describe two cases of reconstruction of complex #maxillofacialosteocutaneous defects using an #osteocutaneousfibular free flap. Postoperatively, the survived free flaps showed good aesthetic results. Hence, an osteocutaneous fibular free flap may be an appropriate choice to reconstruct large and complex multi-component #maxillofacialdefects.

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Biomedical Science Articles


Purpose: Excessive exposure to short-wavelength visible (“blue”) light may damage retinal cells and lead to #maculardegeneration. This study is to assess the effects of #macularcarotenoids [L/Zi, lutein, #zeaxanthin, and meso-zeaxanthin] on visual performance, function, computer use exposure causing symptoms and sleep quality in healthy subjects.
Methods: We carried out a double-blind, #placebo-controlled randomized (DBPCR) study in 48 healthy young adults (mean age = 21.2 years, males and females, non- smokers, and Body mass index (BMI) <27 kg/m2). Subjects included in the study was based on minimum at least 4 hours / day (outer side activity & screen time exposure of electronic devices). Subjects were randomly assigned to ingest daily either a placebo (PLA, Safflower oil capsule/day, n = 13), or 20 mg L/Zi (20 mg L/4 mg Zi/day, n = 35).

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Journals on Medical Informatics


In Nigeria, the level of bio safety awareness has not been established especially among workers in HealthCareEstablishments (HCEs), neither have pathogenic organisms in wastes from HCEs been identified. Studies were therefore carried out to highlight the level of bio safety awareness and the biomedical waste disposal practices in selected HCEs in Abuja and Lagos respectively as well as identify parasites from HCE wastes from Lagos prior to final disposal. A total of 200 questionnaires were administered to HCE workers in Abuja and Lagos respectively for information on their knowledge of bio safety and how their wastes are disposed of. Also, samples of urine (40) and stools (50) from 90 HCEs in Lagos were examined for presence of #parasites using standard #parasitologicalmethods comprising of direct wet mount and formol ether concentration techniques. Both urine and stool were examined with 5% lugol iodine and kinyoun carbol fuschin stain. Result shows that HCE workers had knowledge of the basics of bio safety but those in Lagos understood more than the ones in Abuja.

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Journals on Medical Casereports


High adsorption capacity and bio-friendly adsorbents are essential components to achieve miniaturization and improved portability while maintaining effective uremic toxin removal. Urea is targeted for removal mainly because it is the largest uremic toxin constituent. This paper evaluates the urea adsorption capacity of nanoporous materials #activatedcarbon, activated carbon fiber and surface functionalized#mesoporoussilica. Results indicate that amine functionalized silica yielded the highest urea adsorption capacity through chemisorption interaction, despite possessing lower surface area. #Sulfuricacid treated activated carbon fiber produced urea adsorption capacity close to that of amine #functionalizedmesoporous silica due to the high surface area generally through #physisorptionmechanism.

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Journals on Medical Genetics


A 53-year-old man, with past medical history of hypertension, alcoholism, lung #adenocarcinoma submitted to right upper lobectomy and peripheral artery disease with previous aortobifemoral bypass was admitted in the emergency department for acute massive#hematemesis. At observation, he was #hypotensive and #tachycardic.At observation, he was hypotensive and tachycardic. A nasogastric tube was placed, with drainage of large amounts of red blood. There were no other relevant findings on physical examination. Laboratory tests revealed normocytic #normochromicanemia (hemoglobin 8.8g/dL) and mild #hyperlactacidemia.

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Multiple Sites Fat Removal Leads to Mild Lipid Metabolism Disorders and Insulin Resistance in C57BL/6J Mice

  Multiple Sites Fat Removal Leads to Mild Lipid Metabolism Disorders and Insulin Resistance in C57BL/6J Mice Introduction Obesity has been ...