Sunday, June 30, 2019

Journals on Neuro Imaging - BJSTR Journal


In this paper, we present a study of stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) by #E-coli, B.subtilis and #coliphages in water. We found the Lamb-like dip in the spectra of SBS in the presence of organisms in water (higher than 1 cells/ml) at excitation by laser radiation with #wavelengths 810 and 1017 nm and power 40¬150 mW. The mathematical model of non-linear interaction of the laser radiation with double-stranded DNA, consisted in two #antiparallel chains, was designed to explain this phenomenon. We developed a new method based on #coherent spectroscopy and created an instrument for controlling #pathogenic microorganisms in the flow of water [1]. However, that our method allowed only determining the presence of a given microorganism [2]. At the same time, it is of interest to develop an instrument that not only estimates the concentration of the pathogen, but can also be integrated into an automatic line monitoring water condition. It is known that the automatic determination of the concentration of a given microorganism presented a challenge due to complexity of the processes of interaction of the coherent radiation with the #DNA structure. Therefore, in order to create such an instrument and automate the process of monitoring and also determine the concentration of the pathogen, it is necessary to create efficient algorithms for processing incoming information. Building a reliable algorithm for recognizing the patterns of spectral distributions requires to carry out not only a statistical processing of spectra, but also a modeling of physical processes of interaction of DNA of the pathogenic organism with the propagating coherent radiation. However, the sufficient theoretical justification for this method has not yet been developed.

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Journals on Regenerative Diseases - BJSTR Journal


In modern Russia, the cultivation of commercial fish in lakes for grazing (foraging) technology is transformed from an extensive form of production into an intensive one with elements of #industrialization. Year after year, more and more large and small lake fish farms and farms are mastering new technologies for ameliorating the aquatic environment and modern #biotechnologists for growing commercial fish. This occurs on the basis of understanding by users of reservoirs of the real benefits of modernization, which significantly improves the effectiveness of fish breeding #hydronomy, combining the processes of agronomy and animal husbandry [1] on natural and artificial reservoirs. Thanks to the technological methods of melioration, lakes become the base for a multiple increase in catches of fish by methods of fish farming in the calculation of 1 hectare, since natural biological properties of water bodies are more efficiently used. On the territory of Russia, in the forest-steppe zone from the Ural Mountains to the Yenisey River, there are many different types of lakes, both in area and in terms of #hydrobiological indicators. In this region, along with undeveloped lakes (depths of more than 7-8 m), a large number of lakes with smaller depths are concentrated (overseas lakes with depths of 2-5 m), where periodically in winter (in shallow years) there is an oxygen deficit and local fish die [2-4]. The average annual catch rate of local fish in the lakes of the crucian and #roach-perch ichthyological types in the forest-steppe zone is usually 25-35 kg/ha. And such commercial catch of low-value fish does not bring significant economic and economic results.

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The Course of Intelligence of Pasture Fishery by Mukhachev Igor Semenovich in BJSTR

Journal of Scientific and Technical Research - BJSTR Journal


In the last years, the world of #cardiology has turned the lights on the role of #pro-inflammatory constellation of #cytokines and #interleukins in the #pathophysiology of myocardial and vascular damage. #Cardiomyocytes and vascular endothelial cells produce continuously several growth factors and small molecules, acting both in autocrine and paracrine manner, regulating their mitochondrial metabolism, the balance of intracellular calcium and also the resistance to chemotherapeutic damage. This review place same biological and biochemical basis on the involvement of the cardiac and vascular mirco environment on the cardiovascular diseases and on the #cardiotoxicity related to anticancer drug exposure, with particular reference to Interleukin 1, 6, 8, Advanced Glycation End Products and #lipid peroxidation. Moreover, some biological and clinical considerations will be discussed aimed to improve the cardiac and vascular microenvironment, also by using phytotherapics and anti-inflammatory drugs of synthetic or natural origin. Tissue and cellular microenvironment is a complex of interations between small molecules like interleukins, cytokines, chemokines, SIRNA, hormones acting in #autocrine and paracrine manner in cardiomyocytes [1]. The cardiac tissue is a pluricellular organ composed of cardiomyocytes, #fibroblasts, endothelial cells, #smooth muscle cells, neurons and immune cells regulating the homeostasis of the matrix deposition, neo-vascularization, inflammation and #mithocondrial metabolism [2].

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Friday, June 28, 2019

Biomedical Research Articles - BJSTR Journal


Introduction: #Monocytes infiltrate tissues and differentiate into #tissue-specific macrophages by interaction with other cells in tissues. Macrophages in the arterial wall uptake of oxidized LDL and form foam cells and induce inflammatory changes in tissues by secreting inflammatory cytokines. Chronic inflammation is believed to be involved in the development of cancer and lifestyle-related diseases. Whereas, in #human monocytes, the mRNA expression of inflammatory factors increases by interactions with cancer cells however, this increase can be suppressed by pretreatment with low-dose LPS. In the present study, we investigated changes in the gene expression of some key cytokines, inflammatory factors [IL-1β and #adiponectin] and a chemotactic factor [MCP-1], after interactions between human adipocytes and LPS-pretreated human monocytes. 
Materials and Methods: The human monocyte cell line THP-1 was treated with LPS and subsequently co-cultured with human adipocytes using an insert co-culture system. The gene expressions of inflammatory factors and chemotactic factor were analyzed using quantitative real-time PCR and DNA microarray.
Results: The increased mRNA expression of IL-1β in human adipocytes after co-culture was suppressed by interaction with LPS-pretreated THP-1 cells. The decreased mRNA expression of #adiponectin in human adipocytes after co-culture was increased by interaction with LPS-pretreated THP-1 cells. In addition, the increased mRNA expression of MCP-1 in THP-1 cells after interaction with human adipocytes was suppressed by LPS-pretreatment.
Conclusion: #LPS-pretreated human monocytes may have anti-inflammatory effect in adipose tissues. LPS-treated human monocytes may be beneficial for the prevention of diseases caused by chronic inflammation.

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Bio-psychological Medicine - BJSTR Journal


Recently, I’ve wondered what the results of old experiments would look like today. My abiding question throughout the years has been, “How do hydras parcel out #parental cells and #mould them into buds?” I was asking the question back in 1979 when I gave a talk at the unforgettable 4th International Coelenterate Conference hosted by Pierre and Ruth Tardent at beautiful Interlaken [1]. The talk was entitled, “Can Hydra count?” Specifically, what accounts for hydras producing replicas of itself as buds with remarkably constant numbers of tentacles? At the time I was unsure of the answer, but I was confident it was the right question. Since then I’ve grown confident about the answers: “Yes!” Hydra counts buds by filling bud modules with parental cells, and “Yes,” incipient buds have definitive numbers of #tentacle rudiments. But now I wonder if I asked the right question? I think I might better have asked: “Is Hydra an alarm clock?” Are hydras set to go off with determinate buds? That’s the question I’m addressing today with new and old data [2]. Shown here is a representative Hydra viridis at equilibrium from a 1967 paper. As you see, budding is inherently polarized since it takes place in a distal to proximal direction. In this representative #H. viridis, buds are displaced basally as they progress from early to later stages of development [3]. Not only is the incipient bud formed in the distal part of the budding region with distal parental cells, but buds pick up progressively more basal parental cells while moving basally. The addition of parental cells onto the elongating bud replicates the polarity of the parent [4]. 

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Is Hydra an Alarm Clock? by Shostak Stanley in BJSTR

Journals on Regenerative Diseases - BJSTR Journal


Although the signs and symptoms of #Lateral Elbow Tendinopathy (LET) are clear and its diagnosis is easy, to date, no ideal treatment has emerged. It is important to understand why it has proved difficult for previous workers to establish effective treatments for LET. This may be due to the difficulty of establishing nomenclature, #pathophysiology, etiology, epidemiology, diagnosis and conservative treatment of the condition. A cursory search through existing literature reveals a plethora of terms that have been used to describe LET. These include (i) tennis elbow (TE), (ii) extensor tendonitis, (iii) #extensor tendinosis, (iv) extensor tendinopathy, (v) #lateral epicondylalgia, (vi) lateral epicondylitis and (vii) LET. However, it was the description of hypothetical condition by Morris of “lawn tennis arm” in 1882 that instigated the use of the term LET in medicine. LET seems to be the most appropriate term to use in clinical practice because all the other terms such as lateral #epicondylitis, lateral epicondylalgia, lateral epicondylosis and/or tennis elbow make reference to inappropriate aetiological, anatomical and pathophysiological terms [1].Considerable confusion concerning the actual location of LET has existed since the introduction of the term about a century and a half ago. The exact location of the #pathophysiological changes was unknown for decades, since many structures around the elbow- the tendons of the wrist extensor muscles and possibly the anconeous muscle, the bursae, the radial collateral and annual ligament, the radiohumeral synovial fringe, the radiohumeral joint, the radial head and radial nerve - have been described in the pathogenesis of LET based on theoretical hypotheses and mechanisms through clinical examination and diagnosis [2].

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Thursday, June 27, 2019

Journals on Vaccination - BJSTR Journal


The present study is aimed to evaluate the anti-filarial activity of #Gymnema sylvestre (Asclepiadaceae), against human #lymphatic filarial parasite Brugia malayi in vitro and in vivo. The ethanolic extract of the leaves was tested in vitro on adult worms and microfilariae (mf) of B. malayi and the active sample was further evaluated in vivo in B. malayi intraperitoneally (i.p.) transplanted in the jird model (Meriones unguiculatus) and #Mastomys coucha subcutaneously infected with infective larvae (L3). The ethanolic extract of the leaves of the G. sylvestre was tested in vitro on adult worms and microfilariae (mf) of #B. Malayi and the active sample was further evaluated in vivo in B. malayi. The ethanolic extract was active in vitro (IC50: adult= 65.0 μg/ml; mf = 32.5. μg/ml) where it demonstrated 65.0% #adulticidal and #embryostatic effect on B malayi in Mastomys at a dose of 5 × 100mg/kg by oral route. The antifilarial test conducted was at 5×100mg/kg by subcutaneous route revealed excellent adulticidal efficacy resulting in to the death of 65.0% transplanted adult B. Malayi in the peritoneal cavity of jirds in addition to noticeable #microfilaricidal action on the day of autopsy. The findings revealed that the extract from the leaves of G. Sylvestre contains promising in vitro and in vivo antifilarial activity against human lymphatic filarial parasite B. malayi which may be further explored to new #antifilarial agents. Over the past few years, the interest in natural medicine has been increasing in industrialized societies because of the ever-growing problem of side effects and high cost of synthetic medicines. gymnema is a native to central and western India, tropical Africa and Australia. Other names Sanskrit: Meshashringi, madhunashini, Hindi: Gur-mar, merasingi [1]. #G. Sylvestre (Asclepiadaceae), a vulnerable species is a slow growing, perennial, medicinal woody climber found in central and peninsular India (Figure 1).

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Journals on Medical Drug and Therapeutics - BJSTR Journal


With respect to T1 high grade #bladder tumour, 69% to 80% recurrence and 33% to 48% progression have been reported after #transurethral resection of bladder tumour (TURB) alone [1,2]. Over half of recurrence after TURB for T1 bladder tumour occurred in the previous site that means incomplete TURB contributed to the recurrence [3]. Therefore, cystoscopy should be repeated every 3 months for 2 years in T1 tumour [4]. A 68-year old man complained of #asymptomatic hematuria for 2 weeks. He had no underlying medical disease. He had never smoked. About a 2cm sized single papillary mass with wide base was located on the left lateral wall of urinary bladder (Figure 1). He underwent TURB, and T1 high-grade without carcinoma in situ was proven pathologically. A repeat TURB showed negative pathology. The patient did not want radical cystectomy at that time. 6 cycles of #bacillus Calmette-Guérinintravesical instillation were done. There was no abnormal lesion in cystoscopy at 3 and 6 months after TURB. However, the round mass was detected in dynamic computed tomography (CT) 6 months after TURB (Figure 2). In the specimen from radical #cystectomy, the tumour was not seen on the mucosa but it had invaded into perivesical fat tissue (Figure 3). 6 cycles of adjuvant chemotherapy with #Gemcitabine and Cisplatin were applied immediately after radical cystectomy. The patient has been followed up for 3 years with semi-annually CT after radical cystectomy without evidence of recurrence. Because of any possibility of incomplete TURB for pathological T1 high grade bladder tumor, or pathologically underestimated T stage of T2 bladder tumor, any imaging study such as CT scan or #bladder ultrasonography should be considered for T1 high bladder tumor, although a guideline recommends imaging study yearly [5].

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List of Open Access Medical Journal - BJSTR Journal


#Carcinoid syndrome, characterized by symptoms such as diarrhea, flushing or #wheezing, is caused by an excessive production of serotonin. Diarrhea and excessive bowel movement negatively affects the quality of life of these patients. #Somatostatin analogues are efficacious but cannot optimally control symptoms. A review of clinical efficacy data in supporting the therapeutic indication for orphan drug designation is presented focused on the new approved drug, telotristat ethyl, an inhibitor of the #tryptophan hydroxylase type I enzyme involved in the synthesis of serotonin. By depleting serotonin in the gastrointestinal tract, telotristat ethyl interrupts the pathological chain process of the diarrhea and demonstrated efficacy in patients with carcinoid syndrome. Carcinoid tumors are a subset of functional #neuroendocrine tumors which can develop in lungs, thymus, small intestine, ovary, thyroid glands [1]. The carcinoid syndrome, caused by an excessive production of serotonin, occurs in less than 10% of the neuroendocrine tumors and manifest with typical symptoms of diarrhea, abdominal pain and flushing. These tumors can also secrete other hormones such as growth hormone, insulin, glucagon, #vasoactive intestinal peptide or #parathyroide hormone related peptide. The incidence is increasing, in part due to accessibility to diagnosis and on physician awareness about these forms of tumors [1], but also to environmental factors, such as smoking or asbestos exposure [2-4] that have been recently linked to the development of the neuroendocrine tumors. The diagnosis is based on symptoms, biological markers (hormones, serotonin or metabolites), imaging identification and histologic confirmation. The WHO classification requires histology, mitotic count and proliferation index determined by the percent of cells staining positively with a monoclonal antibody directed against a nuclear antigen in the proliferating cells (KI-67/MIB-1) [5].

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Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Journal on Medical Genetics - BJSTR Journal


#Narcolepsy is a disabling disorder characterized by recurrent daytime sleepiness and #cataplexy [1]. The 90% to 95% loss of #hypocretin (also called orexin) neurons in postmortem brains of narcolepsy is reported [2]. An immunological pathogenesis for the lack of hypocretin neurons in narcolepsy has been suggested in view of the tight association with the HLA-DQB1*0602 [3-4]. Recent findings including our research showed 16-26% of narcolepsy patients having #anti-tribbles pseudokinase 2 (TRIB2) #autoantibody in their blood [5-7]. However, it remains to be clarified whether or not causal relationship exists between anti-TRIB2 autoantibody and narcolepsy. TRIB2 is highly expressed not only in hypothalamic hypocretin neurons but also in visceral fat [8].

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Journals on Medical Informatics - BJSTR Journal


We have observed a paradigm shift in #healthcare information management over the past few years, activated by the birth of #electronic medical records and medical informatics. This new world of electronically entered, stored, and exchanged medical information has addressed many of the shortfalls of the world of folders and paper medical records. This shift in information management is ongoing, with a focus now on the new focus on accountable, affordable, high quality and #patient-centric healthcare. These include massive/large scale adoption of electronic health records by governments, hospitals and #physicians to full digitization of patient records. If there is any single factor which unifies all these healthcare trends, it is Big Data - the huge gaps faced by the industry in converting unstructured information into meaningful business intelligence.

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Journals on Vaccination - BJSTR Journal


In the mid1980s, Williams and his colleagues at the Harvard School of #Dental Medicine (HSDM), and Golub and his group at Stony Brook University (SBU), addressed the importance of the Host Modulation Therapy (HMT) in #periodontal disease by demonstrating
a) that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or #NSAIDs such as #flurbiprofen can inhibit alveolar bone loss in animal studies and in human clinical trials [1-4] and
b) that #Tetracyclines, by NON-antibacterial mechanisms can inhibit host-derived #Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and osteoclast activity to suppress collagenase and bone resorption, processes essential for periodontal and other (e.g., Rheumatoid arthritis) diseases [5-7].

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Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Journals on Neuro Imaging - BJSTR Journal


Controlled drug delivery systems such as the stimulation-based #biomaterial scaffolds for sequestration and release of drugs offer safety and regulated therapeutic approach. In this study, the drug: #para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) was absorbed into a crosslinked chitosan and #poly(caprolactone) (PCL) #hydrogel and its release kinetics quantified under different conditions. It was experimentally-observed that the higher the pH (or the more basic the pH), the slower the PABA saturation release trended over time. At the acidic environment of pH 4, PABA was released the fastest, and enhanced by the degradation of #chitosan-PCL gel. When a constant electric current of 0.6 mA as applied, PABA release was induced at pH 10. However, at pH 7, PABA was stably-bound to the #chitosan-PCL matrix, with or without the external current. 

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Journals on Medical Microbiology - BJSTR Journal


#Medicine has been translating into personalized and #precision medicine based on individual #genetic, environmental and clinical characteristics, and lifestyle. The biobank is an essential infrastructure for the successful implementation of personalized and precision medicine. Recently, researches for development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology for personalized and precision medicine are actively being conducted, however research to utilize AI in biobanking is not noticeable. This article presents current issues in the biobank and the future possibilities of AI in #biobanking.

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Journals on Biomedical Engineering - BJSTR Journal


#Micronutrients and #electrolytes deficiencies are prevalent among HIV-infected populations. The use of Highly Active #Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) on the other hand has been shown to increase the life expectancy of HIV infected individuals. The present study was designed to determine the effects of HAART on some #serum micronutrients and #electrolytes concentrations in HIV positive patients attending Emuoha General Hospital, Emuoha Local Government Area, River State, Southern Nigeria, six months post-therapy. A cohort of 163 patients comprising 111 HIV Positive subjects (25 males and 86 females) and 52 apparently healthy HIV negative controls (11 males and 41 females) were recruited for this study.

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Monday, June 24, 2019

Journal on Medical Genetics - BJSTR Journal


It has been extensively investigated that the association between vitamin D deficiency and adverse outcomes in diseases with pregnancy, including preeclampsia. The #dysregulation of #microRNA expression in placenta with #preeclampsia had also been reported in many studies. However, the association of vitamin D deficiency and dysregulation of microRNA in the #placenta had been rarely reported. In our manuscript, we aim to shortly review the existing literature regarding the #vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy, the factors associated with vitamin D deficiency, and the association of vitamin D with microRNA in preeclampsia.

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Journals on Biomedical Engineering - BJSTR Journal


#Pancreatic Tuberculosis is a rare entity. Here we present an interesting case of pancreatic tuberculosis which was initially falsely diagnosed as pancreatic cancer due to the imaging characteristics. Tissue culture from the lesion later grew #Mycobacterium Tuberculosis thus diagnosing Tuberculus Pancreatitis. A 41-year-old female came to the clinic with a chief complaint of pain in abdomen and later had nausea and vomiting for 2 weeks. There was no fever. The patient was initially seen in another hospital where she was diagnosed with #pancreatic carcinoma and referred for further management. The only significant physical sign was #abdominal tenderness from past 3 weeks.

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Medical and Medicinal Journal - BJSTR Journal


#Renal glucosuria (RG) is a disorder of #proximal tubular glucose transport, characterized by abnormal urinary excretion of glucose in the absence of impaired glucose metabolism. In some affected families, RG is caused by #homozygosity or compound #heterozygosity of mutations in the SCL5A2 gene, encoding the renal-specific sodium/glucose cotransporter 2. Some children are detected as urine glucose positive with no evidence of #hyperglycemia in a screening program at school, and are diagnosed as having RG. We found about 30% of Japanese school students with a positive result at a urine glucose screening program at school was diagnosed with diabetes. On the other hand, the others, almost 70% of cases, with positive urine glucose was finally identified as having RG with no evidence of glucose intolerance in the detailed examination. They had a strong family history of RG. We conclude that RG may be not rare, but a frequent condition with #glucosuria among Japanese school children.

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Sunday, June 23, 2019

Journals on Medical Drug and Therapeutics - BJSTR Journal


Medical doctors due to economic considerations of the pharma-industry and the #flexibility of the human organization prescribe medicines with certain approximation. No patient will treated with daily 4 or 6 mg #enalapril, but with the available 5 mg tablets. And the patient, independently of his/her actual age, height or weight, will reach the targeted blood pressure value. If not, dose will be increased according to the scale of dosage forms of the particular main ingredient. Contrarily, for an #anaesthesiologists, who has to dosage the anaesthetics according to the actual body weight, would some inaccuracy of body weight make problem. However, in this case the anaesthesiologist has to consider the obesity, maybe based on the patients body mass index (BMI) as well because of the different #pharmacokinetic parameters of the drugs in fat mass and lean body mass [1]. In this particular situation the BMI becomes an important factor.

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Journals on Medical Casereports - BJSTR Journal


#Testicular toxicity accounts for about 50% of #infertility cases in men. Though, there are several approaches to detect the toxicity, the histopathological study of alterations occurred in the #seminiferous tubules appear to be the most accepted, sensitive and direct marker of testicular toxicity. However, an appropriate understanding of the process of #spermatogenesis and its hormonal regulation is necessary to employ the histopathological techniques for the evaluation of testicular toxicity. Further, for most accurate evaluation of testicular toxicity, other key reproductive endpoints must also be considered to know the underlying cause and nature of suppression of spermatogenesis. The present article reviews the #conventional histopathological and recent biochemical and molecular techniques available as biomarkers to assess the testicular toxicity.

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Journals on Cancer Medicine - BJSTR Journal


Significance of various types of diets for the organism in #health and disease is well known. For example, Mediterranean diet is usually associated with longevity of Mediterranean region inhabitants. On the other hand, intake of poor-quality food products is accompanied with development of acute and #chronic diseases of #gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is understandable why ancient doctors used to place emphasis on diets. Nowadays these beliefs evolved into scientific fields substantiating importance of diets’ heat value, optimal content of proteins, fats, #carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, etc. Unfortunately, the increase of knowledge in this scientific area is accompanied with the growth of morbidity, which is directly or indirectly connected with intake of food products; also medical expenses on treatment of these patients grow [1,2]. The search for “morbidity quality food intake” revealed 2460 articles in PubMed on July 21, 2018. The authors have chosen contentious topic among the range of problems in this field: the functional significance of extrusion #food products in the scope of increasing consumer interest, especially in children and teens.

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Friday, June 21, 2019

Journals on Biomedical Science - BJSTR Journal


Objective: To determine the #immunolocalization and cellular expression of #adenosine triphosphate-binding cassette (ABC) proteins viz. #breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP) and multidrug resistance protein 1 (MDR1) in canine mammary tumour (CMT), as well as to correlate their expression with the #histological subtypes and grades of CMT with a view towards therapeutic implications.
Methods: Fifty-three cases of malignant CMT were included in the study. The histological sections taken from archived paraffin blocks were subjected to histopathology and imunohistochemistry for sub-typing, grading, immunolocalization and cellular expression of BCRP and MDR1 and their interrelation.
Results: Both BCRP and MDR1 were mainly immulocalized in cellular membranes and to a lesser extent in the cytoplasm of the cancerous epithelial cells and #stromal connective tissue. #Carcinosarcomas followed by carcinomas and sarcomas revealed decreasing expression of both BCRP and MDR1 proteins. A positive and an inverse correlation between BCRP and MDR1 expression, respectively was observed with the increasing grade of CMT.

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Multiple Sites Fat Removal Leads to Mild Lipid Metabolism Disorders and Insulin Resistance in C57BL/6J Mice

  Multiple Sites Fat Removal Leads to Mild Lipid Metabolism Disorders and Insulin Resistance in C57BL/6J Mice Introduction Obesity has been ...