Friday, August 30, 2019

Journals on Biomedical Science - BJSTR Journal


Dandruff and underarm #malodor are caused by microorganisms. Personal hygiene products containing various types of antimicrobial agents are used to relieve this condition, but the effect is not long-lasting. In this study, we tried to maintain the antimicrobial effect for a long time by covalently binding the antimicrobial component to the hair shaft. #Antimicrobial activity against dandruff strains, underarm malodor associated bacteria, and skin microbial strains were evaluated using hair fixed with antimicrobial agents. The hair shaft covalently bonded of the QAC showed antibacterial activity against all tested bacteria. Although the #antibacterial effect was slightly decreased after 5 washes, it was confirmed that the antibacterial effect still remained. The results of this study may be applied to personal hygiene products such as shampoos and deodorants that act as antimicrobial agents to prevent and alleviate dandruff and axillary odor.Dandruff is the most common scalp condition that is often accompanied by itching and #erythema [1]. The complex causes of dandruff include excess sebum secretion from the sebaceous glands, hormonal imbalance, and excessive proliferation of #Malassezia species in the scalp. The viable numbers of these yeasts reportedly increase 1.5-2-fold in numbers when dandruff is present [2].

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Journals on Emergency Medicine - BJSTR Journal


One of the serious complications associated with the inferior wisdom teeth removal is the injury to the #inferior alveolar nerve (IAN), and the subsequent sensation impairment in the area corresponding to the terminal branches of the nerve. Some authors report that the IAN injury during surgery occurred in 0.5 up to 8.4% of cases [1-3]. The sensation impairments are usually temporary; only in less than 1% cases these changes may be permanent [4]. Rarely, taste disturbance could occur after local IAN #anesthesia, because of the local #anesthetic (LA) on the chorda tympani nerve [5, 6]. Haas DA et al. [7] reported that nerve injury can also occur after nonsurgical procedures [7]. The cause is not known, but it can be one or a combination of several factors, including: the #traumatic injury to the nerve by direct puncture with the needle, #hemorrhage in the nerve sheath, hydrostatic pressure during injection, potential #neurotoxic effect of LA itself [8] or a #hematoma pressuring on the IAN [9]. The permanent IAN injury caused by LA injection was reported in 0.0001 to 0.01% cases, and was the second most frequent cause, after the removal of the third molar [10].The peripheral nerve sensory impairments are likely to be persistent when the following conditions are associated: the injury is severe, the patient is older, the therapy is delayed, and the injury is closer to the nerve cell body [11].

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Journals on Medical Microbiology - BJSTR Journal


The atherosclerosis is a complex #pathological process that influences lipid deposition in the intima of middle- and large-sized arteries. AMP- activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a nutrient sensor that stimulates ATP production and fatty acid oxidation, but inhibits #lipogenesis. Moreover, AMPK plays a key role in regulating oxidative stress, inflammation and vascular smooth muscle cells de-differentiation involved in #atherosclerosis progression. Atherosclerosis is considered as one of causes of morbidity and premature disability in developed countries. Atherosclerosis is a complex chronic pathological disorder that affects many organs in human body causing #ischemia of brain, extremities or heart leading to infarction depending on vessel involved [1]. It is characterized by the #subendothelial accumulation of #fibrofatty deposits in the intima of large arteries. Atherosclerosis was formerly regarded as a bland lipid storage disease, but recent studies have illustrated the role of inflammation, oxidative stress, immune system and #endothelium on progression of atherosclerotic lesions [2]. Major risk factors for atherosclerosis involve #hypercholesterolemia, dyslipidemia, hypertension, diabetes, inflammation, smoking, obesity, old age and family history of heart diseases [3].

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Thursday, August 29, 2019

Journals on Medical Casereports - BJSTR Journal


Through the analysis of molecular biology, the relations between organisms and the evolutionary order of the species were inferred, not only through visual characteristics but also through genomic characteristics. Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) is a vital #micronutrient required by all organisms. In view of the importance of this coenzyme, this work analyzed the TPK gene of the #thiamine biosynthesis pathway in the evolution of terrestrial plants, using #phylogenetic analysis tools. Thus, by evaluating the variations in protein level of the TPK gene, it was possible to reflect the evolution of the large groups of plants, and even the #proximity between species, families and orders. Assuming that all organisms and their characteristics come from evolution, it is possible to determine, with comparative analysis, relationships between species. Therefore, studies of comparative and systematic biology classify species to obtain this understanding [1]. The first classifications were based on #morphological and environmental characteristics, thus relating ancestors and descendants and determining an order of known plant species [1]. On the other hand, molecular phylogeny is the most accurate way to classify species. 

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Journals on Regenerative Medicine - BJSTR Journal


Practical Considerations in #Pharmaceutical Production Scale-Up- This paper is meant to provide a high-level overview of the steps required to prepare the bulk drug substance API. From first-in-human and through each of the clinical trial stages and into commercialization, scale-up of formulation design is a natural part of pharmaceutical development. At each stage of process development, the batch size increases, from laboratory- scale batches that may be quite small to support #preclinical and early clinical stages, to pilot batches that are used in process development, and finally to the production-scale batches needed to support commercialization. Since phase 1 studies are generally first in human studies, they are the initial baseline for establishing the safety of the product in people. Because changes to product quality could affect patient safety, this paper focused on establishing a controlled manufacturing process and a set of analytical assays to detect any changes to the product which could potentially impact #patient safety [1]. In addition, a specific set of studies have also been discussed that also help to ensure patient safety during the phase 1 clinical trial.

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Journals on Emergency Medicine - BJSTR Journal


Purpose: study of #peculiarities of heart rate variability system in excellent athletes with different level of stress resistance. Material: 22 excellent athletes, members of the #Vietnamese National Team Karate in the research. The level of stress resistance (stress tolerance) was determined by the results of test called "Stress Test” The athletes were divided in two groups according to level of stress resistance. Were used the #cardiac monitor «Polar RS800CX» for studied of heart rate variability. Results: It revealed the increasing of level of stress resistance related with improving the system of autonomic regulation of heart rate in excellent athletes. This reflected by relaxation of level of tension and activation of #parasympathetic part of #autonomous nervous system. Were revealed the bigger meanings of LF/HF in athletes with average level of stress resistance for concerning to athletes of high level of stress resistance indicates the amplification of sympathetic and weakening of parasympathetic link of autonomic nervous system [1]. The athletes with high stress resistance level has high of level of heart rate variability and low of centralization of heart rate regulation for compared to athletes with average level of stress resistance.

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Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Journals on Medical Drug and Therapeutics - BJSTR Journal


The number of #patients suffering from damaged or diseased tissues has increased due to an aging population. The result has been a greater socioeconomic burden on society. For example, the United States alone spends 17.1% of its gross domestic product (GDP) on health care [1,2]. Hence, there is a pressing need to develop novel cost-effective methods for #tissue reconstruction using medical grade implants. Historically, such implants have been manufactured using traditional manufacturing technologies such as injection molding. Unfortunately, these technologies have certain drawbacks, namely they are often reserved for mass production due to the high initial costs involved and part design restrictions. Moreover, medical implants are often produced in generic sizes that are commonly based on an "average" patient. One solution to these problems is to manufacture patient-specific implants using #3D printing. This allows precise control of size, shape and geometry of the implant to better mimic native tissues [3,4]. Compared to traditional manufacturing, however, the 3D printing of medical implants is still in its infancy. Pro tempore, titanium alloys and #polyether ether ketone (PEEK) implants are sporadically manufactured using selective #laser sintering (SLS) printing technologies [5,6]. However, both titanium and PEEK have certain drawbacks.

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Journal on Medical Genetics - BJSTR Journal


Introduction: #Tricyclic antidepressants are used in multiple #psychiatric disorders such as depressive syndrome or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. #Acute intoxications by this drug if not treated in time, have a high mortality due to the cardiovascular effects that occur in the body.
Objective: Detect acute poisoning by tricyclic antidepressants with the analytical values in serum of patients who have symptoms compatible to establish treatment early.
Method: Review of the clinical history of patients who in the urine drug screening test were positive for tricyclic antidepressants and had a compatible electrocardiogram. Venous blood samples were processed in Cobas 6000 e501 (#Roche Dignostics) by the #homogeneous enzyme immunoassay technique.
Results: Differentiation in 3 groups of patients according to the plasma concentration values.
Conclusions: The quantification of the plasma concentration of tricyclic antidepressants offers additional information to confirm the diagnosis but not for the urgent treatment of these intoxicates because the free concentration of the drug is modified with pH or the individual variability.

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Journals on Biomedical Imaging - BJSTR Journal


Traditional medicines is the very large term and in includes the Varity of the topics from the herbs to the several other combinations, TK the traditional knowledge is the wide term and it includes the Varity of the topic from the art and the #agricultures, it is also known as the indigenous knowledge, the TK has its existence in the local communities, where the TK Passes from one generation to the another by the oral transmission of the knowledge from one generation to the another which was based on the long term experiences . TM is the term which is used for the locally available flora's for the treatment of the many kinds of the disorders, they includes the #Ayvervedic medicines, Chinese and japanned medicines and Korean medicines, siddha and the other unani and the homeopathic medicines. Here in this research article we are presenting some of the aspects of the genus #Anemonepulsitilla. The species is belonging to the family #Ranunculaceae, the genus is also known as the wind flower, Anemone word is taken from the Greek language and meaning of the genus is the wind flower The plant grows in the windy places. The genus grows in the alpine Himalayas, in the European country in the England and Siberia, the plant parts that is used is the flowering herb.

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Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Journals on Medical Microbiology - BJSTR Journal


Lebanon is a small country situated on the eastern border of the Mediterranean Sea. It is located in an area of never ending wars and conflict. It is also one of the leading middle eastern countries for medical tourism. The American University of Beirut Medical Center (AUBMC) is one of the biggest tertiary centers in the Middle East North Africa region. As a result, most of the major traumas that require microsurgical expertise, are referred to our center. The management of a patient presenting to us as a result of conflict is completely different from the management of a patient presenting, for the same procedure, in a first world country. Hence, our region and country require Plastic Surgeons that are well trained in Reconstructive #Microsurgery. In AUBMC, we aim to establish the first microsurgical training program in the region. Lebanon is a small country situated on the eastern border of the Mediterranean Sea. It has a surface area of 10452 Km2 and a total population of 6.1 million. Of these 6 million inhabitants, 4.1 million are citizens, and the remaining 2 million are refugees (Syrians and Palestinians) [1]. The medical level of the country is relatively advanced with 80 specialized plastic and reconstructive surgeons and around 600 specialized orthopedic and reconstructive #trauma surgeons [2]. The majority of the aforementioned, received high level of education and training in major and well renowned centers in Northern America and Europe [2].

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Journals on Clinical and Medical - BJSTR Journal


SiO2 films are deposited on microscopic glasses by dip- or spin coating using sol-gel produced starting solution. The morphology of the films is characterized by means of atomic force microscopy (AFM). The IR #spectroscopy proved the presence of Si-OH groups on the surface of the films. The films as substrates for red blood cells in the present of fluoro-4 are studied by fluorescent microscopy. The shape change of the red blood cells can be connected with the IEP of the SiO2 and the influence of the hydrophilic surface of the thin glass film. Under non-pathological conditions the human red blood cells (RBCs) can occur in different resting shapes - #stomatocytes with "moon like" shape, #discocytes with biconcave-disk shape, and #echynocytes with protrusions or spicules. The normal discocyte is able to transform to either stomatocytes or echinocytes by changing the environmental conditions. Among different agents causing the modification of the discocytes to echynocytes both the proximity to a glass surface and high pH can be pointed out [1-3].

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Monday, August 26, 2019

Journals on Cancer Medicine - BJSTR Journal


Background: The #AChE (acetylcholinesterase) is a #serine hydrolase responsible for terminating neurotransmission by hydrolyzing the acetylcholine released on synaptic cleft. Studies of AChE as a target of pesticide toxicity have yielded several practical outcomes and are the basis for constructing biosensors. These devices are primarily designed to determine and quantify the inhibition of AChE by toxic chemicals.
Objective: to construct a biosensor based on acetylcholinesterase from the brain of the Prochilodus brevis fish, and to use the same as #biomarker of agrochemicals that inhibit the enzyme.
Methods: Acetylcholinesterase was isolated from curimata fish brain (#prochilodus brevis) and partially purified using amonium sulfate precipitation followed by size-exclusion chromatography (ChE1). AChE from #curimata fish brain was directly immobilizes on the surface of glassy carbon electrode modified with multi-walled carbon nanotubes.

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Journals on Biomedical Imaging - BJSTR Journal


Background: #Surgical site infection (SSI) is the dominant cause of unplanned and potentially preventable hospital readmissions in surgical patients. The main objective of this study is to determine the risk factors of SSI among patients undergoing inguinal hernia operation.
Materials and Methods: We conducted a hospital-based case control study from March 30, 2017, to November 29, 2017, on a total of 176 patients undergoing #inguinal hernia operation in a public Hospital of Dhaka. We used a semi-structured questionnaire to collect data on patients' characteristics and a checklist containing three questions to identify the SSI.
Results: The mean age of the study population was 42 years among case group and 44 years among the control group. The multivariate analysis reflects the risk factors associated with SSI are age of above 35 years (OR= 3.84, CI=1.41-11.39), day-labor (OR= 3.032, CI = 1.23-7.79), employed (OR = 3.650, CI= 1.16-8.46), and having diabetes more than 5 years (OR= 4.160, CI= 1.54-13.26). We also found 5.7% of cases showed Methicillin Resistance Staphylococcus Aureus growth, and 58.0% of cases showed #Methicillin non- Resistance Staphylococcus aureus growth.
Conclusion: The identified risk factors for the SSI reflect a complex interaction among socio-demographic conditions. Although further study is warranted to validate these results, the #socio-demographic factors presented may be a useful tool to stratify patient risk of SSI.

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Journals on Medical Casereports - BJSTR Journal


#Dengue (DENV) and Zika virus (ZIKV) are very close relatives belonging to the Flavivirus family and thus share many structural and antigenic features, as well as their infectious cycle. Both viruses are transmitted to humans through mosquito bites mainly from #Aedes genus (Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus) [1], which have been expanded their habitats to an extent that half the World's population is now at risk of DENV/ZIKV infection. The most severe consequences of having either virus would be dengue shock syndrome which normally leads to death [2], or in the case of ZIKV, microcephaly in newborns from infected mothers and Gillian- Barre syndrome [3-4]. For DENV, it has been well documented that a second infection with a different #serotype, increases the chance of having the most severe dengue form, through a mechanism called antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) [5], a phenomenon which has not been related in ZIKV infection in patients previously exposed to DENV or other #Flaviviruses [6]. The fatal consequences, along with the lack of an effective treatment, have pushed forward a great effort from several research groups to develop vaccines against DENV, and it seems that some key learnings from DENV have accelerated the development for ZIKV vaccines. A vaccine candidate comprising a mixture of four populations of chimeric viruses, each for a different #DENV serotype (tetravalent), having the non-structural proteins from yellow fever virus and structural proteins from DENV, reached phase III clinical trial; unfortunately, the trial results were not as expected, since protection against DENV-2 was not good enough and most important, children that had not been infected with DENV before vaccination, were more susceptible to develop severe dengue symptoms in a subsequent DENV infection [7-8].

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Sunday, August 25, 2019

Journals on Medical drug and theraputics - BJSTR Journal


Author has been recently passed from a terrific experience when they started to clean the empty plot for making a house. It was seen a lot of # sanitary napkin and clothes used for menstrual period directly or wrapped in news papers was dumped in that open plot. It means even now no community planning and awareness in relation to sanitation and disposal of menstrual materials. #Menstrual hygiene management (MHM) relates to how girls and women manage their monthly period, and require access to information about menstruation, clean and safe menstrual absorbents, and amenities and facilities such as toilets and water, and waste management to maintain hygiene. In India, menstruation is surrounded by #myths and #misconceptions with a long list of "do's" and "don'ts" for women. Even though menstruation is a natural process, it is associated with misconceptions, #malpractices and challenges among women in developing countries. Menstruation has always been surrounded by different perceptions throughout the world. Nowadays, there is some openness toward menstruation, but differences in attitude still persist between different populations [1] There are many taboos like menstruating women is prevented from going to temple, to cook food, to attend weddings, etc. There is limited knowledge and many #misconceptions about menstruation among women in India. This usually leads to undue fear, anxiety, and undesirable practices [2]. It was observed in our study that lack of infrastructure to dispose of used cloths and pads is the main cause for practicing the cloth in place of disposable pads because it was found easy to use and wash the cloth with soap after use. In our study regarding the method of disposal of the used material, most of the women (56.75%) reused cloth pieces and only 41.5% women have knowledge regarding properly disposed the used material. Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) is a challenging issue among women and girls. Until now, issues about menstruation have been considered taboo and an abomination in several cultures and societies.

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Journal on Infectious Diseases - BJSTR Journal


With the development of surgical methods and pharmaceutical preparations, more patients with benign end-stage lung disease can receive treatment of lung transplants. Not only the number of surgeries has increased to 4,000 per year, but also the survival time has been growing longer. Ten years ago, a lot of medical experts thought that post-transplant #lymphoproliferative disease was a rare disease, but this disease has received more and more attention because of increasing of surgeries. PTLD is a serious and rare post-transplant complication. Compared with other organ transplants, the incidence of heart, lung, and heart lung transplantation is extremely high. The 5-year survival rate is 29%, and the median survival period is 10month. Risk factors for morbidity are related to the use of #immunosuppressive agents, viral infections, type of transplanted organ, gender, age et al. This article will describe the incidence, risk factors, #pathogenic mechanism, treatment methods and latest research progress of lymphoproliferative diseases after lung transplantation recently by providing new ideas on hotspots. Lung transplantation is the only effective way to treat benign lung disease of end-stage. #Vladimir performed lung transplant surgery on animals for the first time 70 years ago epically [1]. Soon after, Hardy did the first human lung transplantation 12 years later [2]. But patient only lived 42 days after the transplant by limiting to the development of surgical techniques and drugs. The emergence of #immunosuppressants represented by #cyclosporine (CsA) in 1983 significantly pulled the survival rate after lung transplantation to a new level. Afterwards, the median survival time after transplantation can reach 5.3 years [3]. Nowadays there are about 4,000 lung transplants per year, including 200 in China. Most of medical experts initially thought that Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders (PTLD) was a rare disease, which was been known as a mega misunderstanding presently by discovering from the results of research in the last decade and the increase in surgical patients as well. Immunosuppression and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection are two the most relevant risk factors about PTLD [4]. This article will elaborate advances in research on posttransplant #lymphoproliferative disorders after lung transplantation in recent years and put forward prospects at the same time.

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Journals on Biomedical Engineering - BJSTR Journal


The article highlights some significant trends in use of textile materials in medicine. The kinetics of swelling and drug release of composite wound dressing material in various pH buffer solutions has been studied by simulating the pH range of wounds. Composite dressing material is prepared by grafting #polyacrylic acid-co-acrylamide hydrogel on the cotton fabric using polyethylene glycol as cross-linking agent. Natural dyes have been extracted from camphor plant (#Cinnamomum camphora) dry leaves in alkaline medium and are then applied onto silk fabric by exhaust dyeing process. Properties such as ultraviolet protection, antimicrobial property, colour strength values, and colour fastness of the silk dyed using plant extract have been investigated. Over the past few decades, a number of research groups have been working on strategies to promote the wound healing process and the development of wound dressing materials. An ideal wound dressing should meet the following criteria such as debridement, retention of moist wound environment, low adherence, prevention of infection and absorption of blood and #exudates, etc. Different types of materials, such as #hydrogel, hydrocolloid, alginate and silicone gel have been used to produce the modern dressings [1,2]. The dyes/colorants obtained from natural sources like plants, animals and minerals are termed as natural dyes [3]. Synthetic dyes are more toxic, non-biodegradable, allergic, and not environmentally friendly as compared to natural dyes [4]. Natural dyes are consumed 10,000 tone's per year which is equal to 1% of the total world synthetic dyes consumption [5,6]. Petrochemical source is the origin of synthetic dyes and some of these dyes contain harmful carcinogenic amines [7]. Germany has banned the production of azo dyes because of their severe harmful effects on living organisms [8]. Natural dyes of some plants not only dye with unique and elegant colours, but can impart antibacterial, deodourising and #ultraviolet protective properties to fabrics [9].

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Friday, August 23, 2019

Journal of Biomedical Research and Review - BJSTR Journal


#Oral candidiasis is an opportunistic infection of the oral cavity caused by the overgrowth of Candida species, usually of C. albicans. Candida species are present as #commensal organisms of the oral micro biota in about 20-60% of normal human population. The present article discusses about most common fungal infection of the oral cavity. The genus Candida belongs to yeasts. It is also the most common cause of opportunistic mycoses worldwide. It is a frequent colonizer of human skin and mucous membranes [1]. Candida is a member of normal flora of skin, mouth, vagina, and bowel. In addition to being a colonizer and a pathogen, it is found in the environment, particularly on leaves, flowers, water and soil. The genus Candida includes around 154 species. Among these, six are most frequently isolated in human infections. While Candidaalbicans is the most abundant and significant species, Candida tropicalis, #Candidaglabrata, Candida parapsilosis, Candida krusei, and Candida lusitaniae are also isolated as causative agents of Candida infections. Importantly, there has been a recent increase of infections due to non-albicans Candida spp., such as Candida glabrata and #Candida krusei. In the mouth, the primary site where C. albicans is located is the dorsum of tongue, while other places such as tooth surfaces covered with plaque are less commonly colonized.

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Journals on Vaccination - BJSTR Journal


#Fetal nucleated cells within #maternal blood represent a potential source of fetal genes obtainable by venipuncture. In our previous study, we have enriched CD45-CD71+ cells from maternal blood. To confirm the potential usefulness of our method, we analyzed the origin of the enriched CD45-CD71+ cells using a real-time #polymerase chain reaction (PCR) system. The SRY (sex-determining region Y) gene was detected only in cells extracted from the blood of the pregnant woman with the male fetus. The relative dose of the SRY gene to the TFRC (transferrin receptor) gene was 0.001, indicating that 99.9% of the separated cells were from the mother and only 0.1% were of fetal origin. Our method using MACS technology was insufficient to analyze the fetal genome, #methylome, or transcriptome, as some additional enrichment is needed, such as single cell technology. Fetal nucleated cells within maternal blood represent a potential source of fetal genes obtainable by venipuncture. An analysis of nuclear red blood cells (NRBCs) in pregnant woman is believed to be useful for understanding prenatal fetal status. However, the extreme scarcity of fetal cells puts strong demands on sensitivity and specificity. We have effectively used a simple MACS technology without #density gradient centrifugation or lysis of RBCs [1].

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Journal on Medical Casereports - BJSTR Journal


#Haemolytic-uremic syndrome is a rare but serious condition, which is featured by the triad of: acute renal failure, #microangiopathic haemolytic anemia and #thrombocytopenia associating with viral or bacterial etc. etiologies. However, we present an unprovoked case of HUS in a 2-year-old male case.
#Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS) is a rare life-threatening disorder. It is recognized by hemolysis, thrombocytopenia, and acute renal failure. Organs comprising the brain, intestines, pancreas, heart, and lungs might be influenced and damaged during the condition, [1-4]. It is frequently precipitated by gastroenteritis but provoked by bacterial or viral infection especially in pediatric cases. An etiological review of previous reported cases with HUS will be given in the following as well [3-5]. Even if we dedicated attention on HUS risk related with bacterial/viral infections, we identified a 2-year-old male baby compatible with HUS features, most probably without any potential known endo/exogenous triggers whose interesting report will be narrated as below.We are reporting the case of a 2-year-old male #Caucasian baby who was hospitalized with 8 days history acute severe watery diarrhea gradually reduced into a bloody low-volume diarrhea, accompanied with vomiting, intermittent fever and weakened general condition but no coriza symptoms; unresponsive to home-administered medication-ibuprofen, acetaminophen except for fever. He was born from a consanguineous marriage with no significant past medical history. At the time of admission, his physical examination revealed pale skin, dry lips, decreased skin turgor, no #pharyngeal hyperemia, no budging fontanel, respiratory rate of 28 breaths per minute, blood pressure (BP): 67 / 50mmHg, heart rate (HR) of 122 beats per minute (bpm), food refusal, and bloody stools.

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Thursday, August 22, 2019

Journals on Medical Microbiology - BJSTR Journal


There are over 264 million dairy cows worldwide, producing nearly 600 million tonnes of milk every year. The global average for milk production is approximately 2,200 litres per cow (FAOstat 2012). Around 12.5% of world's #cattle population is present in India with a total cow population of 122.9 million and out of which 19.42 million is exotic/crossbred milch cattle (Livestock census, 2007). As per reports of occurrence of mastitis in dairy animals, it stands at first position because prevalence of mastitis had been reported more than 90% in high yielder crossbred dairy cows [1]. Mastitis is an inflammatory condition of the mammary gland irrespective of causes. It is characterized by physical, chemical, and microbiological changes in the milk and pathological changes in glandular tissues of the mammary gland. According to their epidemiology, mastitis pathogens can be divided into contagious and environmental. The primary reservoir of contagious pathogens is an infected udder whereas a contaminated environment is the primary reservoir of pathogens causing environmental mastitis [2]. #Streptococcus agalactiae, #Staphylococcus aureus and #Mycoplasma spp. are considered as typical contagious pathogens. Typical environmental pathogens are so-called environmental streptococci (Streptococci other than S. #agalactiae such as #Streptococcus uberis; #enterococci), Enterobacteriaceae and coagulase-negative staphylococci [3]. The leading organism is #Staphylococcus aureus, producing acute suppurative, gangrenous, or chronic mastitis depending on the infecting strains. Generally, mastitis can appear in two forms i.e., clinical or overt and sub- clinical or hidden [4]. Sub-clinical mastitis is 15-40 times more prevalent than clinical mastitis and causes high economic losses in most dairy herds. S. aureus is a significant cause of food borne diseases (FBD), causing an estimated 241,000 illnesses per year in the United States [5] FBD impose a great economic burden, accounting for $50-$80 billion annually in "health care costs, lost productivity, and diminished quality of life" in the United States [6,7]. It is estimated that each case of Staphylococcal food borne disease (SFD) costs $695, representing a total cost of $167,597,860 annually in the United States [6].
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Multiple Sites Fat Removal Leads to Mild Lipid Metabolism Disorders and Insulin Resistance in C57BL/6J Mice

  Multiple Sites Fat Removal Leads to Mild Lipid Metabolism Disorders and Insulin Resistance in C57BL/6J Mice Introduction Obesity has been ...